302.03 - Responsibilities and Duties-Director of Curriculum and Shared Curriculum Personnel

302.03 - Responsibilities and Duties-Director of Curriculum and Shared Curriculum Personnel

The Director of Curriculum shall, subject to the policies of the Board of Directors and regulations set forth by the Superintendent, perform such tasks and assume such responsibilities as designated by the Superintendent.

Any Shared Curriculum personnel shall:

  1. Subject to the policies of the Board of Directors and regulations set forth by the Superintendent, perform such tasks and assume such responsibilities as designated by the Superintendent.
  2. Keep abreast of changes and developments in the profession by attending professional meetings, reading professional journals and other publications and discussing problems of mutual interest with others in the field.
  3. Work with Director of Curriculum to coordinate the development, revision, and alignment of curriculum. 


 (December 17, 1979; September 20, 2010; July 9, 2012, June 20, 2016; April 23, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Wed, 05/27/2020 - 12:36