306.01 - Job Descriptions and Evaluation Instruments

306.01 - Job Descriptions and Evaluation Instruments

The Board will conduct an ongoing evaluation of the Superintendent’s skills, abilities, and competence.  The Board shall adopt an evaluation procedure and instrument to assure that the Superintendent of schools is evaluated annually by the Board of Directors.  The goal of the Superintendent’s formal evaluation is to ensure the education program for the students is carried out, promote growth in effective administrative leadership, clarify the Superintendent’s role, clarify the priorities of the Board, and develop a working relationship between the Board and the Superintendent.

The Superintendent will conduct an ongoing evaluation of other administrators’ skills, abilities, and competence.  The goal of any administrator’s formal evaluation process is to ensure that the educational program for the students is carried out, student learning goals of the school district are met, promote growth in effective administrative leadership for the school district, clarify the administrator’s role as defined by the Board and the Superintendent, ascertain areas in need of improvement, clarify the immediate priorities of the responsibilities listed in the job description, and develop a working relationship between the Superintendent and the administrator.

The superintendent shall develop an evaluation instrument for every district administrative position other than that of Superintendent.  Changes in evaluation instruments shall be provided to the Board at a regular board meeting under correspondence prior to their being effective.  Evaluation instruments reported to the Board will be placed on Board agenda for review if any member desires.  When these evaluation instruments are reported and not requested for review by the Board, they shall be considered accepted by the Board. Items listed on evaluation instruments and accepted by the Board, shall be considered the official evaluation criteria for the position(s).

A binder or other compilation of all administrative job descriptions and evaluations shall be maintained in the central office and copies shall be furnished to members of the Board upon request.



 (June 23, 1986; September 20, 2010; July 9, 2012, June 20, 2016; April 23, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Wed, 05/27/2020 - 12:48