803.06 - Payroll Deductions

803.06 - Payroll Deductions

Payroll deductions shall be authorized by the Board of Directors as set forth by federal and state law and may be authorized by the Board of Directors for such other reasons as may be deemed advisable.

The following requirements shall be followed when applying for a payroll deduction:

  1. Organizations, companies, or individuals desiring the institution of a salary deduction plan must submit a desired plan to the Board of Directors for advanced approval.
  2. Employees requesting a payroll deduction must have the organization or companies file a statement verifying that they are licensed to do business in the State of Iowa.
  3. The Business Office shall be given thirty (30) days notice of the institution or termination of a salary deduction by an individual.
  4. Deductions are to be withheld in equal installments with the number of pay periods included in the employee’s pay year.
  5. Employees are limited to one (1) change in payroll deductions per quarter.
  6. All salary deductions other than those regulated by federal or state government will be deducted only upon written approval of the employee.
  7. Companies selected for payroll deductions must provide the district with a monthly billing.
  8. The total number of deductions permitted by an employee will be limited by the capacity of the district bookkeeping system.

The Board of Directors authorizes within the above regulations, salary deduction plans for health, accident, and major medical insurance; tax sheltered annuities; child support; court orders; Section 125 contributions; and deductions specifically approved by the district. 



(May, 1975; July 15, 1991; February 24, 1997; July 7, 2003; July 18, 2011; June 23, 2014; February 4, 2020)


dawn@iowaschoo… Wed, 05/27/2020 - 13:23