601.01 - School District Instruction Organization

601.01 - School District Instruction Organization

The school district offers an education program for grades Kindergarten through twelve.  The school district may offer an education program for preschool and/or Alternative Kindergarten (AK).  The levels of instruction are organized by the following levels:

  • Grades preschool through fourth shall be considered the Elementary School students;
  • Grades fifth through eighth shall be considered the Middle School students;
  • Grades nine through twelve shall be considered High School students.

Students may attend different attendance centers to meet individual learning needs such as accelerated learning or alternative education.



(April 20, 1981; April 17, 1989; May, 2002; July 7, 2003; September 20, 2010; January 17, 2011, July 9, 2012, August 18, 2014; January 19, 2015; October 21, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:31