602.05 - Citizenship Education

602.05 - Citizenship Education

Educating students for responsible citizenship is a role of public schools.  As part of the education program, students will have an opportunity to learn about significant components of responsible citizenship including, but not limited to, the following:

  • the history of the United States of America;
  • the democratic principles of freedom, justice, and equality;
  • the development of our democratic form of government;
  • the necessity of citizen participation in political process to maintain a democratic form of government;
  • our heritage – including customs, traditions, rituals, and symbols of allegiance to our country (including proper etiquette);
  • our nation’s responsibilities in a global society.

This knowledge is reinforced by appropriate ceremonies and observances which aid students in the development of their interpretations of patriotism and citizenship.  The opportunity to participate in patriotic ceremonies should be available on a regular basis to all students. 



(December 18, 1989; July 7, 2003, January 17, 2011; July 9, 2012; January 19, 2015; October 21, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 16:03