2021.12.22 Work Session

2021.12.22 Work Session





The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met in a Work Session on December 22, 2021 at the Elementary School, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Mandy Lekin, Penny Tyynismaa, Clint Werner, Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese. Absent: None. Quorum Present. Also present were: Jared Smith, Randy Denham, and several members of the community.

Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Werner to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.

Dr. Smith recapped the process and steps that have been taken over the last several months with the proposed Middle School Project. Dr. Smith also reviewed the presentation and recommendation that had been brought forth by the Task Force at the December 13 Board Meeting as well as the results of the most recent survey that had been sent out to the community.

The Board discussed the various repairs and renovations that would be needed at the Iowa Juvenile Home property as well as the concern for unknown repairs and renovations that could potentially occur. The Board discussed the IMEG engineering assessment from the previous Board Meeting and how some of the costs within that estimate were not included with the original budget estimate provided by Estes Construction.

President Lekin and Board Member Dolezal shared updates with the rest of the Board on conversations that they had with District Administration, Task Force Members, Toledo City Council, and representatives from Iowa Economic Development within the last week in regards to the District potentially moving forward with a Middle School project at the Iowa Juvenile Home property.

The Board reviewed the $25 million budget that had been presented by the Task Force and discussed whether that would be enough to cover the costs of the project due to all of the potential unknowns with taking the Iowa Juvenile Home property. The Board discussed concerns with the condition of the roof at the Iowa Juvenile Home and felt that the roof would need to be replaced as part of the renovation project. The Board also discussed some concerns with the sewer on the property and potential costs for repair. The pros and cons of using a Construction Manager versus a General Contractor for the Middle School project were discussed.

The Board asked Administration to reach out to Estes to get updated budget estimates for the Iowa Juvenile Home Property that would include costs to repair the roof. The Board also asked administration to work with the City of Toledo to do some preliminary telescoping of the sewer lines on the property to determine the condition of that system.

Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 p.m.  All Ayes.

________________________________            _________________________________

Mandy Lekin, Board President                             Randy Denham, Board Secretary    


rdenham@s-tama… Thu, 12/30/2021 - 15:35