2021.12.27 Special Session

2021.12.27 Special Session





The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met in a Special Session on December 27, 2021 at the Elementary School, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Mandy Lekin, Penny Tyynismaa, Clint Werner, Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese. Absent: None. Quorum Present. Also present were: Jared Smith, Randy Denham, and several members of the community.

Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Werner to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.

Public Comment: None

Mr. Denham reviewed the $25 million budget for a potential Middle School at the Iowa Juvenile Home that had been presented by the Task Force at the December 13 Board Meeting. Mr. Denham then provided an updated budget of $26 million that included the updated budget estimates that had been provided by Estes Construction. Mr. Denham explained that the updated budget was calculated using the same approach that the Task Force had used to come up with the original $25 million budget so that the Board could make reasonable comparisons of the two.

The Board discussed several needs that would have to be addressed at the Iowa Juvenile Home property as well as the additional items from the IMEG engineering assessment that were not included in the Estes Construction estimates. The Board discussed the budget for the project and how it would be financed. After a thorough review the Board determined that the budget for the Middle School Project be set at $26.8 million.

Motion by Werner, second by Wiese to approve the District to move forward with the petition process for a special election in March for the Middle School Project at the Iowa Juvenile Home property at a total budget of $26.8 million to be funded by $15 million in GO Bond Debt if approved by the voters in March, $9.8 million in sales tax revenue bonds, and $2 million in sales tax cash on hand. Roll Call Vote: Lekin – Aye, Tyynismaa – Aye, Werner – Aye, Dolezal – Aye, Wiese – Aye. The motion carried. 

Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Werner to adjourn the meeting at 5:34 p.m.  All Ayes.

________________________________            _________________________________

Mandy Lekin, Board President                             Randy Denham, Board Secretary    


rdenham@s-tama… Thu, 12/30/2021 - 15:36