2022.02.17 Work Session
2022.02.17 Work Session
The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met in Work Session on February 17, 2022 at the Elementary School, Tama, Iowa at 5:30 p.m.
On call of the roll the following were present: Mandy Lekin, Penny Tyynismaa, Clint Werner, Beth Wiese. Present through Google Hangouts: Elizabeth Dolezal. Absent: None. Quorum Present. Also present were: Randy Denham, Dr. Trent Grundmeyer and Roger Wilcox from Grundmeyer Leader Services, Darvin Graham from Tama-Toledo News Chronicle, and Marilyn Rippy.
Dr. Trent Grundmeyer and Roger Wilcox from Grundmeyer Leader Services provided an update to the Board on the number of applicants received so far for the Superintendent position. Dr. Grundmeyer gave a presentation to the Board that walked through the search process the Board will go through over the next month and half. Dr. Grundmeyer reviewed a community stakeholder survey with the Board that will be sent out on February 18 and will close on March 1. The Board discussed a tentative timeline for the search process. The Board set up future meeting dates on March 10 and March 22 to screen potential candidates and finalize interview committee groups. The Board and Dr. Grundmeyer tentatively set March 29 as the day that final candidates will be interviewed as long as schedules and facility availability allow.
Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. All Ayes.
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Mandy Lekin, Board President Randy Denham, Board Secretary