2024-25 Board Meeting Minutes

2024-25 Board Meeting Minutes kmathern@s-tam… Wed, 07/31/2024 - 15:08

2024.07.22 Regular Session

2024.07.22 Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on July 22, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Beth Wiese, Jackie Ellenbecker, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Jonathan Meyer with the Tama-Toledo News Chronicle, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - Board member, Rick Hopper, voiced his concern on the District’s goals for proficiency.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Thiessen to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the June 17, 2024 Regular Session, minutes from the June 25, 2024 Special & Work Session, bills for payment, District Career and Academic Plan (DCAP), Care Coordination Agreement for Certified Community Behavioral Health Center Services, and Scharnweber donation, in the amount of $1,000.00 for the high school sound system.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Superintendent Cain reviewed the year’s attendance and referral information with the Board.

Chelsea Ahrens, on Google Hangouts, gave the 2023-2024 annual activities report for the high school and middle school, including participation. 

The Board reviewed the open positions within the District.

Superintendent Cain asked the Board to review the Rural School Advocates of Iowa (RSAI) and Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) 2025 Legislative Issues Survey, as it will be brought back to the Board in August. 

Superintendent Cain provided the updated Extra & Co-Curricular Salary Schedule to the Board. 

An area of current focus is on the landscaping at the new middle school.  Denise Fletcher is heading up this area and the District would like to get the community involved. 

Superintendent Cain noted the Administration and Board Team will have a retreat on August 6th with Lou from IASB.  Teams from the high school and middle school have attended training July 17th & 19th related to student engagement.  Director of Curriculum, Janelle Pirkl and building administrators also attended this training.  At this time, we have not generated enough interest in moving forward with another PPEL vote in September 2024.  Our plan is to table these efforts until the middle school project is complete. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Pam Fowler - Middle School Main Dish Kitchen Staff, Donald Weiermann - Bus Route Driver, Tyler Fulks - Summer Help, Kallee Wall - Middle School Custodian, Amanda Husak - Cross Country Assistant Coach, and David Hanus - High School Custodian

Resignations:  Seth Jawitz - High School Special Education and Maria Aguilera - Elementary Paraeducator

Transfers:  Jenna Plum from Middle School Special Education Paraeducator to Middle School Interventionist

Officials:  Ryne Christopher - High School Softball

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the volleyball overnight request for July 23-25 to the Wisconsin Dells.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Wiese to approve the Activities Transportation Procedures, with the change of the definition of out of season.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the District-Developed Special Education Service Delivery Plan.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Certified Handbook as presented.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Wiese to approve the Classified Handbook as presented.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Parent/Student Handbook as presented, with anticipation of changes to the cell phone policy to be brought back to the Board.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Activities Handbook as presented.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

The Board took a 5-minute recess.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the following as Level I Investigators for 2024-2025:  Brad Schweppe, Jon Huebner, Anita Townsley, Ben Adams, Scott Bolen, Crystal Hass, Blake Wedeking, Robert Boley, Amy Karg, Dan Lopez, Dina Keahna, Samantha Peska, and John Cain (Level I Alternate).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve the Savvas quote, in the amount of $17,683.76, for Spanish curriculum.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Tanager invoice, in the amount of $7,500.00, for mental health support services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction COR #0076, in the amount of $15,040.15, for paging system revisions.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the Garling Construction COR #0078, in the amount of $6,310.54, for power to the sump pump controllers.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Garling Construction COR #0079, in the amount of $33,899.93, for fire alarm and strobe light changes.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Garling Construction COR #0080, in the amount of $13,705.55, for adding brake metal at precast for the aluminum windows.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Garling Construction COR #0081, in the amount of $5,011.13, for power to the elevator video phones and changes to the kiln disconnect switch.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Piper Sandler invoice, in the amount of $29,000.00, for municipal advisory services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Central Rivers Area Education Agency invoice, in the amount of $10,660.00, for 2nd semester work experience.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction pay application 10, in the amount of $1,113,150.64, for contractor services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $15,000.00, for construction administration/close-out.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Norton’s Greenhouse bid, in the amount of $6,448.00, for the new middle school landscaping (plants).  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the operational sharing agreement of the Director of Curriculum, with Grinnell - Newburg Community School District, for 20% of time.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve Lincoln Savings Bank, State Bank of Toledo, ISJIT, and WCF Financial as the District’s depositories for 2024-2025, with upper limits of $30,000,000, $10,000,000, $15,000,000, and $5,000,000 respectively.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve the Tama-Toledo Chronicle as the official District publication for the 2024-2025 school year.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Navigate360 quote, in the amount of $8,600.00, for curriculum and behavioral intervention for students and annual service and support fees for curriculum subscriptions.  This will be paid for out of the Stronger Connections Grant for two years.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the first reading of the following policies:  303.01 - Administrator/Director Positions, 303.02 - Administrator/Director Qualifications, Recruitment, and Appointment (formerly known as (FKA) 302.01, 303.01, 304.01, 305.01), 303.03 - Administrator/Director Contract and Contract Renewal (new), 303.04 - Administrator/Director Salary and Other Compensation, 303.05 - Administrator Duties (FKA 304.04), 303.06 - Administrator/Certified Director Evaluation (FKA 306.01), 303.07 - Administrator/Director Professional Development (FKA 304.03), 303.08 - Administrator/Director Civic Activities (new), 303.09 - Administrator/Director Consulting/Outside Employment ( FKA 306.02), 304.01 - Development and Enforcement of Administrative Regulations (new), 304.02 - Monitoring of Administrative Regulations (new), 306 - Succession of Authority to the Superintendent (FKA 306.04), and 705.04 R1 - Expenditures Public Purpose - Use of Public Funds Regulation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Ellenbecker to approve the second reading of the following policies:  300 - Role of School District Administration (new), 301.01 - Management (new), 302.01 - Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment (FKA 301, 301.01), 302.02 - Superintendent Contract and Nonrenewal (FKA 301.02), 302.03 - Superintendent Salary and Other Compensation, 302.04 - Superintendent Duties (FKA 301.04), 302.05 - Superintendent Evaluation (FKA 306.01), 302.06 - Superintendent Professional Development (FKA 301.03), 302.07 - Superintendent Civic Activities (new), and 302.08 - Superintendent Consulting/Outside Employment (new).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.    

Upcoming Events and Community Update:  On August 5, 2024 the Summer School Program kicks off. 

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                      Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Wed, 07/31/2024 - 15:09

2024.08.06 Work Session

2024.08.06 Work Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on August 6, 2024 for a work session at the Wieting Theatre Community Room, Toledo, Iowa at 4:30 p.m.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Jackie Ellenbecker, and Rick Hopper.  Quorum Present.  Beth Wiese arrived at 4:35 p.m. and Megan Thiessen was absent.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Jon Huebner, Janelle Pirkl, Amber Robson, Amy Karg, Ben Adams, Rob Boley, Scott Bolen, Chelsea Ahrens, Brad Schweppe, Sam Peska, Lou Ann Gvist (Iowa Association of School Boards) and Siobhan Schneider (Iowa Association of School Boards).

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

The Board, superintendent, district directors and school administration met to discuss three essential and timely topics the district is facing:  student discipline, chronic absenteeism, and student cell phone usage.  The Board-administrative staff team approached the discussion through the lens of policy development.  The Board discussed the big picture, key things they cared about, what they wanted to see in Board policy related to student discipline and student cell phone usage.  Then, the Board listened as administrative staff shared thoughts and questions related to implementation of Board policy in these areas.  Lastly, the Board and staff heard and discussed an update related to legislative requirements on chronic absenteeism.  The team briefly reviewed DE policy and talked through sections of the policy that are required by law and sections where the district could modify language to suit local needs.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                      Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Tue, 08/20/2024 - 12:17

2024.08.12 Regular Session

2024.08.12 Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on August 12, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Beth Wiese, Jackie Ellenbecker, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Jonathan Meyer with the Tama-Toledo News Chronicle, Dixie Forcht, Sam Peska, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - None

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the agenda with the addition of Internal Transfer of Sheri Berry from At-Risk Liaison to Title VI Liaison to action item J1. Personnel and action item J20.  COR 82R.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the July 22, 2024 Regular Session; bills for payment; iJAG Memorandum of Understanding; and Memorandum of Understanding between Child, Adolescent, & Parent Support and South Tama School District.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Superintendent Cain summarized the work session with the Administration and Board in regards to discipline, attendance, and cell phones.  The Board reviewed Lou Ann Gvist’s (IASB) letter summarizing the Board workshop. 

Sam Peska, Brad Schweppe (via Google Hangouts), Ben Adams (via Google Hangouts), and Rob Boley (via Google Hangouts), gave the Board updates on personnel and handbooks for each of their buildings.

The Board reviewed the open positions within the District.

Superintendent Cain asked the Board to review the Rural School Advocates of Iowa (RSAI) and Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) 2025 Legislative Issues Survey and select their options via electronic survey, as it will be brought back to the Board at the August 26th Board meeting for approval.

The District is partnering with community volunteers to beautify the new middle school campus with landscaping designed by our own community member, Denise Fletcher.  To support this initiative, the District is asking if community members are interested in sponsoring plants. 

Superintendent Cain told the Board to mark November 21, 2024 on their calendars for the IASB (Iowa Association of School Board) Annual Convention.  He reviewed the Administrative Team Problem Solving Protocol (Culturize Protocol):  Champion for Students, Expect Excellence, Carry the Banner, and Merchant of Hope.  The Administrative Team has crafted their beginning steps for ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) to roll out smoothly in every building.      

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Andrew Walton - Assistant 8th Grade Football Coach, Ryan Cassady - Assistant 7th Grade Football Coach, Jeff Niedermann - Head 8th Grade Football Coach, Nathan Doran - Head 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, Angelica Gomez - High School Concession Stand Manager (Fall/Winter/Spring), Margarita De la Torre - Middle School Kitchen Staff, Josie Purk - Partnership High School Behavior Interventionist/Liaison, and Amber Porter - Partnership High School Behavior Interventionist

Resignations:  Danielle Stubbs - K-6 Behavioral Interventionist, Lon Wilkerson - Head Varsity Girls Softball Coach, and Angela Bair - High School Special Education Teacher

Transfers:  Sheri Berry from At-Risk Liaison to Title VI Liaison

Volunteers:  Laura Ridout - Volleyball Coach

District PLC Leads:  Taylor Brown - CTE, Victoria Hamilton - ELL/World Language, Teresa Smith - Performing Arts, Nate VanDyke - PE/Health, Anita Townsley - School Counselors, and Nate Doran - Visual Arts

High School PLC Leads:  Deanna Zmolek - English Language Arts, Robert Tyynismaa - Mathematics, and Audrey Roth - Science

Middle School PLC Leads:  Amy Stotts - Literacy, Ashley Steven - Math, Paula Graves - Science, Travis McBride - Social Studies, and Ashley Raue - 5th Grade

Elementary School PLC Leads:  Maggie Jesina - Preschool, Jennifer Anderson - Kindergarten, Emeri Krueger - 1st Grade, Missy Jesina - 2nd Grade, Hana Kucera - 3rd Grade, and Hilary Port - 4th Grade

ESSA Elementary Leads:  Bailey Barnes, Emma Johnson, Kelli Smith, Samantha Boldt, Kelsea Anderson, Megan Rosenberger, and Madison Winkelman

ESSA Middle School Leads:  Amy Stotts, Ashley Steven, Paula Graves, Ashley Raue, and Jeanette Stacey

ESSA High School Leads:  Nate Doran, Dixie Forcht, Dustin Peska, Audrey Roth, and Deanna Zmolek

BLT Elementary Leads:  Jill Dilly, Natasha Becker, Amy Parizek, Leah Fonua, and Dawn Henley

BLT Middle School Leads:  Leti Babinat, Jessica Wilrkeson, Morgan McFate, Crystal Hass, and Ashley Steven

BLT High School Leads:  Emily Chyma, Dixie Forcht Kelle Johannsen, Dustin Peska, and Tammy Weiss

BLT Partnership High School Lead:  Brintley Elsbury

Elementary Building Data & Assessment Lead:  Rhonda Ricker

Middle School Building Data & Assessment Leads:  Leti Babinat and Levi Klopping

High School Building Data & Assessment Lead:  Dixie Forcht

District Special Education Leads:  Amy Wyatt, Jeanette Stacey, Kelle Johannsen, and Dustin Peska

Coach in Training:  Missy Jesina, Amy Wyatt, Megan Rosenberger, Emily Chyma, and Danny Mayo

Trojan Way Leads:  Anita Townsley, Paula Graves, and Emily Chyma

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Tyler Technologies invoice, in the amount of $20,977.60, for the annual transportation software subscription.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve S&P Global Ratings invoice, in the amount of $18,525.00, for analytical services rendered.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction pay application #11, in the amount of $2,603,401.37, for general contractor services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Preschool and Substitute Teacher Handbooks.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Cambium Assessment invoice, in the amount of $7,567.50, for English Language Proficiency Assessments.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the overnight trip requests for the 2024-2025 school year.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Wiese to approve the anticipated high school fundraisers for the 2024-2025 school year.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $18,028.08, for construction administration, commissioning - construction, and commissioning - reimbursables.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to deny the open enrollment request of K.B. due to not meeting state-mandated deadlines or good cause.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Ellenbecker to table the Park Planet quote, in the amount of $150,223.00, for new playground equipment at the new middle school.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Imagine Learning quote, in the amount of $12,825.00, for Imagine Language & Literacy Reusable License.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Extra Duty/Co-Curricular Schedule Updates as presented.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the Administrative Assistant mentorship, in the amount of $500 per semester.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Wiese to table the special education caseloads until they are completed after the start of school.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve a bonus for the special education teacher position at the Partnership that is shared with the Partnership High School Program and Trojan Academy Program and pay for the additional alternative assessments completed.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to appoint Katie Mathern as Board Secretary.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

President Dolezal administered the Oath of Office to Secretary Katie Mathern.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve Superintendent Cain putting together RSAI and IASB Legislative Recommendations for 2024-2025, sending a survey to Board members, and compiling the highly favored recommendations to bring back for approval at the August 26th Board meeting.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Grant Procedures forms and documents.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve Garling Construction’s COR 82R, in the amount of $9,853.20, for landscape edging and amend soil installation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the first reading of the following policies:  501.03 - Compulsory Attendance, 501.09 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy, 501.09 R1 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Regulation, 502.06 - Weapons, 502.07 - Student Substance Use, 503.01 - Student Conduct, 503.01 R1 - Student Conduct Regulation, 503.02 - Expulsion, 503.08 - Discipline Policy, and 503.08 R1 - Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve the second reading of the following policies:  303.01 - Administrator/Director Positions, 303.02 - Administrator/Director Qualifications, Recruitment, and Appointment (formerly known as (FKA) 302.01, 303.01, 304.01, 305.01), 303.03 - Administrator/Director Contract and Contract Renewal (new), 303.04 - Administrator/Director Salary and Other Compensation, 303.05 - Administrator Duties (FKA 304.04), 303.06 - Administrator/Certified Director Evaluation (FKA 306.01), 303.07 - Administrator/Director Professional Development (FKA 304.03), 303.08 - Administrator/Director Civic Activities (new), 303.09 - Administrator/Director Consulting/Outside Employment ( FKA 306.02), 304.01 - Development and Enforcement of Administrative Regulations (new), 304.02 - Monitoring of Administrative Regulations (new), and 705.04 R1 - Expenditures Public Purpose - Use of Public Funds Regulation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Ellenbecker to approve the second reading of the following policies:  300 - Role of School District Administration (new), 301.01 - Management (new), 302.01 - Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment (FKA 301, 301.01), 302.02 - Superintendent Contract and Nonrenewal (FKA 301.02), 302.03 - Superintendent Salary and Other Compensation, 302.04 - Superintendent Duties (FKA 301.04), 302.05 - Superintendent Evaluation (FKA 306.01), 302.06 - Superintendent Professional Development (FKA 301.03), 302.07 - Superintendent Civic Activities (new), and 302.08 - Superintendent Consulting/Outside Employment (new).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.    

Upcoming Events and Community Update:  On August 13, 2024 new teachers have orientation.  August 19th is the all-staff “Welcome Back.”  August 20, 2024 is parent night/open house.  August 23, 2024 is the first day of school.

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, August 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                      Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Fri, 08/23/2024 - 12:07

2024.08.26 Regular Session

2024.08.26 Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on August 26, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Beth Wiese, Jackie Ellenbecker, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Sam Peska, Jill Kienzle, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - None

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the agenda with the removal of action item #7.  City of Toledo Invoice.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the August 6, 2024 Work Session, August 12, 2024 Regular Session; bills for payment; Alliant Energy Commercial New Construction Rebate Proposal for South Tama Community School, Memorandum of Understanding Between Al Exito and South Tama Community School, and the 2024-2025 College Access & Success AmeriCorps Host Site Memorandum of Agreement.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

The Board had a final Student/Parent Handbook Discussion with administrators through Google Hangouts. 

Jill Kienzle, with Partners in Education (PIE), spoke about the Meskwaki Nation Apprenticeship Program, as they were unable to attend the meeting for the PIE plaque presentation.  She will give them the plaque personally.

The Board reviewed the open positions within the District.

Chelsea Ahrens, Activity Director, spoke via Google Hangouts, in regards to the “One Team” Campaign.  With this campaign, students embrace the support and commit to pursuing success.  They exhibit a willingness to spread support among their peers in all student activities.  South Tama has been selected as one of the 2025 Girls Wrestling Qualifying Sites for Class 2A.  Mrs. Ahrens will be meeting with Mayor of Toledo, Brian Sokol, as they are interested in utilizing the old middle school tennis courts for future projects, such as pickle ball courts and mini-pitches. 

The District is partnering with community volunteers to beautify the new middle school campus with landscaping designed by our own community member, Denise Fletcher.  To support this initiative, the District is asking if community members are interested in sponsoring plants. 

Superintendent Cain told the Board to mark November 21, 2024 on their calendars for the IASB (Iowa Association of School Board) Annual Convention. Beth Wiese was appointed to attend the delegate session at the Convention.  He reviewed preliminary enrollment numbers with the Board.  Lots of energy and learning occurred the first week of school.  Teachers and administrators were leading.        

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Tristan Henle - Elementary Kitchen, Amanda Husak - Assistant Individual Speech Coach, Alexia Hoffman - K-4 ELL Paraeducator, and Brooke Dollen - Dance Team Coach

Resignations:  Shawn Arey - Preschool Transportation Route and Karl Moeller - High School Custodian

Officials:  MS/HS Volleyball - Tiffany Thiessen, Keely Upah, Kennedy Thiessen, Eugene Ubben; High School Cross Country Starter - David Lee; HS Volleyball - Deidra Mohr, Dave Mohr, Gregory Davies, Daniel Rhine, Donald Anderson, Amy Dolash, Peter Cruz, Adonis Hill; MS/HS Football - David Nitz, Dan Johnson, Brian Murphy and Tyler Heeren; HS Football - Tom Kemper, Jay Freese, Craig Harrison, Joe Fontenot, Tim Frake, Dan Thomas, Mark Kenny, Logan Vannega, Norm Granger, Tracy Richmond, Stacy VanArsdale, Terrance Campbell, Mike Meyerhoff, Dave Roberts, Mike Vint, Chris Stimson, Joe Otten, Sam DeVilder, Kyle Bergmann, Terry Schneekloth, Ron Peiffer, Scott Fritz, Doug Yanacek, Dave Yanacek, Scott Zahnle, Tom Velky, Sean Bucheit, Chuck McNally, and Dustin Lutterman

Volunteers:  HS Volleyball - Laura Ridout; Speech, Play & Musical - Jowanda Love, Mary Fasse-Shaw, Jeff Shaw, Colleen Probasco, Dan Quigley, Tyler Moran, Taylor Moran; HS Band - Chris Link and Candi Link; HS/MS Wrestling - Dalton Rosenburg and Travis Smith; HS Boys Basketball - Mike Wedmore and Larry Fletcher; HS Gamers Night - Gustavo Chavarria; D&D Roleplaying Club & Esports - Nickolas Seitz; and Esports - Roman Hill

High School PLC Leads:  Craig Harrison

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the updated Tuition Reimbursement Form.  Ayes:  Dolezal, Wiese, Ellenbecker, and Thiessen  Nays:  Hopper The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve the updated Land Advancement Form.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to table the Park Planet quote, in the amount of $150,223.00, for new playground equipment at the new middle school. All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the MOC Position.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the IXL Learning quote, in the amount of $5,900.00, for IXL site license Grades 5-6 Math and Science and Grades 7-8 Math.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve Garling Construction COR #0084, in the amount of $9,166.68, to add LVT to area B.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Garling Construction COR #0086R, in the amount of $27,078.71, for changes to stairway ceilings.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction COR #0083R2, in the amount of $26,959.87, for adding concrete ramp detail, including railing.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve the CDW Education estimate, in the amount of $7,785.00, for Google Workspace for Education Plus for students and staff.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Thiessen to approve the Project Lead the Way, Inc. summary, in the amount of $6,909.75, for Project Lead the Way Gateway (6th-8th grade) consumables.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Middle School Clothing Fundraiser.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Wiese to approve Ahlers and Cooney as the District’s legal counsel.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Board’s selections for RSAI’s legislative priorities.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Board’s selections for IASB’s legislative priorities.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve a special education activity paraeducator position.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the first reading of the following policies:  405.02 - Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection, 411.02 - Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection, 501.01 - Resident Students, 501.02 - Nonresident Students, 501.04 - Entrance - Admissions, 501.05 - Attendance Center Assignment, 501.06 - Student Transfers In, 501.07 - Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals, 501.08 - Student Attendance Records, 501.11 - Student Release During School Hours (Option I or II).  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the second reading of the following policies:  501.03 - Compulsory Attendance, 502.06 - Weapons, 502.07 - Student Substance Use, 503.01 - Student Conduct, 503.01 R1 - Student Conduct Regulation, 503.02 - Expulsion, 503.08 - Discipline Policy, and 503.08 R1 - Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the third reading of policy 306 - Succession of Authority to the Superintendent (FKA 306.04).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Upcoming Events and Community Update:  Activities are starting this week. 

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                      Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Thu, 09/05/2024 - 13:21

2024.09.09 Regular Session

2024.09.09 Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on September 9, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Beth Wiese, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Jackie Ellenbecker was absent.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Steve McAdoo, Skyler Steveson, Taylor Brown, Desiray Popelka, Payton Aguilar, Berleen Wobeter, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - Berleen Wobeter spoke in regards to the STC football athletes and coaches, as well as the STC FFA leaders and members, and how they attended a funeral visitation.  She stated our students are caring, thoughtful, and capable of great compassion.  Kathy Wilkerson spoke about South Tama students having diversity in cultures, languages, and poverty levels and that realizing our students come from different backgrounds is a necessity.  STC’s diversity is our strength. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the agenda with the addition of action items #6.  Change Order Request 087 and #7.  Change Order Request 088, while moving those original items 6-13 to follow.   All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the August 26, 2024 Regular Session, bills for payment, Athletic Trainer Contract, and $2,000 donation from the Clothes Closet for 4th grade snacks.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Members of the Future Farmers of America group and their leaders presented on the District’s vocational agriculture program.  

The Board reviewed the open positions within the District.

Superintendent Cain informed the Board the plants at the middle school will be planted on October 2, 2024.  The new basketball court at the new middle school was poured incorrectly, so that will be removed and redone correctly.

The Board touched briefly on future Board presentations and what those would look like. 

The Board reviewed Bereavement Leave in the handbooks and will bring it back at a later date for changes. 

Superintendent Cain told the Board to mark November 21, 2024 on their calendars for the IASB (Iowa Association of School Board) Annual Convention.  Mr. Cain pulled the RSAI and IASB results together for legislative priorities, and they have been submitted.  The state is currently involved with the Waverly - Shell Rock requesting admittance to the WAMAC.  The state has yet to make the decision.  With the initial review of enrollment numbers, STC’s enrollment has declined from last year. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Madison Henriquez - Bus Driver Preschool Transportation Route & PM Route and Natasha Klar - Special Education Paraeducator

Resignations:  Shawn Arey - Preschool Transportation Route & PM Route, Tonia McBride - Color Guard Sponsor, David Wiese - Head Baseball Coach, and Dale Cruikshank - Middle School Assistant Boys Wrestling Coach

Transfer:  Troy Wanatee from Middle School Paraeducator to Transportation Paraeducator

Officials:  Middle School Football - Jon Reed and Michael Spurlin and High School Volleyball - Galen Hoodjer

Volunteers:  High School Football - Josh Bly and Marching Band Volunteer - Jessica Wilson Healy

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the City of Toledo invoice, in the amount of $4,543.20, for School Resource Officer expenses and Overtime expenses.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Lexia quote (option #4), in the amount of $8,800.00, for 200 Lexia Core5 Reading/PowerUp Literacy Student Subscription Renewals.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Nagle Signs Inc. proposal, in the amount of $2,160.01, for converting the ID sign to LED lighting.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction Change Order Request #0087, in the amount of $12,553.38, for smoke detection for magnetic hold opens.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction Change Order Request #0088, in the amount of $16,829.40, for added smoke detectors.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction Change Order Request #0089, in the amount of $27,835.08, for site lighting revisions.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to table the Garling Construction Change Order Request #0090, in the amount of $5,348.81, for power to the existing well field sump pump, per owners’ request.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to table the Garling Construction Change Order Request #0091, in the amount of $20,476.80, to replace lights in the existing tunnel, per owners’ request.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve Garling Construction Change Order Request #0094, in the amount of $28,040.64, for ADA toilets and insulation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve JRF Concrete, LLC. estimate, in the amount of $10,924.31, for concrete by concession stands.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction Pay Application #12, in the amount of $1,188,278.53, for contractor services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the SU Insurance Company invoice, in the amount of $43,748.50, for quarterly break/fix premiums.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the additional high school fundraisers:  Girls & Boys Soccer - Kickball Tournament (similar to the dodgeball tournament).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the Trio overnight trips to UNI and Omaha.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

The Board took a two-minute recess.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the first reading of the following policies:  503.01 - Education Records (FKA 505.01), 506.01 R1 - Education Records Access - Regulation (FKA 505.01 R1), 506.01 E2 - Education Records Access - Authorization for Release of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E3), 506.01 E3 - Education Records Access - Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E4), 506.01 E4 - Education Records Access - Request for Examination of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E2), 506.01 E5 - Education Records Access - Notification of Transfer of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E6), 506.01 E6 - Education Records Access - Letter to Parent Regarding Receipt of A Subpoena (new), 506.01 E7 - Education Records Access - Juvenile Justice Agency Information (FKA 505.01 E8), 506.01 E8 - Education Records Access - Annual Notice (FKA 505.01 E9), 506.02 - Student Directory Information (FKA 505.02), 506.02 E1 - Student Directory Information - Authorization for Releasing Student (FKA 505.02 E1), 506.02 R1 - Student Directory Information - Use of Directory Information (new), 506.04 - Student Library Circulation Records (FKA 502.08), 503.09 R1 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Regulation (new), 505.08 - Parent and Family Engagement District-Wide Policy, 505.08 R1 - Parent and Family Engagement District-Wide Policy - Building Level Regulation, and 103.00 - Long Range Needs Assessment.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the second reading of the following policies:  405.02 - Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection, 411.02 - Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection, 501.01 - Resident Students, 501.02 - Nonresident Students, 501.04 - Entrance - Admissions, 501.05 - Attendance Center Assignment, 501.06 - Student Transfers In, 501.07 - Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals, 501.08 - Student Attendance Records, 501.11 - Student Release During School Hours.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the third reading of the following policies:  501.09 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy and 501.09 R1 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Regulation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                      Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Mon, 09/23/2024 - 14:34

2024.09.20 Special Session

2024.09.20 Special Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on September 20, 2024 for a special session at the STC Administration Office, Tama, Iowa at 2:00 p.m.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Beth Wiese, Jackie Ellenbecker, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain and Amber Robson, as stand in as Board Secretary.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Superintendent provided information about decisions that needed to be made for Monday, September 23, 2024.  He opened the floor for questions and discussion.

Wiese asked about the AEA Crisis Team.  The AEA Crisis Team was notified and brought in immediately.  The AEA sent three counselors to the high school.  There was discussion about sending one additional person to the middle school but it was decided to see if this service would be needed at a later time.  Mr. Cain reached out to faith-based groups to also go to the high school for additional support.  Monday attendance for school guidance counselors is not required, so the AEA Crisis Team will be in attendance following the Celebration of Life for students and staff as needed.

Discussion was held pertaining to Monday, and Mr. Cain asked for guidance on the next set of decisions that needed to be made.  All activities will be canceled on Monday - no practices will be held.  The Monday night Board meeting will be rescheduled to Tuesday, September 24th, at 4:30 p.m.  Certified staff will need to make up this day.  Classified staff will not be paid.  Twelve-month employees will have to choose to work, take bereavement, vacation day, make up hours or take the day unpaid.  Baby-sitting services were going to be provided on Monday for staff that wanted to attend the funeral; however, with school canceled for Monday, the 20th, baby-sitting services will not be available.  Custodial staff and Chelsea Ahrens will need to come in to help with the service set up and clean up.  Chelsea will run the sound.   

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting at 2:15 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                      Amber Robson, Acting Board Secretary for

Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Fri, 10/04/2024 - 14:46

2024.09.24 Regular Session

2024.09.24 Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on September 24, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 4:30 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Beth Wiese, Jackie Ellenbecker, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Steve McAdoo, Sam Peska, Amber Robson, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - Anita Townsley via Google Hangouts thanked the Board for giving the District time to grieve and recited a poem.  She also is sending thoughts to those having difficult days. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the agenda with switching action items #10.  Z Line Quote and #11.  Plow Truck Quotes around.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the September 9, 2024 Regular Session, bills for payment, Windstream Service Agreement, Girls Wrestling Cooperative Sharing Agreement for 2024-2025, and Cleaver Brooks Annual Boiler Inspection Proposal.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

The Board reviewed the open positions within the District.

Superintendent Cain informed the Board he didn’t have much for a Middle School update.  Progress is continuing.  The landscape project will take place on October 2nd.  Chelsea Ahrens is setting up student volunteers and Denise Fletcher is working on community groups for the project. 

The District received an additional bill  from lawyers for the WAMAC situation and Waverly-Shell Rock appealing.  This bill is being split evenly among all of the schools in the conference.  The District was able to host the celebration of life for Sydney Culbertson.  Superintendent Cain gave a special “thank you” to Steve McAdoo and his crew for preparing the facility and grounds.  He also thanked Chelsea Ahrens for her help with the service. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Madison Cole - 1:1 Aide for Student in Special Education involved in activities and Jessica Wilson - Healy - High School Color Guard Sponsor

Resignations:  Kelly Thompson - Middle School Art Teacher

Transfer:  Jim Hala - From Preschool Bus Route Driver to High School Custodian

Motion by Hopper, second by Ellenbecker to approve compensating those special education teachers with extra in their caseloads $25.00 per point over 110 points in their caseloads.  This will be re-evaluated each semester.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Garling Construction change order request 090, in the amount of $5,348.81, for owner’s request for power to the existing well field sump pump.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction change order request 091, in the amount of $20,476.80, for owner’s request to replace lights in the existing tunnel.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Cornelius invoice, in the original Board-approved amount, for seed.  This will be paid for out of the farm account.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Thiessen to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $15,000.00, for construction administration and close-out.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the CST quote, in the amount of $15,276.15, for boring fiber to the new middle school.  This will be paid for out of PPEL/SAVE funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Cleave Brooks proposal, in the amount of $17,567.13, for (4) boilers annual inspection.   This will be paid for out of PPEL/SAVE funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Thys Chevrolet price summary, in the amount of $50,763.00, for a 2024 Ram 2500 plow truck.  This will be paid for out of PPEL/SAVE funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Z Line LTD quote, in the amount of $6841.00, for a snow plow and installation.  This will be paid for out of PPEL/SAVE funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the Traffic and Transportation Products, Limited quote (option #2), in the amount of $9,200.00, to upgrade the flashers on the highway, in front of the high school, to wireless.  This will be paid for out of PPEL/SAVE funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

The District is coming off homecoming week.  There is a home volleyball game tonight.

Director Ellenbecker spoke about Board member code versus Iowa Code and asked Board members to review resources. 

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Amber Robson, Acting Board Secretary for Katie Mathern, Board Secretary   

kmathern@s-tam… Tue, 10/08/2024 - 12:36

2024.10.04 Special Session

2024.10.04 Special Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on October 4, 2024 for a special session at the STC Administration Office, Tama, Iowa at 3:30 p.m. with availability of members of the community to attend electronically through Google Hangouts. 

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal , Beth Wiese, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Jackie Ellenbecker was absent.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Katie Mathern, and Steve McAdoo.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Thomas Company quote, in the amount of $8,438.00, for the installation of a Rudd water heater at the current middle school.  All ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting at 3:34 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                     Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Fri, 10/11/2024 - 15:56

2024.10.14 Regular and Closed Session

2024.10.14 Regular and Closed Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on October 14, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal via Google Hangouts, Beth Wiese, Jackie Ellenbecker, and Megan Thiessen.  Quorum Present.  Rick Hopper arrived at 5:23 p.m. and Jackie Ellenbecker left at 5:14 p.m.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Amber Robson as Acting Board Secretary, Jill Kienzle, Robert Boley, Amy Karg, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - Jackie Ellenbecker read a letter of resignation from her Board position.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Dolezal to approve the agenda with an amendment to the name of Garling Construction to Darling Ingredients under F. Consent Agenda - 4.  Gifts, Grants & Bequests #2 and to Action Item #1. Personnel - changing the hiring of Jill Kienzle as MOU from 1 year of experience to 5 years.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Dolezal to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the September 20, 2024 Special Session, September 24, 2024 Regular Session, October 4, 2024 Special Session, bills for payment, City of Toledo Reinig Center Rental Agreement for November 19, 2024 Pre ACT Testing, City of Toledo Reinig Center Rental Agreement for November 21, 2024 Pre ACT Testing, Vikin Inspection Agreement, $15,000.00 Activity Booster Donation for the High School sound system, a $1,500.00 donation from Darling Ingredients to FFA, and authorization for the Board President and/or Superintendent to Issue and Approve Special Education Contracts and Open Enrollment Applications.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Mr. Boley and Mrs. Karg presented on behalf of the high school.  Ms. Karg presented on how the year has gone so far in relation to attendance and discipline.  Mr. Boley discussed the Post-Secondary Readiness Report. 

STC was asked to host the girls wrestling district meet on January 31st.  A public hearing will be held at the next Board meeting for changes in dismissal for this day.

Superintendent Cain discussed the recommendation of changes to Bereavement Leave in the handbooks.  This will be brought back as an action item at a future Board meeting. 

The Board discussed the advantages and disadvantages of recording the online Board meetings and posting them on the website.  This will be brought back as an action item at a future Board meeting.

Superintendent Cain discussed the IASB School Improvement Needs Assessment with the Board and how one of the Board’s goals this year is to update the Strategic Plan.  Mr. Cain will get a cost from IASB to run a needs assessment and bring it back as an action item at a future Board meeting. 

Superintendent Cain informed the Board he visited the new middle school today.  Steve McAdoo’s crew has been watering the plants.  Carpet, tile, and cabinets have been installed.  Mr. Cain has been searching for funding for the playground at the new middle school.  He proposed using some of the Lauderdale funds that were donated previously.  This will be brought back as an action item at a future Board meeting.   

Certified enrollment is down 40+ students.  The District graduated a large class in 2024 and brought in a class with fewer students.  We were predicting this trend.  The SafeTrack app is not working as effectively as we need it to be. The District’s landscaping project was an excellent display of community and school involvement.  Mr. Cain has heard nothing but positives about it.  Recent professional development efforts have been moving along well.  Janelle Pirkl will provide us with more updates in this area at our October 28th Board meeting. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Brenon Chyma - Assistant Middle School Boys Wrestling Coach, Madison Cole - Basketball Cheerleading Coach, Jill Kienzle - District MOC Coordinator, and Amy McCabe - Middle School Library Management

Resignations:  Steve Chyma - High School Assistant Softball Coach

Officials:  Middle School Girls and Boys Basketball - Tom Kemper and David Nitz; Middle School Girls & Boys Wrestling - Patrick Kopsa, John Bartello, Brandon Defoe, and Curt Hilmer; MS Boys Wrestling - Bob Yilek and Dave Litterer; Middle School Boys Basketball - Eugene Ubben, Seth Koch, and Tiffany Thiesen

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve Garling Construction’s pay application 013, in the amount of $1,695,621.50, for contractor services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $26,444.31, for construction administration/closeout, commissioning - construction, and additional services - retaining wall.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Iowa Valley College District invoice, in the amounts of $13,676.00 for career academy and $78,464.75 for Spring 2024 contracted classes.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction change order request 98, in the amount of $19,786.72, for paving/landscaping of the south entrance of the new middle school.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Ahlers & Cooney invoice, in the amount of $20,544.03, for professional services rendered in regards to the 2024 General Obligation Bonds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the CST quote, in the amount of $5,990.66, for labor and material to splice into the existing fiber going to the middle school.  This will be paid for out of PPEL/SAVE funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the first reading of the following policies:  502.10 - Use of Motor Vehicles (FKA 508.01), 603.01 - Basic Instruction Program (FKA 602.01), 605.04 - Technology and Instructional Materials (FKA 605.05), 700 - Purpose of Non-Instructional and Business Services, 701.05 R1 - Fiscal Management, 802.04 - Capital Assets, and 802.07 - Energy Conservation (New).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the second reading of the following policies:  506.01 - Education Records (FKA 505.01). 506.01 R1 - Education Records Access - Regulation (FKA 505.01 R1), 506.01 E2 - Education Records Access - Authorization for Release of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E3), 506.01 E3 - Education Records Access - Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E4), 506.01 E4 - Education Records Access - Request for Examination of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E2), 506.01 E5 - Education Records Access - Notification of Transfer of Education Records (FKA 505.01 E6), 506.01 E6 - Education Records Access - Letter to Parent Regarding Receipt of a Subpoena (New), 506.01 E7 - Education Records Access - Juvenile Justice Agency Information (FKA 505.01 E8), 506.01 E8 - Education Records Access - Annual Notice (FKA 505.01 E9), 506.02 - Student Directory Information (FKA 505.02), 506.02 E1 - Student Directory Information - Use of Directory Information (New), 506.04 - Student Library Circulation Records (FKA 505.03), 505.08 - Parent and Family Engagement District-Wide Policy - Building Level Regulation, and 103.00 - Long Range Needs Assessment.  Policy 503.09 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices (FKA 502.08) and 503.09 R1 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Regulation (New) will be brought back for a third reading.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Upcoming Events and Community Update:  Donuts with Dudes will be on October 17, 2024.  There is a RSAI meeting coming up within the next couple of weeks.  On October 18th, a small group will have a meeting with ISG to go over furniture for the new middle school and what will need to be purchased.  Conferences are October 22nd and 24th and can be scheduled for virtual or in-person. 

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, October 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

The Board took a recess from 6:50 p.m. to 6:59 p.m., before going into the Closed Session.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to enter into Closed session at 6:59 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate, but only when premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the Board would have to pay for the property, or in case of a sale reduce the price the Board could receive for the property. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to come out of Closed Session at 7:31 p.m.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Amber Robson, Acting Board Secretary for

                                                                          Katie Mathern, Board Secretary 

kmathern@s-tam… Fri, 10/25/2024 - 16:24

2024.10.28 Regular and Closed Session

2024.10.28 Regular and Closed Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on October 28, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Quorum Present.   Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Janelle Pirkl, Dan Lopez, April VanDee, Graci Zeiger with Gear Up, Sarah Novotny, Sam Peska, Rob Boley, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - None

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the agenda with the addition to Action Item 1. Personnel - After School Program Teachers of Cami Vajgrt, Addison Krueger, and Michelle Wiegand and the addition of action item #8.  Lauderdale/Mansfield funds for playground.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the October 14, 2024 Regular Session; bills for payment; Safety-Kleen quote, in the amount of $250.00, for services; Memorandum of Understanding between VU, LLC and STC; and the Tyr Energy Development donation, in the amount of $3,750.00 towards negative lunch balances. All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Mr. Lopez presented on the District’s Gear Up program.  Janelle Pirkl, South Tama’s Director of Curriculum, presented the District’s Fall Data to the Board. 

Public Hearing - Calendar Change:  President Dolezal opened the Public Hearing for the calendar change of releasing two (2) hours early on January 31, 2024 for hosting a district girl wrestling tournament.  President Dolezal asked for public comments.  Hearing none, President Dolezal asked for a motion to close the Public Hearing.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to close the Public Hearing at 6:19 p.m.

Superintendent Cain gave an update on the new Middle School construction. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences are wrapping up.  They were held in person on October 22nd and 24th.  The production of The Sting will be shown on November 7, 8, and 9 at 7:00 p.m., with the matinee performance November 9 at 2 p.m., at the Wieting Theatre.  Tama County Veterans Day Celebration will be on Monday, November 11th, with a reverse parade at 8:45 a.m. at the South Tama County Elementary School.  Breakfast will be at 9:00-9:30 a.m. for veterans, with a program from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. at the South Tama County High School.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Reece Abbott - Middle School Special Education Paraeducator

Resignations:  Courtney Welton - High School Special Education Paraeducator and Corey Upah - JV & Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach

Officials:  High School Basketball - Mark Watts, Terry Schneekloth, Steve Wise, Cedric Edwards-Thomas, Steven Klein, Jeff Bermel, John Woodward, Rod Kolder, Mike Schmidt, Michael Gretzmacher, Dereck Klaassen, Scott Zahnle, Ryan Dixon, Stacy O’Hare, Loren Wood, John Koehn, Max Matthias, Mike Bonwell, Nik Hahn, Deidra Mohr, Steve Allman, Cody Oakes, Chris Shaw, Daniel Dyrland, Richard Ripley, Jonathan Morrow, Clint Tisdale, Todd Donels, Scott VanBeck, Daniel Wilson, Michael Joensen, Tom Kemper, Stephanie Kaftan, Seth Koch, Dave Nitz, Eugene Ubben Tiffany Theissen; High School Basketball/Wrestling - Kaden Timm; and High School Wrestling - Craig Bencke, Curt Hilmer, Dewey Huple, Andrew Shivers, Bob Yilek, Patrick Kopsa, Bryan Foster, Joe Fontenot, Brendan Schott, and Brandon Dufoe.

After School Program Teachers (Beyond the Bell Grant):  Katie Schuett, Cassie Sokol, Emma Johnson, Emeri Krueger/Taylor Ray (sharing 1 position), Tasha Becker, Amy Wyatt, Carley Bolhuis, Rebecca Talk - After School Program Sub, Kelli Smith - After School Program Sub, Cami Vajgrt, Addison Krueger, and Michelle Wiegand.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the calendar change of dismissing two (2) hours early on January 31st, 2024.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve using the Lauderdale and Mansfield funding towards the new middle school playground.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the ISG Professional Services Proposal for Middle School Furniture, in the amount of $500,000.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the IASB School Improvement Needs Assessment.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Hudl invoice, in the amount of $8,500.00, for hardware components, AD package essential, Hudl Streaming, and Hudl Sideline Premium Software.  STC Activities Booster will be paying $4,000.00 towards it and high school activities will be paying $4,000.00 and middle school activities will be paying $500.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to table the bus purchase quotes until next meeting, when more information is provided.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the new following positions:  Middle School ELL Paraeducator, High School ELL Paraeducator, and Elementary Special Education Paraeducator.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the first reading of the following policies:  501.16 - Homeless Children and Youth, 900 - Principles and Objectives for Community Relations, 902.01 - News Media Relations (FKA 1001.02), 902.03 - News Releases, 902.04 - Live Broadcast or Recording, 903.03 - Visitors to School District Buildings & Sites (FKA 1003.01), 903.04 - Public Conduct on School Premises (FKA 1003.02), 903.05 - Distribution of Materials (FKA 1003.04), 903.05 R1 - Distribution of Materials - Regulation (IFKA 1003.04 R1), 904.02 - Advertising and Promotion (FKA 1003.05), 905.02 - Nicotine/Tobacco-Free Environment (FKA 1003.03), 1002.01 - School Community Groups (903.01), and 1002.02 - Community Volunteers (903.02).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the second reading of the following policies:  502.10 - Use of Motor Vehicles (FKA 508.01), 603.01 - Basic Instruction Program (FKA 602.01), 605.04 - Technology and Instructional Materials (FKA 605.05), 700 - Purpose of Non-Instructional and Business Services, 701.05 R1 - Fiscal Management, 802.03 - Emergency Repairs, 802.04 - Capital Assets, and 802.07 - Energy Conservation (New).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the third reading of the following policies: 503.09 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices (FKA 502.08) and 503.09 R1 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Regulation (new).  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Upcoming Events and Community Update:  The STC HS Student Council will hold a Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on Tuesday, October 29th from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the STC HS gym.  Mr. Boley received information from an opposing team on what great sportsmanship our football team exhibited.  Mr. Boley also thanked the Dolezals for the eggs and Seth Koch for making the omelets for a professional development day.  

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

The Board took a recess from 7:02 p.m. to 7:08 p.m., before going into the Closed Session.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to enter into Closed session at 7:08 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to come out of Closed Session at 7:57 p.m.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Mon, 11/11/2024 - 12:12

2024.11.11 Public Hearing, Regular, and Closed Session

2024.11.11 Public Hearing, Regular, and Closed Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on November 11, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, and Rick Hopper.  Megan Thiessen was absent.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Chelsea Ahrens, Brad Schweppe, Ben Adams, Steve Baier, Brooks Baier, Steve Chyma, Shawn Baier, Kristina Levchuk, Brian Sokol, Jon Huebner, Cody Blocker, Maddalyn Brown, Chad Brown, Jennifer Brown, Kylie Husak, Janette Cervantes, and  members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Public Hearing - Use May 30th, 2024 as a make-up day for no school on September 20th, 2024, with an early release.  President Dolezal opened the Public Hearing for the calendar change at 5:02 p.m.  President Dolezal asked for public comments.  Hearing none, President Dolezal asked for a motion to close the Public Hearing.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to close the Public Hearing at 5:05 p.m.

The regular session was called to order at 5:06 p.m.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, and Rick Hopper.  Megan Thiessen was absent.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Chelsea Ahrens, Brad Schweppe, Steve Baier, Brooks Baier, Steve Chyma, Shawn Baier, Kristina Levchuk, Brian Sokol, Jon Huebner, Cody Blocker, Maddalyn Brown, Chad Brown, Jennifer Brown, Kylie Husak, Janette Cervantes, and  members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - None

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the October 28, 2024 Regular Session; bills for payment; Services Agreement with the University of Iowa on behalf of the Scanlan Center for School Mental Health; and donations from the STC Activity Boosters - high school sign ($1,000.00), stencil ($800.00), volleyball trainer ($1,125.00) and Hudl ($4,000.00).   All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

The Board celebrated the following students and their achievements:  Janette Cervantes - Senior Captain Volleyball and 1st Team WaMaC All Conference for Volleyball, Cody Blocker - Senior Captain Football and 1st Team Class 3A District 6 for Football, Brooks Baier - Junior, one of the leads in the Fall Play “The Sting,” and All State for Trombone, Kylie Husak - Senior, All State for Saxophone, and Maddalyn Brown - Junior, one of the leads in the Fall Play “The Sting,” and letter winner for Football Cheer. 

Mr. Schweppe and Mr. Huebner presented data to the Board on the elementary attendance, discipline, curriculum and ESSA action plan.

Mr. Adams presented data to the Board on the middle school attendance, behavior, cell phones, safety, response to FAST data, and the ESSA Leadership Team.

Public Hearing - Calendar Change:  President Dolezal opened the Public Hearing for the calendar change of releasing two (2) hours early on January 31, 2024 for hosting a district girls wrestling tournament.  President Dolezal asked for public comments.  Hearing none, President Dolezal asked for a motion to close the Public Hearing.

Chelsea Ahrens gave the Board an activity update and also stated boys golf will remain in the Spring.  Esports will offer Overwatch 2 this Winter.

Superintendent Cain gave an update on the new Middle School construction.  Concerns with the minor leaks in the glass atrium have been addressed.  The Board discussed the projection system in the gymnasium.  

The 2024 Iowa School Performance Profile for districts have been released but are currently embargoed.  They will be available to the public this week.  Mr. Cain discussed the calendar change updates.  The Board will move forward with IASB’s School Improvement Survey to support strategic planning. 

Work Based Learning now has an impact on the new Iowa School Performance Profile.

The Board discussed some of the pros and cons of offering an early retirement package. 

The Board discussed utilizing the Education Support Personnel Salary Supplement for classified staff making less than $18.01 per hour and also possibly looking at attendance and years of service as additional factors to consider.

One interested candidate, Joe Hanus, was given the opportunity to answer three questions in front of the STC Board of Education to fill the District 2 vacancy on the Board.  He was asked the following questions:  Tell us about yourself and your desire to serve on the Board.  What are a couple of important issues facing our District?  What are a couple points of pride you have regarding our District?

The Board discussed the qualities of this candidate.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to appoint Joe Hanus for the District 2 position on the Board.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.  President Dolezal gave Hanus the Oath of Office.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper, to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Kodi Hillman - Head Varsity Softball Coach, David Nitz - Head Varsity Baseball Coach, and Rubi Pesina - Middle School ELL Paraeducator

Resignations:  Tracy Everts - High School Special Education Paraeducator

Officials:  Tatin Sorensen - High School Football

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the calendar change of using May 30th, 2024 with an early release as a makeup day for September 20th, 2024.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the changes to Bereavement Leave in the Certified and Classified handbooks.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to keep Board meetings “as is” - offered for online viewing via Google Hangouts.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Archery Fundraiser to obtain business sponsorships for signs for their two home tournaments on December 7th and February 1st.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the Flinn Scientific, Inc. quote, in the amount of $6,327.99, for microscopes.  This will be paid for with Gear Up funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the application to the School Budget Review Committee in the amount of $4,459.17 for special education administrative costs associated with the River Hills Consortium program for the 2025-2026 school year.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper  to approve the Impact Aid Indian Policies and Procedures for the 2025-2026 school year.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Hoglund Bus Company quote, in the amount of $164,000.00, for a 2026 handicap bus.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve Garling Construction, Inc.’s pay application #14, in the amount of $1,212,152.81, for contractor services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the Park Planet quote, in the amount of $150,223.00, for the new middle school playground equipment.  This will be paid for out of the Lauderdale donation and Mansfield funding.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Lied Center driver position from STC to North Tama and back.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the K-12 Migrant Tutor position.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the first reading of the following policies:  407.06 - Employee Early Retirement, 210.08 E1 - Board Meeting Agenda (Public Hearing), 507.03 - Communicable Diseases - Students (FKA 507.05), 507.04 - Student Illness or Injury at School (FKA 507.06), 507.05 - Emergency Plans and Drills (FKA 507.08), 507.06 - Student Insurance (FKA 507.09), 507.07 - Custody and Parental Rights (new), 507.08 - Student Special Health Services (FKA 507.02), 507.08 R1 - Student Special Health Services - Regulation (new), 508.01 - Class or Student Group Gifts (FKA 504.11), 508.02 - Open Night (new), 605.03 E3 - Objection to Instructional and Library Materials - Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional Materials (new), and 705.02 - Credit Card and Procurement Cards (FKA 803.02 R1).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the second reading of the following policies:  501.16 - Homeless Children and Youth, 900 - Principles and Objectives for Community Relations, 902.01 - News Media Relations (FKA 1001.02), 902.03 - News Releases, 902.04 - Live Broadcast or Recording, 903.03 - Visitors to School District Buildings & Sites (FKA 1003.01), 903.04 - Public Conduct on School Premises (FKA 1003.02), 903.05 - Distribution of Materials (FKA 1003.04), 903.05 R1 - Distribution of Materials - Regulation (IFKA 1003.04 R1), 904.02 - Advertising and Promotion (FKA 1003.05), 905.02 - Nicotine/Tobacco-Free Environment (FKA 1003.03), 903.02 - School Community Groups (FKA 1002.01), and 903.01 - Community Volunteers (FKA 1002.02).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Upcoming Events and Community Update:  The play was great and a big “thanks” to Dixie Forcht and all of those involved. 

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, November 25, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

The Board took a recess from 7:45 p.m. to 7:51 p.m., before going into the Closed Session.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to enter into Closed session at 7:51 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate, but only when premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the Board would have to pay for the property, or in case of a sale reduce the price the Board could receive for the property. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to come out of Closed Session at 8:25 p.m.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Fri, 11/22/2024 - 16:07

2024.11.25 Regular and Closed Session

2024.11.25 Regular and Closed Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on November 25, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, Joe Hanus, and Rick Hopper.  Megan Thiessen was absent.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Seth Koch, Scott Bolen, Sam Peska, and  members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the following consent agenda items:  minutes from the November 11, 2024 regular session, bills for payment as presented, financials, and the Midwest Alarm Services Basic Agreement.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m.

Ms. Mathern called the Organizational Meeting to order at 5:06 p.m.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, Joe Hanus, and Rick Hopper.  Megan Thiessen was absent.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Seth Koch, Scott Bolen, Sam Peska, and  members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Ms. Mathern accepted nominations for Board President.  Board member Beth Wiese nominated Elizabeth Dolezal, which was seconded by Joe Hanus.  Receiving no other nominations, the motion passed to unanimously elect Elizabeth Dolezal as Board President for the next year. 

Ms. Mathern administered the Oath of Office to Elizabeth Dolezal as Board President.

President Dolezal accepted nominations for Board Vice President.  Board member Beth Wiese nominated Rick Hopper, which was seconded by Joe Hanus.  Receiving no other nominations, the motion passed to unanimously elect Rick Hopper as Board Vice President for the next year.

President Dolezal administered the Oath of Office to Rick Hopper as Board Vice President. 

Public Comment - Seth Koch presented benefits of offering Early Retirement this year.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the agenda, with the addition of personnel as the first action item (list was included in agenda but not as an individual item for approval).  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Sam Peska presented on the Partnership Center and District Student Services. 

The Board discussed the new middle school gymnasium projection system.  The current plans include a sound system. 

Katie Mathern discussed the tentative timeline associated with the certified budget. 

The Education Support Personnel Salary Supplement (classified staff only) was discussed.  The District qualified for just over $38,000 (net). 

The Board discussed offering a CDL reimbursement similar to other reimbursement packages the District offers.  This will align with similar District reimbursement packages. 

The Board discussed the possibility of a 2024-2025 Early Retirement Package.  The Board had a lengthy discussion relating to Board Policy 407.06 and options related to an early retirement package.

The middle school update included a discussion related to Board members taking a tour of the current middle school and new middle school.  This is scheduled to begin at 4:45 p.m. on Monday, December 9th. 

A couple of Board members and Superintendent Cain attended the IASB conference last week.  They participated in a cell phone panel discussion, as well as attended numerous sessions. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Todd Anderson - High School Special Education Paraeducator and David Reisner - High School Special Education Paraeducator

Resignations:  Cort Ahrens - High School Assistant Football Coach, David Nitz - Middle School Baseball Coach, and Stacy Leach - Transportation

Transfers:  Jenniffer Gross from PHS Special Education Paraeducator to High School Special Education Paraeducator, Ellen Moran from Musical Technical Director to Musical Director, and John Loos from Musical Director to Musical Technical Director

Officials:  High School Basketball - Jay Freese, Tim Zaputil, Cody Boozell, Paul Elser, and Kyle Clark and High School Wrestling - Fabian Brandenburg and Travis Smith

Volunteers:  Taylor Moran and Tyler Moran

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $9,050.75, for construction administration/close-out, furniture, and commissioning-construction.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP Quote, in the amount of $8,540.00, for the additional wrestling room upgrade to software and adding microphone and switches, with off-site monitoring.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Hanus to table the Middle School Gym Projection System until an updated quote is received.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve application to the SBRC for Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2023, in the amount of $133,800.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Hanus to approve the application to the SBRC for ELL Beyond 5 Years, in the amount of $120,285.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve FY 2024 Treasurer’s Annual Settlement.   All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the RC Systems invoice, in the amount of $50,000.00, for equipment and installation of cameras at the middle school.  This will be paid for with the Safety Grant funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper  to approve the first reading of the following policies:  103 R1 - Long-Range Needs Assessment - Regulation, 105 - Assistance Animals, 106.01 E1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Notice of Discrimination, 106.01 R1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Education on Title IX Purpose and Requirements, 106.01 R2 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Nondiscrimination in Pregnancy and Related Conditions, 106.01 R3 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Responding to Complaints of Sex Discrimination, 106.01 R4 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Grievance Procedure, 106.01 R5 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Informal Resolution Procedure, 501.13 - Students of Legal Age, 503.06 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students, 503.06 E1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Documentation Form, 503.06 E2 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Debriefing Letter to Guardian of Student Involved in and Occurrence Where Physical Restraint was Used, and 503.06 R1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Regulation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the second reading of the following policies:  210.08 E1 - Board Meeting Agenda (Public Hearing), 507.03 - Communicable Diseases - Students (FKA 507.05), 507.04 - Student Illness or Injury at School (FKA 507.06), 507.05 - Emergency Plans and Drills (FKA 507.08), 507.07 - Custody and Parental Rights (new), 507.08 - Student Special Health Services (FKA 507.02), 507.08 R1 - Student Special Health Services - Regulation (new), 508.01 - Class or Student Group Gifts (FKA 504.11), 508.02 - Open Night (new), 605.03 E3 - Objection to Instructional and Library Materials - Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional Materials (new), and 705.02 - Credit Card and Procurement Cards (FKA 803.02 R1).  Also, to bring back policy 407.06 - Employee Early Retirement and 507.06 - Student Insurance (FKA 507.09) for a third reading.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the fourth reading of the following policies:  503.09 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices and 503.09 R1 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Regulation (new).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

The Board took a recess from 8:05 p.m. to 8:12 p.m., before going into the Closed Session.

Motion by Hanus, second by Wiese to enter into Closed session at 8:13 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code subsection 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to come out of Closed Session at 8:54 p.m.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Mon, 12/09/2024 - 13:19

2024.12.03 Special Session

2024.12.03 Special Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on December 3, 2024 for a special session at the STC Administration Office, Tama, Iowa at 7:30 a.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Rick Hopper, Joe Hanus, Megan Thiessen, and Beth Wiese.  Megan Thiessen left at 8:15 a.m.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Micki Stonewall, Kelle Johannsen, Dixie Forcht, Paula Graves, Amy Stotts, Katie Hulin, and  members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

The Board, along with individuals present discussed the Early Retirement Policy.  The discussion focused on both the benefits and also concerns associated with the Policy.  Potential updates to the policy, including changes to eligibility criteria, were also considered.  No decisions were made at this time, but further review and consideration are planned.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 a.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Mon, 12/09/2024 - 14:06

2024.12.09 Work and Regular Session

2024.12.09 Work and Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on December 9, 2024 for a work session starting at the STC Middle School, Toledo, Iowa at 4:45 p.m.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Rick Hopper, Joe Hanus, Megan Thiessen, and Beth Wiese.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Steve McAdoo, and Ben Adams.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

The Board toured the old middle school to explore the potential future uses of the space.  The Board then moved on to the new middle school to review the construction progress made so far. Afterward, they toured the Partnership Center gymnasium.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 p.m.

The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on December 9, 2024 for regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 6:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts. 

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement. 

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Rick Hopper, Joe Hanus, Megan Thiessen, and Beth Wiese.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Seth Koch, Lon Wilkerson, Kevin Nelson, Steve McAdoo, Janelle Pirkl, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - Seth Koch and Kevin Nelson addressed the Board regarding early retirement and shared their views.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items:  minutes of the November 25, 2024 regular meeting, minutes of the December 3, 2024 special meeting, bills for payment, financials,  CEC Proactive Maintenance Inspection Proposal, Scharnweber donation in the amount of $2,500.00 for the high school drumline equipment, Iowa Premium Beef donation in the amount of $2,500.00 for the high school drumline, and multiple free-will donations totaling $1,100.89 from the intersquad wrestling meet for the wrestling program.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.  

Janelle Pirkl presented to the Board on the Iowa School Performance Profile.

Superintendent Cain gave the Board a School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) update. 

The Board discussed current open positions in the District.

The Board provided feedback on the new middle school based upon the tour taken during the work session.

Mr. Cain and the Board recognized and congratulated the STC high school band director, Mike Carnahan, for receiving the Post 6607 National Citizenship Education Teacher Award for 2024.  This award is given to outstanding teachers who go above and beyond in instilling the values of patriotism, citizenship, and service in our youth. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Dave Cantonwine - Assistant Varsity Softball Coach, Kodi Hillman - Head 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, Andrew Walton - Assistant 7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, Estrella Fonseca - K-4 ELL Paraeducator, Brianna Morrison - 7th Grade Writing Teacher, and Sue Kaloupek - Lied Center Driver

Resignations:  Robert Boley - High School Principal (effective 6/30/2025) and Tracy Glockl - Elementary Special Education Paraeducator

Transfers:  Carly Bolhuis from Trojan Academy Teacher to Elementary ELL Teacher

Officials:  Wayne Ritscher - High School Basketball, Brandon Dufoe - Middle School Wrestling, and Travis Smith - Middle School Wrestling

Volunteers:  Taylor Moran and Tyler Moran

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Education Support Personnel Salary Supplement to be distributed as presented.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to table the middle school gym projection system quote until an updated quote is received.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve TFD Photo & Film’s contract for elementary, middle, and high school portraits, along with sports and activities portraits.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Vikin Inspection Agreement, in the amount of $8,600.00 over 5 years, for annual fire sprinkler inspections.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Garling Construction COR #0112, in the amount of $8,729.16, to change locks on doors per the owner’s request.  Ayes:  Hanus, Thiessen, and Wiese.  Nays:  Hopper The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction COR #0108R, in the amount of $7,699.12, for changes to engineered breakers, which resulted from discrepancies between the shop drawings.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction pay application #15, in the amount of $1,640,640.14, for contractor services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the Kay L. Chapman invoice, in the amount of $6,691.39, for the fieldwork portion of the fiscal year 2024 audit.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to authorize the business office to pay additional vendor payments during December 2024, as are due and payable prior to the January 13, 2025 Board meeting.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the first reading of the following policies:  401.03 - Nepotism (FKA 402.10), 401.05 - Employee Records (FKA 404.01), 401.05 R1 - Employee Records - Regulation ( FKA 404.01 R1), 401.06 - Limitations to Employment References (New), 401.07 - Employee Travel Compensation (FKA 404.03), 401.08 - Recognition for Service of Employees (FKA 404.05), 401.09 - Employee Political Activity (FKA 402.08), 401.11 - Employee Orientation (New), 401.12 - Employee Use of Cell Phones (New), 401.12 R1 - Employee Use of Cell Phones - Regulation (New), 402.01 - Release of Credit Information (FKA 404.02), 402.03 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees, 402.04 - Gifts to Employees (FKA 402.11), 402.06 - Employee Outside Employment (FKA 402.05), 403.01 - Employee Physical Examinations (FKA 405.01), 4036.05 - Substance-Free Workplace (FKA 405.05), 403.05 R1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Regulation (New), 403.05 E1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Notice to Employees (FKA 405.05 E1), and 403.06 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (FKA 405.06).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the second reading of the following policies:  103 R1 - Long-Range Needs Assessment - Regulation, 105 - Assistance Animals, 106.01 E1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Notice of Discrimination, 106.01 R1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Education on Title IX Purpose and Requirements, 106.01 R2 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Nondiscrimination in Pregnancy and Related Conditions, 106.01 R3 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Responding to Complaints of Sex Discrimination, 106.01 R4 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Grievance Procedure, 106.01 R5 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Informal Resolution Procedure, 501.13 - Students of Legal Age, 503.06 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students, 503.06 E1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Documentation Form, 503.06 E2 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Debriefing Letter to Guardian of Student Involved in and Occurrence Where Physical Restraint was Used, and 503.06 R1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Regulation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the third reading of the following policies:  407.06 - Employee Early Retirement (FKA 407.06) and 507.06 - Student Insurance (FKA 507.09).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Mr. Cain reviewed upcoming events with the Board. 

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, January 13, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Mon, 12/23/2024 - 15:00

2025.01.13 Regular Session

2025.01.13 Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on January 13, 2025 for regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts. 

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement. 

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Rick Hopper, Joe Hanus, Megan Thiessen, and Beth Wiese.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Sam Peska, Steve Chyma, Dorothy Zmolek, Shelly Riley, Karen Mixdorf, Lori Baier, Denise Fletcher, Jeff Shaw, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Public Comment - None

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items:  minutes of the December 9, 2025 work session and regular session; bills for payment; Field Placement Affiliation Agreement Between Grand Canyon University and South Tama County Community School District; Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement Amendment; Indoor Hitting Facility Agreement; Midwest Beef Systems donation in the amount of $1,000.00 for the drumline equipment; Vincit Company donation in the amount of $5,000.00 for the drumline equipment; K&M Sanitation donation in the amount of $1,000.00 for drumline equipment; STC Activity Boosters donation in the amount of $665.00 for Winter sports posters; and early graduation request for the following: Luis Castanon (December 2024), Yonnys Nunez (December 2024), Inez Davenport (December 2024), Dane Mellies (December 2024), Brooklyn Mitchell (May 2026 - one year early), and Seth Payn (January 2026).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.  

Superintendent Cain gave the Board an update on the new middle school.  Playground materials are on site and the gym floor is being installed.

Mr. Cain reviewed the Work-based Learning Services Report with the Board, which reflects the work the AEA has done at the Partnership Center.

Jane Miller, with ISG, presented the proposed new middle school furniture online to the Board.  The furniture package is ready for bid and will be released in the near future. 

Karen Mixdorf and Hometown Action Team presented on their community-based group and announced the Safe Routes to School Grant has been approved to enhance community pathways/sidewalks. 

Steve Chyma answered a few questions and reviewed topics related to transportation technology.

Superintendent Cain informed the Board about Safe and Sound Iowa, an anonymous school violence reporting tool.  He reviewed the attendance reports and data shows there has been improvements Districtwide.  The Board discussed current open positions in the District, and Mr. Cain shared the recommendation of the transfer of Ben Adams and Scott Bolen from the middle school administrative team to the high school administrative team at the end of this current school year.  The District is preparing to advertise the current middle school, Partnership Center, “old” junior high football area, and tennis courts and area by the current middle school for sale.  Two members of the STC Board and three members of the North Tama Community School District Board held a meeting in December to review our operational sharing agreements. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Justin Gates - Head Middle School Baseball Coach, Ashley Raue - Head 8th Grade Girls Track, Tommy Mathes - PM Bus Route, Tracy Everts - Elementary Special Education Paraeducator, and Elizabeth Serrano Mercado - Elementary Special Education Paraeducator

Resignations:  Amy Karg - High School Assistant Principal, Robert Tyynismaa - Middle School & High School Cross Country, and Seth Koch - Assistant Varsity Football Coach

Officials:  High School Wrestling - Andrew May and Middle School Girls Wrestling - Brandon Defoe, Patrick Kopsa, Curt Hilmer, Joe Fontenot, Travis Smith, and John Bartello

Mentor Contract - Sarah Klopping

Speech Contest Judges (1/25/2025):  Sheila Benson, Chris McFate, Lois Long, Debbie Iverson, Stacey Ward, Steve Ryan, Morgan McFate, Annika Wall, Katie Konkler, Missy Jesina, Mary Fasse-Shaw, Liz Hansen, Micki Stonewall, and Jon Huebner

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to accept the Early Retirement Requests meeting Board Policy 407.06 for Seth Koch - Instructional Coach, Lon Wilkerson - K-4 PE Teacher, Micki Stonewall - Elementary Title I Teacher, and Robert Tyynismaa - High School Math Teacher.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Push-Pedal-Pull purchase recommendation, in the amount of $58,836.56, for the new middle school fitness equipment.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the Central Rivers Area Education Agency invoice, in the amount of $12,805.50, for Multi-Occupations Coordinator (MOC) - First Semester and Networking Support Services - Monthly Billing.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to appoint Rick Hopper as the Poweshiek County Conference Board Representative.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction COR #0115, in the amount of $9,441.07, to add amplifiers to the paging system per Owners request.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction COR #0104R, in the amount of $54,887.75, for the South side retaining wall.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Garling Construction pay application #16, in the amount of $948,251.29, for contractor services.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to table the SU Insurance Company 2025 Renewal Proposal, in the amount of $148,745.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the West Music bid/quotation, in the amount of $19,215.53, for drumline equipment.  This will be paid for with donations.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to grant permission to Andy Moran to use the STC Trojan logo.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $12,534.47, for furniture, commissioning - construction, and additional services - retaining wall.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the application to the School Budget Review Committee for the AtRisk/Dropout Prevention modified supplemental amount of $208,165.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve updating the handbooks to reflect allowing reimbursement of payment for S Endorsement (CDL).  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Hanus to approve the first reading of the following policies:  102 - Educational Opportunity, 401.01 - Equal Employment Opportunity, 501.09 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy, 603.08 - Teaching about Religion, 603.08 R1 - Teaching About Religion - Regulation - Religious Holidays, 710.01 - School Food Program, 710.01 E1 - School Food Program - Child Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaint Form, 710.01 R1 - School Food Program - School Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaints Procedure.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the second reading of the following policies and bring back all of the “new” policies for a third reading:  401.03 - Nepotism (FKA 402.10), 401.05 - Employee Records (FKA 404.01), 401.05 R1 - Employee Records - Regulation ( FKA 404.01 R1), 401.06 - Limitations to Employment References (New), 401.07 - Employee Travel Compensation (FKA 404.03), 401.08 - Recognition for Service of Employees (FKA 404.05), 401.09 - Employee Political Activity (FKA 402.08), 401.11 - Employee Orientation (New), 401.12 - Employee Use of Cell Phones (New), 401.12 R1 - Employee Use of Cell Phones - Regulation (New), 402.01 - Release of Credit Information (FKA 404.02), 402.03 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees, 402.04 - Gifts to Employees (FKA 402.11), 402.06 - Employee Outside Employment (FKA 402.05), 403.01 - Employee Physical Examinations (FKA 405.01), 4036.05 - Substance-Free Workplace (FKA 405.05), 403.05 R1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Regulation (New), 403.05 E1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Notice to Employees (FKA 405.05 E1), and 403.06 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (FKA 405.06).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Mr. Cain reviewed upcoming events with the Board. 

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, January 27, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Katie Mathern, Board Secretary    

kmathern@s-tam… Thu, 01/16/2025 - 11:43