500 - STUDENT PERSONNEL Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 05/12/2020 - 08:59

501.01 - Resident Students

501.01 - Resident Students

Children who are residents of the school district community will attend the school district without paying tuition. 

The residence of a student means the place, abode, or dwelling of the student. Generally, the legal dwelling of minors is the same as their parents. A student may establish a dwelling with someone other than the parents and attend public school in the school district without paying tuition if the primary purpose for residing in the school district is not for the purpose of obtaining a free public education. Further, students who have reached the age of majority and who are still eligible to attend an Iowa secondary school may declare their residence independent of the residence of the parents. 

Each case involving the bona fide residence of a student will be decided upon its individual merits by the superintendent. 

Legal Reference: Lakota Cons. Ind. School v. Buffalo Center-Rake Comm. School, 334 N.W.2d 704 (Iowa 1983). Mt. Hope School Dist. v. Hendrickson, 197 N.W. 47 (Iowa 1924). Oshel v. Creston Comm. School Dist., DPI Admin. Doc. 570 (1981). 33 D.P.I. Dec. Rule 80 (1984). Iowa Code §§ 257.6; 282.2, .6, .7; 285.4.


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: April 8, 1981; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015, August 19, 2019; September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024

dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:38

501.02 - Non-Resident Students

501.02 - Non-Resident Students

Students who are eligible to attend an Iowa public school but who are not legal residents of the school district may be admitted into the school district at the discretion of the superintendent upon application and payment of tuition. The tuition rate is the current per-pupil cost of the school district as computed by the board secretary and as authorized by the Iowa Department of Education. 

Resident students whose families move from the school district after the start of a semester and who wish to complete the semester in their former resident school district will be permitted to attend. Students who plan to open enroll to their former resident district for the next school year may do so without approval of the board. 

Students in grades eleven or twelve who are no longer residents of the school district, but were residents in the preceding school year, may continue to attend school until they graduate without the payment of tuition. These students may be required to identify an adult, who resides in the school district, identified for purposes of administration. 

Nonresident students who are eligible to attend an Iowa public school and who have evidence they will become legal residents of the school district prior to October 1 may be allowed to attend without the payment of tuition. 

Legal Reference: Lakota Cons. Ind. School v. Buffalo Center-Rake Comm. School, 334 N.W.2d 704 (Iowa 1983). Mt. Hope School Dist. v. Hendrickson, 197 N.W.


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024



(April 6, 1981; December 21, 1987; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:46

501.03 - Compulsory Attendance

501.03 - Compulsory Attendance

Parents within the school district who have children over age six and under age sixteen (or the age of 17 if the student resides on the Meskwaki Settlement, re: Meskwaki Code Title 20, Chapter 9 Sec. 20-2906) by September 15, in proper physical and mental condition to attend school, will have the children attend the school district at the attendance center designated by the board. Students will attend school the number of days or hours school is in session in accordance with the school calendar. Students of compulsory attendance age will attend school a minimum of (1080 Hours). Students not attending the minimum days or hours must be exempted by this policy as listed below or, referred to the county attorney. Exceptions to this policy include children who:

  • have completed the requirements for graduation in an accredited school or have obtained a high school

  • equivalency diploma;

  • are attending religious services or receiving religious instruction;

  • are attending an approved or probationary approved private college preparatory school;

  • are attending an accredited nonpublic school;

  • are receiving independent private instruction; or, 

  • are receiving competent private instruction.


It is the responsibility of the parent of a child to provide evidence of the child's mental and physical inability to attend school or of the child's qualifications for one of the exceptions listed above. 

The principal will investigate the cause for a student's truancy. If the principal is unable to secure the truant student's attendance, the principal should discuss the next step with the superintendent/school board. If after superintendent/school board action, the student is still truant, the principal will refer the matter over to the county attorney. 

The school will participate in mediation if requested by the county attorney. The superintendent/designee will represent the school district in mediation. The school district will monitor the student's compliance with the mediation agreement and will report violations of the mediation agreement to the county attorney. 


Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 259A; 279.10-.11; ch. 299; 299A.


Approved: August 26, 2024

Reviewed: June 22, 1981, April 17, 1989; June 15, 1992; July 19, 1993: April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015, August 19, 2019 April 6, 1981; April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; January 15, 2024; August 26, 2024

Revised: August 26, 2024





dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:42

501.04 - Entrance - Admissions

501.04 - Entrance - Admissions

Children in the school district community will be allowed to enroll in the school district's regular education program beginning at age five. The child must be age five on or prior to September 15 to participate in the school district's kindergarten program. The child must be age six on or prior to September 15 to begin the first grade of the education program. 

Before the student may enroll in the district’s education program, the board will require evidence of age and residency in the form of a birth certificate or other evidence of age. It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine what is satisfactory evidence for proof of age. 

Prior to enrollment, the child must provide the administration with their health and immunization certificate. Failure to provide this information within the time period set by the superintendent is the reason for suspension, expulsion or denying admission to the student. 


Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 139A.8; 144.45(5); 282.1, .3, .6.


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 10/08/2024 - 12:35

501.05 - Attendance Center Assignment

501.05 - Attendance Center Assignment

The board will have complete discretion to determine the boundaries for each attendance center, to assign students to the attendance centers. 

Parents or guardians of siblings in the same grade level academically in grades kindergarten through grade five may request the siblings be placed in the same or different classrooms. In order to be valid, the request must be made in writing and submitted to the school principal at the time of registration for classes, or within fourteen days after the children’s first day of attendance during the school year. If a valid request is received by the school principal, the

request must be honored. While a parent or guardian may make a placement request that siblings be placed together or apart, the district administration retains complete discretion to select the classroom teacher(s) to which siblings are assigned. If after the initial grading period following the placement of siblings in the same or different classrooms the school principal determines the placement is disruptive to the class; the principal may assign one or more of the siblings to different classrooms.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation to the board annually regarding the assigned attendance center for each student. In making the recommendation, the superintendent will consider the geographical layout of the school district, the condition and location of the school district facilities, the location of student population, possible transportation challenges, financial condition of the school district and other factors deemed relevant by the superintendent or the board. 

Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.11; 282.7-.8.


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 10/08/2024 - 12:36

501.06 - Students Transfers In

501.06 - Students Transfers In

Students who transfer into the school district must meet the immunization and age requirements set out for students who initially enroll in the school district. 

The school district will request the student's cumulative records from the previous school district. If the student cannot offer proof of grade level, the superintendent will make the grade level determination. The superintendent may require testing or other information to determine the grade level. Students expelled or suspended from their previous school district will only be enrolled after approval of the board. 

The superintendent will determine the amount of credits to be transferred. If the student has not previously attended an accredited school, it is within the superintendent's discretion to accept or reject credits or grades. 

The board may deny admission if the student is not willing to provide the board with the necessary information. 


Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. Iowa Code §§ 139A.8; 282.1, .3, .4; 299A


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: November 20, 1995; April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:49

501.07 - Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals

501.07 - Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals

If the student's parents wish to withdraw or transfer the student from school prior to completing and graduating from the education program, they should notify the superintendent in writing as soon as possible of the decision to withdraw or transfer the student from the education program. The student or parent should present this written notice at the office and receive instructions regarding the return of textbooks, library books, locker equipment, hot lunch tickets, etc. 

The notice should state the student's final day of attendance. If the student is not enrolling in another school district, the school district will maintain the student's records in the same manner as the records of students who have graduated from the school district.

If the parents wish to have the student's cumulative record sent to the new school district, the parents must notify the superintendent in writing. This notice will include the name of the school district and the person at the new school district to whom the student's cumulative records should be sent. If the new school district requests the student's cumulative records, the school district will forward the cumulative records and notify the parents the records have been sent. The notice will inform the parents of their right to review the records sent.

If the student is of compulsory education age and not transferring to another public school district or an accredited nonpublic school, the parents will notify the superintendent that the student is receiving competent private instruction and file the necessary competent private instruction reports. 


Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. Iowa Code §§ 274.1; 299.1-.1A; 299A.11


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: March 21, 1988; April 18, 2011; August 19, 2019; September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024






dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:48

501.08 - Student Attendance Records

501.08 - Student Attendance Records

As part of the school district's records, the daily attendance of each student is recorded and maintained on file with the permanent records of the board secretary.

It is the responsibility of the principals to ensure that such reports are filed with the board secretary, the custodian of school records. This is a mandatory policy.

Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 294.4; 299. 281 I.A.C. 12.3(4).


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024

rdenham@s-tama… Tue, 03/08/2022 - 13:33

501.09 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

501.09 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

The district believes that traditional, in-person school attendance leads to the greatest learning opportunities for students. Students who are present in school and engaged active learners take greater ownership over their educational outcomes. For this reason, it is the priority of the district to foster regular student attendance throughout the school year and reduce barriers to regular attendance for students in the district. 

Chronic absenteeism/absences means any absence from school for more than ten percent of the school days in the semester established by the district. 

Truant/truancy means a child of compulsory attendance age who is absent from school for any reason for at least twenty percent of the school days in the semester established by the district. Truancy does not apply to the following students who:

  • have completed the requirements for graduation in an accredited school or has obtained a high school equivalency diploma

  • are excused for sufficient reason by any court of record or judge;

  • are attending religious services or receiving religious instruction;

  • are unable to attend school due to legitimate medical reasons;

  • are attending a private college preparatory school accredited or probationally accredited;

  • are excused under Iowa Code §299.22; and

  • are exempt under Iowa Code §299.24. 

Students are subject to disciplinary action for truancy including suspension and expulsion. It is within the discretion of the principal to determine, in light of the circumstances, whether a student may make up work missed because of truancy. Students receiving special education services will not be assigned to an alternative setting unless the goals and objectives of the student's Individualized Education Program are capable of being met in the alternative setting.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the designated school officials, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy. The administrative regulations will indicate the disciplinary action to be taken for truancy. This is a mandatory policy.


Legal Reference: 34 C.F.R. sec. 300

28 C.F.R. Pt. 35

Iowa Code §§ 294.4; 299. 281 I.A.C. 12.3(4).


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:49

501.09 R1 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy - Regulation

501.09 R1 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy - Regulation

Daily, punctual attendance is an integral part of the learning experience. The education that goes on in the classroom builds from day to day and absences can cause disruption in the educational progress of the absent student. Irregular attendance or tardiness by students not only limits their own studies, but also interferes with the progress of those students who are regular and prompt in attendance. Attendance is a shared responsibility that requires cooperation and communication among students, parents and the school. 

This regulation is divided into two sections: Section I addresses legal requirements related to chronic absenteeism and truancy and Section II addresses additional academic, disciplinary and extracurricular consequences students face due to chronic absenteeism and truancy. It is important for students to recognize that chronic absenteeism and truancy impacts all these facets of their educational experience. 

SECTION I – Legal Requirements

Chronic Absenteeism

When a student meets the threshold to be considered chronically absent, the school official will send notice by mail or e-mail to the county attorney where the district’s central office is located. The school official will also notify the student, or if a minor, the student’s parent, guardian or legal or actual custodian via certified mail that includes information related to the student’s absences from school and the policies and disciplinary processes associated with additional absences.

School officials will send notice when the student’s absences meet the threshold, but before the student is deemed chronically absent (please refer to student handbook).

School Engagement Meeting

If a student is absent from school for at least fifteen percent of the days in the grading period, the school official will attempt to find the cause of the absences and start and participate in a school engagement meeting. All of the following individuals must participate in the school engagement meeting:

  • The student;

  • The student’s parent, guardian or legal or actual custodian if the student is an unemancipated minor; and

  • A school official. 

The purpose of the meeting is to understand the reasons for the student’s absences and attempt to remove barriers to the student’s ongoing absences; and to create and sign an absenteeism prevention plan. 

Absenteeism Prevention Plan

The absenteeism prevention plan will identify the causes of the student’s absences and the future responsibilities of each participant. The school official will contact the student and student’s parent/guardian at least once per week for the remainder of the school year to monitor the performance of the student and the student’s parent/guardian under the plan. If the student and student’s parent/guardian do not attend the meeting, do not enter into a plan or violate the terms of the plan, the school official will notify the county attorney. 


SECTION II – Academic and Disciplinary Requirements

Students are required to be in attendance, pursuant to board policy, for 174 days per school year unless their absences have been excused by the principal or the principal’s designee for illness (absences of five or more consecutive days due to illness requires a doctor's note), family emergencies, doctor or dental appointment, recognized religious observances and school sponsored or approved activities. Reasonable excuses may also include family trips or vacations approved by the building principal if the student's work is finished prior to the trip or vacation. Absences that do not fall within the categories listed above will be considered unexcused unless approved by the principal. Parents are expected to telephone the school office to report a student's absence prior to 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence.

If a student accumulates 10 unexcused absences in a class, he or she may lose credit for the class if the student was previously warned prior to 8 unexcused absences that two more may result in loss of credit. Prior to imposing the loss of credit in one or more classes, the principal will provide the student an opportunity for an informal hearing. 

School work missed because of absences must be made up within two times the number of days absent, not to exceed 6 days. The time allowed for make-up work may be extended at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Teachers will not have attendance or grading practices that are in conflict with this provision.

Students will remain in class until the attendance team representation & superintendent make a decision regarding loss or restoration of credit. Full credit is awarded to all assignments and tests submitted that meet the teacher's specifications until a decision regarding credit has been made.

If a student loses credit based on their attendance, this will be recorded in the student's record as an "AD" administrative drop and could potentially impact eligibility to compete/participate in activities.

A student who loses credit in all courses due to excessive absences is assigned to a supervised study hall for the period(s) in which the course(s) meets or the student may be reassigned to another class or location. A student who, after a hearing before the board, loses credit in all courses due to unexcused absences, will not be allowed to participate in any school activities until the following semester. It will be at the Board’s discretion to place the student in an alternative setting for the remaining portion of the semester or drop the student from enrollment for the semester. However, the student is eligible to participate in practice if all other eligibility criteria have been met and the student was placed in an alternative setting. 

The administration and guidance staff will make reasonable efforts to advise and counsel and may impose discipline upon any student approaching 5 unexcused absences. Such advice, discipline and counseling is in addition to the requirements listed in Section I of this regulation and includes, but is not limited to, oral or written notices to the student and his or her parents, conferences with the student and parents, written contracts, or loss of non-academic privileges such as extracurricular activities, open campus, late arrival, early dismissal, or school sponsored events/dances.


Approved: September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: September 9, 2024


arobson@s-tama… Tue, 10/08/2024 - 13:55

501.11 - Student Release During School Hours

501.11 - Student Release During School Hours

Students will be allowed to leave the school district facilities during school hours only with prior authorization from their parents, unless the parent appears personally at the student's attendance center to arrange for the release of the student during school hours, or with the permission of the principal. 

Approved reasons for release of a student during the school day will include, but not be limited to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious instruction, classes outside the student's attendance center, employment for which the student has been issued a work permit and other reasons determined appropriate by the principal.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy. (see handbook for details)


Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 294.4

281 I.A.C. 12.3(4).


Approved: September 9, 2024

Reviewed: April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; September 9, 2024

Revised: September 9, 2024



dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:47

501.13 - Students of Legal Age 

501.13 - Students of Legal Age 

Policy 501.13: Students of Legal Age 


Students who have attained legal age may continue the education program without payment of tuition as long as they are eligible to attend an Iowa public school and are residents of the school district. 

Parents will be allowed to access and view the student's records without written permission from the student if the student is still a dependent for tax purposes. In most cases, with the discretion of the principal or the superintendent, the student will be able to make decisions and sign documents rather than requiring parental permission or signature.

Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. § 1232g


Iowa Code §§ 22; 282.2, .6, .7; 285.4; 599.1; 622.10.


Approved: December 9, 2024

Reviewed: December 9, 2024

Revised: December 9, 2024

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 12/10/2024 - 10:48

501.16 - Homeless Children and Youth

501.16 - Homeless Children and Youth

The District shall make reasonable efforts to identify homeless children and youth of school age within the District, shall encourage their enrollment in school, shall eliminate existing barriers in District policies and procedures that may serve as barriers to their enrollment, and shall ensure that homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free public education, including public preschool education, as is provided to other children and youth. 

Definitions.  As used in this policy, “homeless children and youth” means individuals from age five through age 21 who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are:

  • sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
  • living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
  • living in emergency or transitional shelters;
  • abandoned in hospitals;
  • children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
  • children and youth who are living in a car, park, public space, abandoned building, substandard housing, bus or train station, or similar setting; or
  • migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are living in circumstances described in this definition.

Incarcerated children and youth and children in foster care are not considered homeless.

School of origin” means the school that the homeless child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the homeless child or youth was last enrolled, including a preschool.

Unaccompanied youth” means a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian, including youth living in runaway shelters, abandoned buildings, cars, on the streets, or in other inadequate housing, youth denied housing by their families, and school-age unwed mothers, living in homes for unwed mothers, who have no other housing available.

Liaison.  The Drop Out Prevention Coordinator shall serve as the District’s liaison for homeless children and youth.  The liaison shall ensure that homeless children and youth are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other entities and agencies; that homeless children and youth enroll in school and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed in school; and that the District is meeting all other requirements under state and federal law relating to homeless children and youth.

The liaison shall also assist parents, guardians and unaccompanied youth in enrolling in school and accessing school services, obtaining student records, arranging for immunizations, and shall help to coordinate transportation services.

No Segregation.  Homeless children and youth shall not be separated from the mainstream school environment on the basis of their status as homeless.  Homeless children and youth may be segregated from other students only for short periods of time as necessary for health or safety reasons or to provide temporary, special and supplemental services to meet the unique needs of homeless students.  Homeless children and youth shall not be stigmatized or isolated on the basis of their status or homeless.  Records indicating their status as homeless shall be maintained in accordance with confidentiality requirements.

Immunization Records.  A homeless child or youth will not be denied enrollment for lack of immunization records if the child is transferring from another school and the school confirms the presence of the immunization record.  The District liaison will make a reasonable effort to locate immunization records from the information provided or will arrange for the student to receive immunizations.

Student Records.  Homeless children and youth transferring into the District may provide student records directly to the District.  The District will not require that the records be forwarded from another district or school before the child may enroll.  The District will then request the student’s records from the previous district or school attended by the student.  Homeless children and youth transferring out of the District may be provided directly copies of student records to take with them.

Waiver of School Fees.  School fees shall be waived in accordance with the District’s policy on waiver of fees or if necessary for the homeless child or youth to obtain equal access to a free public education.  The District liaison shall also assist students in accessing resources for appropriate school clothing.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals.  The application process for the free and reduced price meals shall be expedited for homeless children and youth.  The district may determine if a student is homeless and requires free meals without completing the full application process.

School Placement.  School placement determinations for homeless children and youth shall be made on the basis of the best interests of the homeless child or youth.  The District will, to the extent feasible, keep a homeless child or youth in the school of origin, unless the parent or guardian or unaccompanied youth requests another school and the District concurs in attendance at the preferred school.  If the District sends a homeless child or youth to a school other than the school of origin or a school requested by the parent, guardian, or unaccompanied youth, the District will provide a written explanation of its decision with notice of the right to appeal the decision pursuant to State appeal procedures.

The placement determination shall be student centered, individualized determination.  Factors to be considered may include the age of the student, the distance of the commute and the impact on the student’s education, personal safety issues, the student’s need for special education and related services, the length of the anticipated stay in the temporary shelter or other temporary location, and the time remaining in the school year.  Homeless children and youth may be assigned to other schools if necessary to receive a free and appropriate public education accordance with a special education IEP.

Transportation.  If a homeless child or youth continues to live in the District but in a different attendance area than the school the student was previously attending in the District, the District, at the request of the parent, guardian, or at the request of the District liaison on behalf of an unaccompanied youth, shall provide or arrange for transportation to and from the school previously attended.  If the homeless child or youth is no longer living in the District, but is continuing his or her education in the District, the District will apportion the responsibility and costs for providing the child with transportation with the district where the child is currently living in a manner consistent with the law.

Conflicts With Other Policies.  Provisions in this policy shall supersede any conflicting provisions in other District policies, regulations or procedures.



(July 19, 2004; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:40

502.02 - Good Conduct Rule

502.02 - Good Conduct Rule

Participation in school activities is a privilege.  School activities provide the benefits of promoting additional interests and abilities in the students during their school years and for their lifetimes.

Students who participate in extra-curricular activities serve as ambassadors of the school district throughout the calendar year whether at or away from school.  Students who wish to have the privilege of participating in school extra-curricular activities and other school sponsored activities must conduct themselves in accordance with board policy, and must refrain from activities which are illegal, immoral, or unhealthy throughout the school year.

Students who fail to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures.  Students disciplined under the conduct rule shall receive appropriate due process in concert with the nature of the misconduct.  It shall be the responsibility of the principal to maintain a record of violations for the good conduct policy and supporting administrative regulations.

Any student declared ineligible under the prior school district’s Good Conduct Rule, and then without having completed the full period of ineligibility at that school transfers to the South Tama County High School, will not be eligible for interscholastic competition at South Tama County High School until the full period of ineligibility has been completed.  Once that time period of ineligibility has been completed, the student is then immediately eligible for interscholastic competition at the South Tama County High School as far as any Good Conduct Rule is concerned.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principals, to develop administrative regulations regarding conduct for each school activity.  (See Student Handbook and Activities Handbook). 



(April 17, 1989; July 19, 1993. March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:53

502.06 - Weapons

502.06 - Weapons

The board believes weapons, other dangerous objects and look-a-likes in school district facilities cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees and visitors on the school district premises or property within the jurisdiction of the school district. 

School district facilities are not an appropriate place for weapons, dangerous objects and look-a-likes. Weapons and other dangerous objects and look-a-likes will be taken from students and others who bring them onto the school district property or onto property within the jurisdiction of the school district or from students who are within the control of the school district. 

Parents of students found to possess weapons, dangerous objects or look-a-likes on school property are notified of the incident. Possession or confiscation of weapons, dangerous objects or look-a-likes will be reported to law enforcement officials, and students will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion. 

Students bringing firearms to school or knowingly possessing firearms at school will be expelled for not less than one year. The superintendent has the authority to recommend this expulsion requirement be modified for students on a case-by-case basis. For purposes of this portion of this policy, the term "firearm" includes, but is not limited to, any weapon which is designed to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, a muffler or silencer for such a weapon, any explosive, incendiary or poison gas, or otherwise defined by applicable law. 

Weapons under the control of law enforcement officials or other individuals specifically authorized by the board are exempt from this policy. Students and individuals approved in writing by the Superintendent who are actively engaging in a school district approved firearms safety course, hunter education course or shooting sports activity are exempt from this policy. The superintendent will develop an administrative process or procedures to implement the policy and communicate with law enforcement relevant exemptions to this policy as appropriate. 


Legal Reference: 18 U.S.C. § 921


Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.21B; 483A.27(11), 724

281 I.A.C. 12.3(6)


Approved: August 26, 2024

Reviewed: December 19, 1994; May 15, 1995; November 20, 1995; November 17, 1997; May 17, 1999; May 21, 2001, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; August 26, 2024

Revised: August 26, 2024



dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:17

502.07 - Appearance and Dress

502.07 - Appearance and Dress

The board believes inappropriate student appearance causes material and substantial disruption to the school environment and/or presents a threat to the health and safety of students, employees and visitors.  Therefore, to ensure an orderly learning environment, students and parents are responsible for the student wearing clean and appropriate clothing in attendance at school and school activities.

It is inappropriate and a violation of school policy for students to wear apparel promoting products that are illegal for use by minors and clothing displaying obscene material, profanity, or with references to prohibited conduct.  Dress that is a threat to health or safety or is disruptive to the learning environment will not be acceptable.  Further, certain written or spoken words or symbols on clothing or on the person may be prohibited, without being demonstrably disruptive, if the expression conflicts with the schools’ basic educational mission.  The STC educational mission includes, but is not limited to, the goal of establishing a common core of values which support human dignity, self-respect, and responsibility towards self and others.

The presence of gang activity in the school and community has been detected by local law enforcement, school, and consultant personnel.  Such activity has included the selling of controlled substances, violence, and intimidation. 

The term “gang” in this policy is defined as a “criminal street gang’ as defined in Iowa law 723.A.  A criminal street gang means any ongoing organization, association or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of one or more criminal acts, which has an identifiable name or identifying sign or symbol, and whose members individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity.  “Pattern of criminal gang activity” means commission, attempt to commit, conspiring to commit, or solicitation of two or more criminal acts, provided the criminal acts were committed on separate dates or by two or more persons who are members of, or belong to, the same criminal street gang.

To ensure an orderly learning environment, gang related behavior such as signs, symbols, and gestures are prohibited on school property, buses, and school sponsored events.  Prohibited behavior may include apparel, jewelry, accessory, book, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol or any other attribute, denotes membership in a gang and creates a danger of the commission of unlawful acts or violation of school regulations, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.  Similarly, behavior is prohibited which is identified as involving gang recruitment, initiation, hazing, wearing of colors with gang affiliations, intimidation, fighting, assault, or establishment of turf on school property or at school functions and school-related activities.  Such behavior is likely to cause physical harm or personal degradation or disgrace which is harmful to self or to others and disruptive of the learning atmosphere of a school. 

School personnel are authorized to cause the removal of gang signs and symbols appearing on personal items as well as those that are on public property.  Persons who refuse to remove signs and symbols, which have gang implications or who behave in a manner which is gang related are subject to discipline up to and including removal from activities, detention, suspension or expulsion from school. 



(November 18, 1996; June 16, 1997; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:20

502.07 - Student Substance Use

502.07 - Student Substance Use

The board believes it is imperative to promote the health and well-being of all students in the district. The district will provide a substance use prevention program and set restrictions on substance use by students in accordance with applicable law. 

The board prohibits the distribution, dispensing, manufacture, possession, use, or being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco/nicotine products, other controlled substances, or "look alike" substances that appear to be tobacco/nicotine products, alcohol or controlled substances by students while on school district property or on property within the jurisdiction of the school district; while on school owned and/or operated school or chartered vehicles; while attending or engaged in school activities; and while away from school grounds if the misconduct will directly affect the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district. "Controlled substances" in this policy refers to the misuse of both licit and illicit drugs. 

The board believes such illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials generally cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, or visitors. 

Violation of this policy by students will result in disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion. Use, purchase or being in possession of tobacco/nicotine products for those under the age of twenty-one, may be reported to the local law enforcement authorities. Possession, use or being under the influence of alcohol and/or of a controlled substance may also be reported to the local law enforcement authorities. 

Students who violate the terms of this policy may be required to satisfactorily complete a substance use assistance or rehabilitation program approved by the school board. If such a student fails to satisfactorily complete such a program, the student may be subject to discipline including suspension or expulsion. 

The board believes the substance use prevention program will include:

  • Age-appropriate, evidence-based substance use prevention curriculum for students in grades kindergarten through twelve, which address the legal, social, and health consequences of tobacco, drug and alcohol use and which provide information about effective techniques for resisting social pressure to use tobacco, drugs or alcohol;

  • A statement to students that the use of controlled substances and the unlawful possession and use of tobacco/nicotine products and alcohol is harmful to student well-being;

  • Standards of conduct for students that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, being under the influence of or distribution of controlled substances, tobacco/nicotine products and/or alcohol by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities;

  • A clear statement that disciplinary sanctions, up to and including suspension or expulsion and referral for prosecution, will be imposed on students who violate the policy and a description of those sanctions;

  • A statement that students may be required to complete a substance use evaluation to determine whether substance use disorder treatment is recommended and, if recommended, successfully complete an appropriate rehabilitation program;

  • Information about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and re-entry programs available to students;

  • A requirement that parents and students be given a copy of the standards of conduct and the statement of disciplinary sanctions required; and, 

  • Notification to parents and students that compliance with the standards of conduct is mandatory.


It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy. 


Legal Reference: 34 C.F.R. Pt. 86

Iowa Code §§ 123.46; 124; 279.8, .9; 453A.


Approved: August 26, 2024

Reviewed: April 6, 1981; April 17, 1989; November 17, 1997; January 18, 1999; March 15, 2010; April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; August 26, 2024

Revised: August 26, 2024





dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:18

502.09 - Care of School Property/Vandalism

502.09 - Care of School Property/Vandalism

Students will treat school district property with the care and the respect they would treat their own property.  Students found to have destroyed or otherwise harmed school district property may be required to reimburse the school district.  They may be subject to discipline under board policy and the school district rules and regulations.  They may also be referred to local law enforcement authorities.



(April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:21

502.10 - Search and Seizure

502.10 - Search and Seizure

School district property is held in public trust by the Board.  School district authorities may, without a search warrant, search students, protected student areas, and/or student vehicles based on a reasonable and articulable suspicion that a school district policy, rule, regulation, or law has been violated.  The search shall be in a manner reasonable in scope to maintain order and discipline in the schools, promote the educational environment, and protect the safety and welfare of students, employees, and visitors to the school district facilities. 

School district authorities may also conduct periodic inspections of all, or a randomly selected number of, school lockers, desks, and other facilities or spaces owned by the district and provided as a courtesy to a student.  The furnishing of a locker, desk or other facility or space owned by the school and provided as a courtesy to a student, even if the student provides the lock for it, shall not create a protected student area and shall not give rise to an expectation of privacy with respect to the locker, desk, or other facility.

School authorities may seize any illegal, unauthorized, or contraband materials discovered in the search.  Items of contraband may include, but are not limited to, non-prescription controlled substances, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, apparatus used for controlled substances, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, weapons, explosives, poisons, stolen property, and any other item of which the possession or use of may violate Board policy or the law.  Such items are not to be possessed by a student while they are on school district property or on property within the jurisdiction of the school district; while on owned and/or operated school or chartered vehicles; while attending or engaged in school activities; and while away from school grounds if misconduct will directly affect the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district.  Possession of such items will be grounds for disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion and may be reported to local law enforcement officials.  The Board believes that illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials may cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or presents a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, or visitors on the school district premises or property within the jurisdiction of the school district.



(April 6, 1981; June 15, 1992; November 20, 1995; May 18, 1998, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:22

502.10 - Use of Motor Vehicles

502.10 - Use of Motor Vehicles

The board recognizes the convenience to families and students of having students drive to and park at their school attendance center. Driving a motor vehicle to and parking it at the student's attendance center is a privilege. 

Students who drive to and park at their school attendance center shall only drive to and park at their designated attendance center(s) or at another district’s attendance center for the purpose of attending extracurricular activities. Students may not loiter around or be in their vehicle during the school day without permission from the principal. Students shall leave their attendance center when there is no longer a legitimate reason for them to be at their attendance center. Students who drive shall enter and leave the parking lot by the routes designated by the principal. 

Students who wish to drive to and park at their school attendance center shall comply with the rules and regulations established by the building principal. Failure to comply with this policy or the school district rules shall be reason for revocation of school driving and parking privileges as well as other disciplinary action including suspension and expulsion.

Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 321

Approved: October 28, 2024

Reviewed: April 6, 1981; December 21, 1987; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; October 28, 2024

Revised: October 28, 2024




dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:09

502.10 R1 - Search and Seizure Regulation

502.10 R1 - Search and Seizure Regulation

I.      Searches, in general.

   A.  Reasonable and Articulable Suspicion:  A search of a student will be justified when there are reasonable grounds for the suspicion that the search will turn up evidence
        that the student has violated or is violating the law or school district policy, rules, or regulations affecting school order.

        Reasonable suspicion may be formed by considering factors such as the following:
        (1)  eyewitness observations by employees;
        (2)  information received from reliable sources;
        (3)  suspicious behavior by the student; or,
        (4)  the student’s past history and school record although this factor alone is not sufficient to provide the basis for reasonable suspicion.

   B.  Reasonable Scope:  A search will be permissible in its scope or intrusiveness when the measures adopted are reasonably related to the objectives of the search. 
        Reasonableness of scope or intrusiveness may be determined based on factors such as the following:
        (1)  the age of the student;
        (2)  the sex of the student;
        (3)  the nature of the infraction; and
        (4)  the emergency requiring the search without delay.

II.  Types of Searches

   A.  Personal Searches

  1. A student’s person and/or personal effects (e.g., purse, backpack, etc.) may be searched when a school official has reasonable suspicion to believe the student is in possession of illegal or contraband items or has violated school district policies, rules, regulations or the law affecting school order.
  2. Personally intrusive searches will require more compelling circumstances to be considered reasonable.
    Pat-Down Search:  If a pat-down search or a search of a student’s garments (such as jackets, socks, pockets, etc.) is conducted, it will be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex as the student and with another adult witness of the same sex present, when feasible.
    A more intrusive search, short of a strip search, of the student’s person, handbags, book bags, etc., is permissible in emergency situations when the health and safety of students, employees, or visitors are threatened.  Such a search may only be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex as the student, with an adult of the same sex present unless the health or safety of students will be endangered by the delay which may be caused by following these procedures.

   B.   Locker and Desk Inspections 

Although school lockers and desks are temporarily assigned to individual students, they remain the property of the school district at all times.  The school district has a reasonable and valid interest in insuring the lockers and desks are properly maintained.  For this reason, lockers and desks are subject to unannounced inspections and students have no legitimate expectations of privacy in the locker or desk.  Periodic inspections of all or a random selection of lockers or desks may be conducted by school officials in the presence of the student or another individual.  Any contraband discovered during such searches will be confiscated by school officials and may be turned over to law enforcement officials.

The contents of a student’s locker or desk (coat, backpack, purse, etc.) may be searched when a school official has reasonable and articulable suspicion that the contents contains illegal or contraband items or evidence of a violation of law or school policy or rule.  Such searches should be conducted in the presence of another adult witness when feasible.

   C.  Automobile Searches

Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right.  The school retains authority to conduct routine patrols of the student parking lots.  The interior of a student’s automobile on the school premises may be searched if the school official has reasonable and articulable suspicion to believe that illegal, unauthorized or contraband items are contained inside.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:22

502.11 - Student Lockers

502.11 - Student Lockers

Student lockers are the property of the school district.  Students will use the lockers assigned to them by the school district for storing their school materials and personal belongings necessary for attendance at school.  It is the responsibility of students to keep their assigned lockers clean and undamaged.

To ensure students are properly maintaining their assigned lockers, the principal of the building may periodically inspect all or a random selection of lockers.  Either the student or another individual will be present during the inspection of lockers.  Student lockers may also be searched, at any time and without advance notice, in compliance with board policy regulating search and seizure.  Either the student or another individual will be present during the search of lockers.



(April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:31

502.12 - Interviews with Students

502.12 - Interviews with Students

A student may not be interviewed in school unless the building principal gives specific permission.  Generally, individuals other than parents and school district officials and employees may not interview students during the school day.  No interview shall be permitted unless the principal deems it essential to the welfare of the pupil as set forth in regulations, or he is directed to do so by court order.

Requests from law enforcement officers and from persons other than parents, school district officials, and employees to interview students are made through the principal’s office.  Upon receiving a request, it is the responsibility of the principal to determine whether the request will be granted.  Generally, prior to granting a request, the principal will attempt to contact the parents to inform them of the request and to ask them to be present.

If a child abuse investigator wishes to interview a student, the principal will defer to the investigator’s judgment as to whether the student should be interviewed independently from the student’s parents, whether the school is the most appropriate setting for the interview, and who will be present during the interview.

No student may be taken from the school without consent of the building principal, except by court order accompanied by a peace officer or a peace officer acting in the line of duty. 

Un estudiante no puede ser entrevistado en la escuela a menos que el director del edificio dé un permiso específico. Generalmente, otras personas que no sean los padres y los funcionarios y empleados del distrito escolar no pueden entrevistar a los estudiantes durante el día escolar. No se permitirá ninguna entrevista a menos que el director lo considere esencial para el bienestar del alumno según lo establecido en las regulaciones, o que así lo indique una orden judicial.

Las solicitudes de agentes del orden y de personas distintas de los padres, funcionarios del distrito escolar y empleados para entrevistar a los estudiantes se realizan a través de la oficina del director. Al recibir una solicitud, es responsabilidad del director determinar si se concederá la solicitud. Generalmente, antes de aceptar una solicitud, el director intentará comunicarse con los
padres para informarles de la solicitud y pedirles que estén presentes.

Si un investigador de abuso infantil desea entrevistar a un estudiante, el director remitirá al criterio del investigador si el estudiante debe ser entrevistado independientemente de sus padres, si la escuela es el entorno más apropiado para la entrevista y quién estará presente durante la entrevista.

Ningún estudiante puede ser sacado de la escuela sin el consentimiento del director del edificio,
excepto por orden judicial acompañado por un oficial del orden público o un oficial del orden
público que actúe en el cumplimiento de su deber.


(April 6, 1981; June 15, 1992; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:32

502.12 R1 - Interviews with Students Regulation

502.12 R1 - Interviews with Students Regulation

I.          Investigation Conducted in the Educational Environment

   A.  Interviews Initiated by School Administrators

  1. Conducted by Administrators
    Principals shall have the authority to conduct investigations and to question students pertaining to infractions of school rules, whether or not the alleged conduct is a violation of criminal law.
  1. Conducted by Law Enforcement Officers
    The principal/designee shall determine when the necessity exists that law enforcement officers be contacted to conduct an investigation of alleged criminal behavior.
    The principal/designee may request that law enforcement officers conduct an investigation of alleged criminal behavior during school hours.  A reasonable attempt shall be made to contact the student's parents, guardian or representative prior to questioning of students by law enforcement officers.  Such contacts or attempted contacts with parents, guardian or representative shall be documented by the administrator involved.  In the absence of a student's parents, guardian or representative during any questioning of such students, the principal or other designated certificated school staff person shall be present.
    If the investigation has centered on any particular student suspected of such alleged criminal activity, the procedure of taking students into custody by the police set forth in Section II shall be followed to the extent that they do not interfere with reasonable law enforcement procedures.

   B.  Interviews Initiated by Law Enforcement Officers

  1. Although cooperation with law enforcement officers will be maintained, it should not normally be necessary for law enforcement officers to initiate and conduct any investigation and questioning on the school premises during school hours pertaining to criminal activities unrelated to the operation of the school.  Only in demonstrated emergency situations, when law enforcement officers find it absolutely necessary, will they be voluntarily permitted to conduct such an investigation during school hours.  These circumstances should ordinarily be limited to those in which delay might result in danger to any person, or flight from the jurisdiction of a person reasonably suspected of a crime or destruction of evidence.
  1. In such cases, the officers shall be requested to obtain prior approval of the principal/designee before beginning such an investigation on school premises.  The administrator shall document the circumstances of such investigations as soon as practicable.  Alleged criminal behavior related to the school environment brought to the principal's attention by law enforcement officers shall be dealt with under Iowa law.

   C.  Questioning of Students During Investigation

  1. Violations of School Rules
    In instances where school rules have allegedly been violated, the principal/designee may contact the suspected rule violator or potential witness to the infraction.
    The suspected student shall be advised orally or in writing of the nature of the alleged offense and of the evidence, if any, against the student.
    In questioning a potential student witness to an alleged disciplinary infraction, care should be taken by the administrator to insure that there is a reasonable likelihood that the student was indeed a witness.
  2. Violations of Criminal Law
    During an investigation of violation of school rules, it may come to the attention of the administrator that the investigated activity may also be a violation of criminal law.  In proceeding with the investigation, the principal/designee can attempt to ascertain whether there is sufficient justification to believe that a criminal offense was committed that warrants contacting law enforcement officials.
    Where a suspected violation of criminal law has occurred on the school grounds, involving the operation of the school or during a school-sponsored activity, law enforcement officials may be notified and their presence requested for the questioning of suspected students.  Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, questioning of the student shall not begin or continue until the law enforcement officers arrive.  Reasonable attempts shall be made to contact a student's parents, guardian or representative who, unless an emergency exists, shall be given the opportunity to confer with the student and to be present with the student during such questioning.  The administrator shall document the contact or attempted contact with the student's parents, guardian or representative.  The law enforcement officers may wish to advise the student of his/her legal rights.


II.        Taking a Student into Custody

   A.  Students may not be released to law enforcement authorities voluntarily by school officials unless the student has been placed under arrest or unless the parent, guardian or representative and the student agrees to the release.  Administrators shall make reasonable objections to law enforcement authorities who attempt to remove students from school without placing them under arrest or without the acquiescence of the parent, guardian or representative and the student.  When students are removed from school for any reason by law enforcement authorities, reasonable efforts will be made to contact the student's parents, guardian or representative immediately.  Such effort shall be documented.  The superintendent's office shall be notified immediately of any removal of a student from school by law enforcement officers under any circumstances.

   B.  Where it is necessary to take a student into custody on school premises, and the time permits, the law enforcement officer shall be requested to contact the school principal/designee and relate the circumstances necessitating such action.  When possible, the principal/designee shall have the student summoned to the principal's office where the student may be taken into custody.

   C.  When an emergency exists, the school principal/designee may summon law enforcement officials to the school to take a student into custody.

   D.  When a student has been taken into custody or arrested on school premises without prior notification to the principal/designee, the school staff present shall encourage the law enforcement officers to notify the principal/designee of the circumstances as quickly as possible.  In the event that the officers decline to notify the principal/designee, the school staff members present shall immediately notify the principal/designee.

   E.  If possible, parents, guardian or representative of the student shall be notified by the principal or other school administrator before the student is taken into custody by law enforcement officers or as quickly thereafter as can be accomplished.  The administrator shall document such notification or attempted notification.


III.       Disturbance of School Environment

   A.  Law enforcement officers may be requested to assist in controlling disturbances of the school environment which the principal or other school administrator has found to be unmanageable by school personnel or has the potential of causing harm to students and other persons or to property.  Such potential of possible harm includes members of the general public who have exhibited inappropriate or illegal conduct on school premises or at a school event held on school property and who have been requested to leave by an administrator, but have refused or failed to do so.


IV.       Disseminating and Reviewing Policies

   A.  This policy shall regularly be disseminated to staff members.  School staff members shall be apprised of the contents of these provisions as they are updated, and at least annually.

   B.  School administrators are encouraged to meet at least annually with local law enforcement officials to discuss the district's policy and rules regarding law enforcement contacts with the district.  Law enforcement officials will be asked to instruct their staffs as to the terms of the school's policy and rules.


I.          Investigación realizada en el ámbito educativo

   A.  Entrevistas iniciadas por administradores escolares

1. Conducido por los administradores
a.  Los directores tendrán la autoridad para realizar investigaciones e interrogar a los estudiantes en relación con infracciones de las reglas escolares, ya sea que la conducta alegada sea o no una violación de la ley penal.

2. Realizado por agentes del orden
a. El director/designado determinará cuándo existe la necesidad de que se contacte a los agentes del orden para realizar una investigación de presunto comportamiento criminal.
b. El director/designado puede solicitar que los agentes del orden realicen una investigación de presunto comportamiento criminal durante el horario escolar. Se hará un intento razonable de contactar a los padres, tutores o representantes del estudiante antes de que los agentes del orden público interroguen a los estudiantes. Dichos contactos o intentos de contacto con los padres, tutores o representantes deberán ser documentados por el administrador involucrado. En ausencia de los padres, tutores o representantes de un estudiante durante cualquier interrogatorio de dichos estudiantes, el director u otro miembro del personal escolar certificado designado deberá estar presente.
c. Si la investigación se ha centrado en algún estudiante en particular sospechoso de dicha supuesta actividad criminal, se seguirá el procedimiento de detener a los estudiantes por parte de la policía establecida en la Sección II en la medida que no interfiera con los procedimientos razonables de aplicación de la ley.

 B.  Entrevistas iniciadas por oficiales del orden

1. Aunque se mantendrá la cooperación con los agentes del orden, normalmente no debería ser necesario que los agentes del orden inicien y realicen investigaciones e interrogatorios en las instalaciones de la escuela durante el horario escolar relacionados con actividades delictivas no relacionadas con el funcionamiento de la escuela. Sólo en situaciones de emergencia demostradas, cuando los agentes del orden lo consideren absolutamente necesario, se les permitirá voluntariamente realizar dicha investigación durante el horario escolar. Estas circunstancias normalmente deberían limitarse a aquellas en las que la
demora podría resultar en peligro para cualquier persona, o la fuga de la jurisdicción de una persona razonablemente sospechosa de haber cometido un delito o la destrucción de pruebas.

2. En tales casos, se solicitará a los oficiales que obtengan la aprobación previa del director/designado antes de comenzar dicha investigación en las instalaciones de la escuela. El administrador documentará las circunstancias de dichas investigaciones tan
pronto como sea posible. El presunto comportamiento delictivo relacionado con el entorno escolar que los agentes del orden comuniquen al director la atención del mismo se tratará conforme a la ley de Iowa.

C.  Cuestionamiento a estudiantes durante la investigación

1. Violación a las reglas escolares

a.  En los casos en los que supuestamente se han violado las reglas escolares, el director/designado puede comunicarse con el presunto infractor de las reglas o el posible testigo de la infracción.
b. Se informará al estudiante sospechoso oralmente o por escrito sobre la naturaleza del presunto delito y las pruebas, si las hubiera, contra el estudiante.
c. Al interrogar a un posible estudiante testigo de una supuesta infracción disciplinaria, el administrador debe tener cuidado para asegurarse de que exista una probabilidad razonable de que el estudiante haya sido efectivamente un testigo.

2. Violaciones del derecho penal
a. Durante una investigación de violación de las reglas escolares, el administrador puede llegar a la atención del administrador de que la actividad investigada también puede ser una violación de la ley penal. Al continuar con la investigación, el director/designado puede intentar determinar si existe justificación suficiente para creer que se cometió un delito que justifique comunicarse con los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley.
b. Cuando se haya producido una sospecha de violación de la ley penal en los terrenos de la escuela, que involucre el funcionamiento de la escuela o durante una actividad patrocinada por la escuela, se puede notificar a los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley y solicitar su presencia para interrogar a los estudiantes sospechosos. A menos que las circunstancias indiquen lo contrario, el interrogatorio del estudiante no comenzará ni continuará hasta que lleguen los agentes del orden. Se harán intentos razonables para comunicarse con los padres, tutores o representantes del estudiante quienes, a menos que exista una emergencia, tendrán la oportunidad de consultar con el estudiante y estar presentes con el estudiante durante dicho interrogatorio. El administrador deberá documentar el contacto o intento de contacto con los padres, tutores o representantes del estudiante. Es posible que los agentes del orden deseen informar al estudiante sobre sus derechos legales.
II.        Poner a un estudiante bajo custodia

   A.  Los funcionarios escolares no pueden entregar voluntariamente a los estudiantes a las autoridades policiales a menos que el estudiante haya sido arrestado o a menos que el padre, tutor o representante y el estudiante estén de acuerdo con la liberación. Los administradores deberán hacer objeciones razonables a las autoridades policiales que intenten sacar a los
estudiantes de la escuela sin arrestarlos o sin la aquiescencia del padre, tutor o representante y del estudiante. Cuando las autoridades policiales retiran a los estudiantes de la escuela por cualquier motivo, se harán esfuerzos razonables para comunicarse con los padres, tutores o representantes del estudiante de inmediato. Dicho esfuerzo deberá documentarse. La oficina del superintendente será notificada inmediatamente de cualquier retiro de un estudiante de la escuela por parte de agentes del orden público bajo cualquier circunstancia.
   B.  Cuando sea necesario detener a un estudiante en las instalaciones de la escuela, y el tiempo lo permita, se le solicitará al oficial de la ley que se comunique con el director de la escuela/persona designada y relacione las circunstancias que requieren dicha acción. Cuando sea posible, el director/designado deberá citar al estudiante a la oficina del director donde el estudiante podrá ser detenido.
   C.  Cuando existe una emergencia, el director de la escuela/persona designada puede convocar a los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley a la escuela para detener a un estudiante.
   D.  Cuando un estudiante ha sido detenido o arrestado en las instalaciones de la escuela sin notificación previa al director/designado, el personal de la escuela presente deberá alentar a los agentes del orden a notificar al director/designado de las circunstancias lo más rápido posible. En caso de que los oficiales se nieguen a notificar al director/designado, los miembros del personal escolar presentes notificarán inmediatamente al director/designado.
   E.  Si es posible, el director u otro administrador escolar notificará a los padres, tutores o representantes del estudiante antes de que los agentes del orden detengan al estudiante o tan pronto como sea posible. El administrador documentará dicha notificación o intento de notificación.

III.       Perturbación del ambiente escolar

  A.  Se puede solicitar a los agentes del orden público que ayuden a controlar las perturbaciones del entorno escolar que el director u otro administrador escolar haya considerado inmanejables por el personal de la escuela o que tengan el potencial de causar daños a los estudiantes y otras personas o a la propiedad. Tal potencial de posible daño incluye a miembros del público en general que han exhibido una conducta inapropiada o ilegal en las instalaciones escolares o en un evento escolar celebrado en la propiedad escolar y a quienes un administrador les ha pedido que se retiren, pero se han negado o no lo han hecho.

IV.       Difusión y revisión de políticas
   A.  Esta política se difundirá periódicamente entre los miembros del personal. Los miembros del personal de la escuela serán informados del contenido de estas disposiciones a medida que se actualicen, y al menos una vez al año.

   B.  Se anima a los administradores escolares a reunirse al menos una vez al año con los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir las leyes locales para discutir la política y las reglas del distrito con respecto a los contactos de las autoridades policiales con el distrito. Se pedirá a los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley que instruyan a su personal sobre los términos de la política y las reglas de la escuela.

(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:33

503.00 - Student Attendance

503.00 - Student Attendance dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:40

503.01 - Student Conduct

503.01 - Student Conduct

The board believes inappropriate student conduct causes material and substantial disruption to the school environment, interferes with the rights of others, or presents a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors on school premises. Appropriate classroom behavior allows teachers to communicate more effectively with students.

Students will conduct themselves in a manner fitting to their age level and maturity and with respect and consideration for the rights of others while on school district property or on property within the jurisdiction of the school district; while on school owned and/or operated school or chartered vehicles; while attending or engaged in school activities; and while away from school grounds if misconduct will directly affect the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district. Consequences for the misconduct will be fair and developmentally appropriate in light of the circumstances. 

Students who fail to abide by this policy, and the administrative regulations supporting it, may be disciplined for conduct which disrupts or interferes with the education program; conduct which disrupts the orderly and efficient operation of the school district or school activity; conduct which disrupts the rights of other students to participate in or obtain their education; conduct that is violent or destructive; or conduct which interrupts the maintenance of a disciplined atmosphere. Disciplinary measures include, but are not limited to, removal from the classroom, detention, suspension, probation, and expulsion. 

Removal from the classroom means a student is sent to the building principal's office. It is within the discretion of the person in charge of the classroom to remove the student. 

Detention means the student's presence is required during non-school hours for disciplinary purposes. The student can be required to appear prior to the beginning of the school day, after school has been dismissed for the day, or on a non-school day. Whether a student will serve detention, and the length of the detention, is within the discretion of the licensed employee or the building principal, disciplining the student.

In-school suspension means the student will attend school but will be temporarily isolated from one or more classes while under supervision. An in-school suspension will not exceed ten consecutive school days. 

Out-of-school suspension means the student is removed from the school environment, which includes school classes and activities. An out-of-school suspension will not exceed ten consecutive school days unless due process is provided as required by federal and state law. A restriction from school activities means a student will attend school and classes and practice but will not participate in school activities. 

Probation means a student is given a conditional suspension of a penalty for a definite period of time in addition to being reprimanded. The conditional suspension will mean the student must meet the conditions and terms for the suspension of the penalty. Failure of the student to meet these conditions and terms will result in immediate reinstatement of the penalty. 

Expulsion means an action by the board to remove a student from the school environment, which includes, but is not limited to, classes and activities, for a period of time set by the board. 

This policy is not intended to address the use of therapeutic classrooms or seclusion rooms for students.

Discipline of special education students, including suspensions and expulsions, will comply with the provisions of applicable federal and state laws.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.


Legal Reference: Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975). Brands v. Sheldon Community School District, 671 F. Supp. 627 (N.D. Iowa 1987). Sims v. Colfax Comm. School Dist., 307 F. Supp. 485 (Iowa 1970). Bunger v. Iowa High School Athletic Assn., 197 N.W.2d 555 (Iowa 1972). Board of Directors of Ind. School Dist. of Waterloo v. Green, 259 Iowa 1260, 147


N.W.2d 854 (1967). Iowa Code §§ 279.8;282.3, 282.4, 282.5; 708.1. 281 I.A.C. 12.3(6)


Approved: December 4, 2023, August 26, 2024

Reviewed: April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; December 4, 2023; August 26, 2024

Revised: December 4, 2023; August 26, 2024





dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:41

503.01 R1 - Student Conduct - Regulation

503.01 R1 - Student Conduct - Regulation

Administrative Action


A. Probation

1. Probation is conditional suspension of a penalty for a set period of time. Probation may be imposed by the principal for infractions of school rules which do not warrant the necessity of removal from school. 

2. The principal will conduct an investigation of the allegations against the student prior to imposition of probation. The investigation will include, but not be limited to, written or oral notice to the student of the allegations against the student and an opportunity to respond. Written notice and reasons for the probation will be sent to the parents. 


B. In-School Suspension

1. In-school suspensions may be imposed by the principal for infractions of school rules, which are serious but which do not warrant the necessity of removal from school. 

2. The principal will conduct an investigation of the allegations against the student prior to imposition of an in-school suspension. The investigation will include, but not be limited to, written or oral notice to the student of the allegations against the student and an opportunity to respond. In-school suspension will not be imposed for more than ten school days. Written notice and reasons for the in-school suspension will be sent to the student's parents. 


C. Out-of-School Suspension

1. Out-of-school suspension is to be used when other available school resources are unable to constructively remedy student misconduct. 

2. A student may be suspended out of school for up to ten school days by a principal for a commission of gross or repeated infractions of school rules, regulations, policy or the law, or when the presence of the student will cause interference with the maintenance of the educational environment or the operation of the school. The principal may suspend students after conducting an investigation of the charges against the student, giving the student:

a. Oral or written notice of the allegations against the student, and

b. The opportunity to respond to those charges. 

At the principal's discretion, the student may be allowed to confront witnesses against the student or present witnesses on behalf of the student. 

3. Notice of the out-of-school suspension will be mailed no later than the end of the school day following the suspension to the student's parents and the superintendent. A reasonable effort is made to personally notify the student's parents and such effort is documented by the person making or attempting to make the contact. Written notice to the parents will include the circumstances which led to the suspension and a copy of the board policy and rules pertaining to the suspension. 


D. Suspensions and Special Education Students

1. Students who have been identified as special education students may be referred for a review of the student's Individual Education Program (IEP). The IEP may be revised to include a continuum of intervention strategies and programming to change the behavior. 

2. Students who have not been identified as special education students may be referred for evaluation after the student's suspension to determine whether the student has a disability and is in need of special education.


Iowa Code § 279.8; § 282.3; § 282.4; § 282.5; § 708.1


Approved: December 4, 2023; August 26, 2024

Reviewed: December 4, 2023; August 26, 2024

Revised: December 4, 2023; August 26, 2024

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 11/05/2024 - 14:24

503.02 - Expulsion

503.02 - Expulsion

Only the board may remove a student from the school environment for more than ten (10) consecutive school days.

Students may be expelled for violations of board policy, school rules or the law. It is within the discretion of the board to discipline a student by using an expulsion for a single offense or for a series of offenses depending on the nature of the offense and the circumstances surrounding the offense.

It is within the discretion of the superintendent to recommend to the board the expulsion of a student for disciplinary purposes. Only the board may take action to expel a student and to readmit the student. The principal will keep records of expulsions in addition to the board's records. 

When a student is recommended for expulsion by the board, the student is provided with:

1. Notice of the reasons for the proposed expulsion;

2. The names of the witnesses and an oral or written report on the facts to which each witness testifies unless the witnesses are students whose names may be released at the discretion of the superintendent;

3. An opportunity to present a defense against the charges and provide either oral testimony or written affidavits of witnesses on the student's behalf;

4. The right to be represented by counsel; and

5. The results and finding of the board in writing open to the student's inspection.

In addition to these procedures, a special education student must be provided with additional procedures. A determination should be made of whether the student is actually guilty of the misconduct. A staffing team should determine whether the student's behavior is caused by the student's disability and whether the conduct is the result of inappropriate placement. Discussions and conclusions of this meeting should be recorded.

If the special education student's conduct is not caused by the disability, the student may be expelled or suspended for a long-term period following written notice to the parent and pursuant to the school district's expulsion hearing procedures. If the misconduct is caused by the disability and a change in placement is recommended, the change must be made pursuant to the placement procedures used by the school district. 


Legal Reference: Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975). Wood v. Strickland, 420 U.S. 308 (1975). Southeast Warren Comm. School District v. Dept. of Public Instruction, 285

N.W.2d 173 (Iowa 1979). Iowa Code §§ 21.5; 282.3, .4, .5. 281 I.A.C. 12.3(6).


Approved: December 4, 2023: August 26, 2024

Reviewed: April 6, 1981; January 19, 1987; January 16, 1989; November 17, 1997, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; December 4, 2023; August 26, 2024

Revised: December 4, 2023; August 26, 2024




dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:54

503.03 - Fines, Fees, and Charges

503.03 - Fines, Fees, and Charges

The board believes students should respect school district property and assist in its preservation for future use by others. Students may be assessed fines, charges, or fees for the materials needed in a course, for overdue school materials, for participating in activities, or for misuse of school property. 

The superintendent will inform the board of the dollar amount to be charged to students or others for fines, charges, or fees annually. Parents of students meeting specific financial eligibility standards will be eligible for a waiver of student fees or a reduction of student fees based upon the request of the parent. It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy. 


Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 256.7(20); 279.8; 280.10, .11; 282.6; 285.1; 301.1. 281 I.A.C. 18.2.


Approved: November 20, 2023

Reviewed: July 15, 1996; May 20, 1996, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; November 20, 2023

Revised: November 20, 2023




dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:42

503.06 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students 

503.06 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students 

Policy 503.06: Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students 


It is the goal of the district that all students can learn and grow in a safe and peaceful environment that nurtures the student and models respect for oneself and others. On occasion, trained district employees and others may have to use behavior management interventions, physical restraint and/or seclusion of students. The goal of these interventions is to promote the dignity, care, safety, welfare and security of each child and the school community. With this objective in mind, the district will prioritize the use of the least restrictive behavioral interventions appropriate for the situation. 

Physical restraint means a personal restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a student to move the student’s arms, legs, body, or head freely. Physical restraint does not mean a technique used by trained school personnel, or used by a student, for the specific and approved therapeutic or safety purposes for which the technique was designed and, if applicable, prescribed. Physical restraint does not include instructional strategies, such as physically guiding a student during an educational task, hand-shaking, hugging, or other non-disciplinary physical contact. 

Seclusion means the involuntary confinement of a child in a seclusion room or area from which the child is prevented or prohibited from leaving; however, preventing a child from leaving a classroom or school building are not considered seclusion. Seclusion does not include instances when a school employee is present within the room and providing services to the child, such as crisis intervention or instruction. 

Physical restraint or seclusion is reasonable or necessary only:

  • To prevent or terminate an imminent threat of bodily injury to the student or others; or

  • To prevent serious damage to property of significant monetary value or significant nonmonetary value or importance; or

  • When the student’s actions seriously disrupt the learning environment or when physical restraint or seclusion is necessary to ensure the safety of the student or others; and

  • When less restrictive alternatives to seclusion or physical restraint would not be effective, would not be feasible under the circumstances, or have failed in preventing or terminating the imminent threat or behavior;


  • When the physical restraint or seclusion complies with all applicable laws. 


Prior to using physical restraint or seclusion, employees must receive training in accordance with the law. Any individual who is not employed by the district but whose duties could require the individual to use or be present during the use of physical restraint or seclusion on a student will be invited to participate in the same training offered to employees on this topic. 

When required by law, the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee will ensure a post-occurrence debriefing meeting is held, maintain documentation and fulfill all reporting requirements for each occurrence of physical restraint or seclusion as required by law. 


Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.21. 281 I.A.C. 103.


Approved: December 9, 2024

Reviewed: December 9, 2024

Revised: December 9, 2024


arobson@s-tama… Tue, 12/10/2024 - 10:51

503.06-E1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Documentation Form

503.06-E1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Documentation Form

Exhibit 503.06-E(1): Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Documentation Form




Student name: 

Date of occurrence:

Start time of occurrence:

End time of occurrence:

Start time of use of physical restraint or seclusion:

End time of use of physical restraint or seclusion:

Employee names and titles who observed, were involved with or implemented physical restraint and/or seclusion during occurrence

(including administrators who approved extended time if applicable):

Employee’s date of last training

on use of physical restraint and


Describe student actions before, during and after occurrence:


Describe employee actions before, during and after occurrence, including the reason for any of the following, if applicable: use of non-approved restraint, use of non-designated seclusion rooms, any restraint or seclusion that lasted longer than necessary:


Describe any less restrictive means attempted as an alternative to physical restraint and seclusion or why those means would not be effective or feasible, or have failed:


Approval from administrator to continue physical restraint or seclusion past 15 minutes:

Approval obtained from administrator to continue physical restraint or seclusion more than 30 minutes past last approval time:

Administrator approving:

Administrator approving:

Time approved:

Time approved:

Reasons for length of incident:

Reasons for length of incident:

If Administrator approval was not obtained at 15 minutes or every 30 minutes thereafter, or a student was not provided with breaks for bodily needs in incidents lasting longer than 15 minutes, explain why:


Parent/Guardian notification: Parents/Guardians will be notified as soon as practicable once the occurrence is under control, but no more than one hour after, or the end of the school day, whichever occurs first. Space below for documenting multiple attempts to notify guardians is listed in case the guardian cannot be reached in the first attempt.

Employee attempting




Time and manner of

attempted notification:

Was notification


Employee attempting




Time and manner of

attempted notification:

Was notification


Employee attempting




Time and manner of

attempted notification:

Was notification


If Parent/Guardian notification requirements were not complied with, explain why:


Describe injuries sustained or property damaged by students or employees:


Describe future approaches to address student behavior including any consequences or disciplinary actions that may be imposed on the student:



This form has been reviewed and completed by the undersigned employee. A written copy of this form has been sent to the student’s parent or guardian within three school days of the occurrence. Unless the parent or guardian agrees to receive the report by email, fax, or hand delivery, the report must be sent by mail and postmarked by the third day following the occurrence. Enclosed with a copy of this form is an invitation for the parents or guardians to participate in the debriefing meeting scheduled in accordance with the law.


____________________________________              ______________________________

Employee                                                                      Date of form delivered to Parent/Guardian



                                                                                       Method of Transmittal


Approved: December 9, 2024

Reviewed: December 9, 2024

Revised: December 9, 2024


arobson@s-tama… Tue, 12/10/2024 - 11:04

503.06-E2 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Debriefing Letter to Guardian of student Involved in an Occurrence Where Physical Restraint or Seclusion was Used

503.06-E2 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Debriefing Letter to Guardian of student Involved in an Occurrence Where Physical Restraint or Seclusion was Used

Exhibit 503.06-E(2): Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Debriefing Letter to Guardian of student Involved in an Occurrence Where Physical Restraint or Seclusion was Used




[This letter and the enclosed report may be transmitted electronically via email or fax, picked up in person, or mailed. If the district and the guardian do not agree on how to transmit this letter, it must be mailed via postage prepaid, first class mail to the guardian within 3 school days of the occurrence.]


Dear [Guardian],

Recently, your student [name] was involved in an occurrence at school that required the physical restraint and/or seclusion of your student as defined by 281 Iowa Administrative Code Ch. 103. A report related to this occurrence is enclosed with this letter.

The law requires debriefing meetings be held for such occurrences in the following circumstances:

• Following the first instance of seclusion or physical restraint during a school year;

• When any personal injury occurs as a part of the use of seclusion or physical restraint;

• When a reasonable educator would determine a debriefing session is necessary;

• When suggested by a student’s IEP team;

• When agreed to by the guardian and school officials; and

• After seven instances of seclusion or physical restraint of the student.


This letter is intended to inform you that a debriefing meeting will be held on [date within 5 days of transmission of letter, time, place] because of [reason from bulleted list above]. The following employees will be in attendance at this meeting: [list names and titles of employees]. We are inviting you to attend this debriefing meeting to engage with us on topics related to this occurrence.

If you would like to reschedule the debriefing meeting, please contact me as soon as possible via email [email address] or telephone [telephone number], and at least one school day prior to the date and time listed for this debriefing meeting. Your student is allowed to attend this meeting with your consent, and you are welcome to bring a representative of your choosing if you wish. If you plan to bring a representative to this meeting, please let us know at least one school day prior to the meeting so that we have an opportunity to make arrangements.

We look forward to working with you to foster the continued health, safety and educational growth of your student.


___________________________________ ___________________________

[Administrator name], title Date


Enclosure: Report related to student occurrence


Approved: December 9, 2024

Reviewed: December 9, 2024

Revised: December 9, 2024

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 12/10/2024 - 11:18

503.06-R1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Regulation 

503.06-R1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Regulation 

Regulation 503.06-R(1): Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Regulation 


The District will comply with 281 Iowa Administrative Code Ch. 103 for the use of physical restraint and seclusion with students, including, but not limited to:

  • Physical restraint and seclusion will be used only by employees who have been trained in accordance with applicable law unless a trained employee is not immediately available due to the unforeseeable nature of the occurrence. 

  • As soon as practical after the situation is under control, but within one hour after either the occurrence or the end of the school day, whichever occurs first, the school will attempt to contact the student’s parent or guardian using the school’s emergency contact system. 

  • The seclusion or physical restraint is used only for as long as necessary based on research and evidence to allow the student to regain control of their behavior to the point that the threat or behavior necessitating the use of the seclusion or physical restraint has ended, or when a medical condition occurs that puts the student at risk of harm. Unless otherwise provided for in the student’s written approved IEP, BIP, IHP or safety plan, if the seclusion or physical restraint continues for more than 15 minutes:

    • The student will be provided with any necessary breaks to attend to personal and bodily needs, unless doing so would endanger the child or others. 

    • An employee will obtain approval from an administrator or administrator’s designee to continue seclusion or physical restraint beyond 15 minutes. After the initial approval, an employee must obtain additional approval every 30 minutes thereafter for the continuation of the seclusion or physical restraint. 

    • The student’s parent or guardian and the school may agree to more frequent notifications than is required by law. 

    • Schools and district employees must document and explain in writing the reasons why it was not possible for the employees to obtain approval, notify parents, or take action within prescribed time limits. 

    • Schools and district employees who begin and then end use of non approved restraints will document and explain in writing the reasons why they had no other option but to use this type of behavioral intervention. 


  • The area of seclusion will be a designated seclusion room that complies with the seclusion room requirements in accordance with law, unless the nature of the occurrence makes the use of the designated seclusion room impossible, clearly impractical, or clearly contrary to the safety of the student, others, or both; in that event, the school must document and explain in writing the reasons why a designated seclusion room was not used. 

  • An employee must continually visually monitor the student for the duration of the seclusion or physical restraint. 

  • If an employee restrains a student who uses sign language or an augmentative mode of communication as the student’s primary mode of communication, the student shall be permitted to have the student’s hands free of physical restraint, unless doing so is not feasible in view of the threat posed. 

  • Seclusion or physical restraint shall not be used: as punishment or discipline; to force compliance or to retaliate; as a substitute for appropriate educational or behavioral support; to prevent property damage except as provided in law; as a routine school safety measure; or as a convenience to staff. 

  • The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee will investigate any complaint or allegation that one or more employees violated any provisions of 281 Iowa Administrative Code Ch. 103. If the District determines a violation has occurred, corrective action will be taken up to and including termination of the employees involved. If the allegation or complaint involves a specific student the District will notify the parents or guardian of the involved student about the results of the investigation. If any allegation or complaint is also defined as abuse in 281 Iowa Administrative Code 102.2, the procedures listed in chapter 102 will apply. 

  • The District must comply with and implement Chapter 103 whether or not a parent consents to the use of physical restraint or seclusion.


Iowa Code § 279.8 

Iowa Code § 280.21


Approved: December 9, 2024

Reviewed: December 9, 2024

Revised: December 9, 2024


arobson@s-tama… Tue, 12/10/2024 - 11:22

503.07 - Student Disclosure of Identity

503.07 - Student Disclosure of Identity

It is the goal of the district to provide a safe and supportive educational environment in which all students may learn. As part of creating that safe educational environment, no employee of the district will provide false or misleading information to the parent/guardian of a student regarding that student’s gender identity or intention to transition to a gender that is different from their birth certificate or certificate issued upon adoption.


If a student makes a request to a licensed employee to accommodate a gender identity, name, or pronoun that is different from what was assigned to the student in the student’s registration forms or records, the licensed employee is required by Iowa law to report the request to an administrator. The school administrator receiving the report is required by Iowa law to report the request to the student’s parent/guardian. This requirement also applies to all nicknames. 


To maintain compliance with Iowa law and also provide efficiency in the reporting requirements listed above, the Superintendent will provide the opportunity for parents and guardians to list in the student’s registration paperwork any and all nicknames used for students.


Approved: September 18, 2023

Reviewed: September 18, 2023

Revised: September 18, 2023

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 11/05/2024 - 14:35

503.07 E1- Report Of Student Disclosure Of Identity

503.07 E1- Report Of Student Disclosure Of Identity

Dear (Parent/Guardian) _________________,


This letter is to inform you that your student (student’s name listed on registration) ________________

has made a request of a licensed employee to (check all that apply):


______ make an accommodation that is intended to affirm the student’s gender identity as follows:




______ use a name, pronoun or gender identity that is different from the name, pronoun and/or gender

identity listed on the student’s school registration forms. The name, pronoun, or gender identity

requested is _________________________________________________________________________.


If you would like to amend the student’s registration paperwork to permit the student’s requested

accommodation and/or include the use of the above-referenced name/pronoun/gender identity, please

complete the attached form and return it to the district administration office.



____________________________________________ __________________

Administrator                                                                    Date


Approved: September 18, 2023

Reviewed: September 18, 2023

Revised: September 18, 2023

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 11/05/2024 - 14:42

503.07 E2 - Request To Update Student Identity

503.07 E2 - Request To Update Student Identity

__________________________________________________ __________________

(Student’s current name on registration)                                      (Student ID)


Please update my student’s names, pronouns, and/or gender identities on my student’s registration paperwork to include all of the following:







(Gender identities)


__________________________________ __________________

Parent/Guardian                                            Date


Approved: September 18, 2023

Reviewed: September 18, 2023

Revised: September 18, 2023

arobson@s-tama… Tue, 11/05/2024 - 14:51

503.08 Discipline Policy  

503.08 Discipline Policy  


503.08 Discipline Policy  

Discipline is designed to promote behavior that will enable students to learn and successfully participate in their educational and social environments. The district discipline policy for students who make a threat of violence or commit an act of violence is developed to help students understand their obligations to others in the school setting, secure the safety of all students, staff and the community, and to correct student behavior if a violation occurs (2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 96 (House File 604), sec. 7, new section 279.79, subsection 1). 

Students will conduct themselves in a manner fitting their age, grade level, and maturity, and with respect and consideration for the rights of others while on school district property or on property within the jurisdiction of the school district; while on school owned and/or operated school or chartered vehicles; while attending or engaged in school activities; and while away from school grounds if misconduct will directly affect the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district. Consequences for the misconduct will be fair and tailored to the age, grade level and maturity of the student. 

Discipline and other responses to threats or incidents of violence by a student with a disability, including removal from a class, placement in a therapeutic classroom, suspensions, and expulsions, will comply with the provisions of applicable federal and state laws including, but not limited to, the IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 96 (House File 604), sec. 7, new section 279.79, subsection 3). 

District Response to a Threat or Incident of Violence by a Student  

Reporting a Threat of Violence or Incidence of Violence 

In the case of any threat of violence or incident of violence that results in injury, property damage or assault by a student, the teacher will report to the school principal or lead administrator within 24 hours of the incident. The principal or lead administrator will notify the parent or guardian of the student(s) who threatened  or perpetrated an act of violence and the student(s) who the threatened or perpetrated act of violence was made against within 24 hours after receipt of the teacher’s report and complete an investigation of the incident as soon as possible. The classroom teacher may also notify the parent or guardian of the student  who made the threat or caused the incident, and the parent or guardian of the student against whom the threat or incident was directed (2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 96 (House File 604), sec. 4).  

An investigation will be initiated by the principal or lead administrator upon learning of an incident of violence or threat of violence through any credible means. If the principal or lead administrator finds that an incident of violence or threat of violence did occur, the administrator will determine the level of threat or incident by considering all aspects of the situation, including the student's intent and knowledge of the impact of their actions, their developmental level and context of the incident. The resolution will focus on identifying the cause behind the behavior and appropriate corrective action (2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 96 (House File 604),  sec. 7, new section 279.79, subsections 1 and 4).  

A student who makes a threat of violence, causes an incident of violence that results in injury or property damage, or who commits an assault, will be subject to escalating levels of discipline for each occurrence. When appropriate, referrals will be made to local law enforcement. The district retains the authority to assign the level of disciplinary measures appropriate to the severity of the threat of violence or incident of violence (2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 96 (House File 604), sec. 7, new section 279.79, subsection 5). 

Threat of Violence 

Threat of violence means a written, verbal, electronic or behavioral message that either explicitly or implicitly expresses an intention to inflict emotional or physical injury, property damage, or assault. 

Incident of Violence 

Incident of violence means the intentional use of physical force or power against oneself, another person, a group or community or property resulting in injury, property damage or assault.   Incidents of violence are also referred to as physical aggression with injury or physical aggression without injury.


Injury means “physical pain, illness or any impairment of physical condition.” State v. McKee, 312 N.W.2d 907, 913 (Iowa 1981). 

Property Damage 

Property damage means any destruction, damage, impairment or alteration of property to which the  individual does not have a right to take such an action. Property means real property, which includes any real  estate, building, or fixture attached to a building or structure, and personal property, which includes intangible  property (Iowa Code section 4.1(21)). 


Assault means when, without justification, a student does any of the following: 

An act which is intended to cause pain or injury to, or which is intended to result in physical contact which will be insulting or offensive to another, coupled with the apparent ability to execute the act; or any act which is intended to place another in fear of immediate physical contact which will be painful, injurious, insulting or offensive, coupled with the apparent ability to execute the act; or intentionally points any firearm toward another or displays in a threatening manner any dangerous weapon toward  another. 

The act is not an assault when the person doing any of the above and the other person are voluntary participants in a sport, social or other activity, not in itself criminal, when the act is a reasonably foreseeable incident of such sport or activity, and does not create an unreasonable risk of serious injury or breach of the peace (Following Iowa Code section 708.1). 


Grades PK-2 


Escalating Response

Level 1 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP. • Responses may include any of the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate;  

o When appropriate and with written parent consent, counseling, and/or mental health  counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);

o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s);

o Detention; and/or 

o Temporary removal from class. 

• Unless the first offense is unusually serious, the administrator will avoid permanent removal from  a class.

Level 2 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response. 

• Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP.

• Responses to the incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate; 

o When appropriate, with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental health counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);

o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s);

o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle; and/or

o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when  appropriate.

Level 3 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response. 

Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP. • Responses to an incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate; 

o When appropriate, with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental health counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);

o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s).

o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Out-of-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle; 

o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when appropriate; and/or 

o Recommendation for expulsion.


Grades 3-4 


Escalating Response

Level 1 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP. • Responses to an incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that may include the student, when appropriate;  o When appropriate and with written parent consent, counseling, and/or mental health  counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s); o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); o Detention; and/or 

o Temporary removal from class. 

• Unless the first offense is unusually serious, the administrator will avoid permanent removal from  a class.

Level 2 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response.  • Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP.  • Response to an incident may include, but are not limited to, the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate;  o When appropriate, with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental health  counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle; and/or o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when  appropriate.

Level 3 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response.  • Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP. • Response to an incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate;  o When appropriate and with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental  health counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Out-of-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle; and/or o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when  appropriate; and/or 

o Recommendation for expulsion.


Grades 5-8 


Escalating Response

Level 1 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP. • Responses to an incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that may include the student, when appropriate;  o When appropriate and with written parent consent, counseling, and/or mental health  counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); o Detention; and/or 

o Temporary removal from class.

Level 2 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response. • Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP.  • Responses to an incident may include, but are not limited to, the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate;  o When appropriate and with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental  health counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Out-of-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle; and/or o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when  appropriate.

Level 3 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response.  • Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP.  • Response to an incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that may include the student, when appropriate;  o When appropriate and with written parent consent, counseling, and/or mental health  counseling subject to available resources of the district; 

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Out-of-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle; o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when  appropriate; and/or 

o Recommendation for expulsion.


Grades 9-12


Escalating Response

Level 1 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP. 

• Responses to an incident may include, but are not limited to, the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate;  

o When appropriate and with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental  health counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  

o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); o Detention;  

o Temporary removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary removal from class;  

o In-school suspension; and/or 

o Suspension of transportation, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle.

Level 2 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response.  • Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP.  

• Response to an incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate;  

o When appropriate and with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental  health counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  

o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); 

o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Out-of-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle; and/or o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when appropriate.

Level 3 

• Requires parent or guardian notification.  

• Review of response to prior offense, if applicable, to inform increased level of response.  • Requires individualized educational program (IEP) meeting, if the student has an IEP.  

• Response to an incident may include the following: 

o Parent or guardian conference that includes the student, when appropriate;  

o When appropriate and with written parent/guardian consent, counseling, and/or mental  health counseling subject to available resources of the district;  

o Behavior intervention student agreement coupled with another response(s);  

o Restitution or opportunities to repair relationships coupled with another response(s); 

o Detention;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from extracurricular activities;  

o Temporary or permanent removal from class;  

o In-school suspension;  

o Out-of-school suspension;  

o Suspension of transportation privileges, if misconduct occurred in a school vehicle;  

o Placement in an alternative learning environment, including a therapeutic classroom, when appropriate; and/or 

o Recommendation for expulsion.


Definitions (consistent with the Department’s Data Dictionary 2022-23)  

Detention means the student's presence is required during non-school hours for disciplinary purposes. The student can be required to appear prior to the beginning of the school day, after school has been dismissed  for the day or on a non-school day. Whether a student will serve detention, and the length of the detention, is  within the discretion of the licensed employee or the building principal disciplining the student.  

Expulsion means an action by the board to remove a student from the school environment, which includes, but is not limited to, classes and activities, for a period of time set by the board. 

In-school suspension means the student will attend school but will be temporarily isolated from one or more classes while under supervision. An in-school suspension will not exceed ten consecutive school days.  

Out-of-school suspension means the student is removed from the school environment, which includes school classes and activities. An out-of-school suspension will not exceed ten consecutive school days  unless due process is provided as required by federal and state law. A restriction from school activities means a student will attend school and classes and practice but will not participate in school activities.  

Placement in an alternate learning environment means placement of a student in an environment established apart from the regular educational program that includes rules, staff and resources designed to accommodate student needs and to provide a comprehensive education consistent with the student learning goals and content standards established by the school district. 

Removal from the classroom means a student is sent to the building principal's office. It is within the discretion of the person in charge of the classroom to remove the student.


Supporting documents:


***This is the model policy published by the Iowa Department of Education, which all districts are required to adopt as a result of HF 604 passed in 2023. 


Approved: January 15, 2024, August 26, 2024

Reviewed: January 15, 2024

Revised: January 15, 2024

arobson@s-tama… Fri, 08/02/2024 - 13:23

503.08 R1 - Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause

503.08 R1 - Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause

503.08 R1 - Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause


Incidents of Violence - Student Threats of violence and Incidents of Violence

Effective student discipline policies serve the needs of the District in maintaining the order of the education environment while safeguarding the education interests of all students.  For this reason, it is crucial to engage many perspectives in crafting sound policies related to discipline. The board, in conjunction with teachers and administrators in the District, have assigned further meaning to concepts listed in this policy.


Incident Levels Defined

Incident levels must escalate, with Level 1 being less severe than Level 3 incidents. However, the District maintains discretion in applying the level of discipline appropriate for an incident. In making this determination, the administration will consider the following definitions of incident levels. Because no definition could encompass all possible threats or incidents, the administration has discretion in determining which level to assign the incident after looking at the nature of the incident as well as the age, grade level, and maturity of the student.

Level 1 Defined: A relatively minor threat of violence or a minor incident of violence involving a student. These incidents are typically characterized by low severity, minimal harm or intent, and a low likelihood of causing significant disruption or harm to others. Level 1 incidents may include verbal threats, minor altercations, or non-serious incidents that do not pose an immediate danger to others.

Level 2 Defined: A moderate threat of violence or a moderate incident of violence involving a student. These incidents are more serious than Level 1 and may involve intent to cause harm, although the harm caused is still limited in scope. Level 2 incidents could include physical fights with minor injuries, serious verbal threats, or behaviors that significantly disrupt the school environment and/or school day. Students who have previously been involved in a ‘Level 1’ event may escalate to a ‘Level 2’. 

Level 3 Defined: A severe threat of violence or a serious incident of violence involving a student. These incidents are highly concerning and pose a significant risk to the safety and well-being of others and/or create a substantial disruption in the school community and community and/or school day. Level 3 incidents may include physical assaults causing substantial harm, credible threats of serious violence, or incidents involving weapons. Students involved in a ‘Level 2’ event may escalate to a ‘Level 3’.


Timeframe for Determining Repeated Incidents

The District will consider all incidents occurring within a given school year as sufficiently close in proximity between incidents to establish that a repeated incident has occurred. The rationale for establishing this timeframe will assist in providing clarity to the situation, for planning and coordinating a future plan, to plan for potential resource allocation, for administrative accountability, to assist in managing future risks, for historical analysis and to enhance overall communication efforts and to strengthen the decision making process. The administration will have the discretion to alter this time frame when appropriate under the circumstances, depending on the nature of the incident as well as the age, grade level and maturity of the student.


Considerations for Determining the Maturity of the Student

The District believes that gauging the maturity of a student is subject to interpretation and best left to the licensed employees who interact most closely with the student on a regular basis.  Assessing a student’s maturity level is based on individual characteristics unique to each student. Therefore, in making a determination about the maturity of a student, the administration may consult with the student’s classroom teacher and other relevant licensed staff.  The administration will consider the following factors in determining the maturity of the student:

  • The history of how this student handles their emotions.

  • The history of how this student has handled and managed responsibility.

  • The history of how this student has self-regulated their behavior.

  • The history of how this student has been a productive decision maker.

  • The history of how this student has interacted with other peers and adults.

  • The history of how this student has managed their time and productivity effectively.


Considerations for Determining Whether the Off-Campus Threat of Violence or Incident of Violence Will Directly Affect the Good Order, Efficient Management and Welfare of the School District

The District recognizes that students maintain First Amendment rights to free expression both within school and outside. However, free speech protections are not absolute and do not extend to true threats of violence toward an individual or a group of individuals. In considering whether a threat or incident of violence will directly affect the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district necessitating the need for investigation, the administration will consider, among other things, the following factors:

  • The specificity of the threat for time, location or individual(s) targeted;

  • The reasonable likelihood of the student’s ability to carry out the threat;

  • The reasonable likelihood that the threat will interfere with the operation of the educational environment.

In addition to the notification requirements in policy, the administration will apprise the parents or guardians of any student who suffered violence or a threat of violence, of the rights to file complaints under any other relevant board policies including but not limited to anti-bullying/anti-harassment and Title IX.

Legal Reference:   Iowa Code §279.79

Cross Reference: 502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
503 Student Discipline



Approved: February 5, 2024; August 26, 2024

Reviewed: February 5, 2024

Revised: February 5, 2024    




arobson@s-tama… Mon, 08/05/2024 - 09:18

503.09 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices

503.09 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices

In order to promote the best educational experience, students should feel connected to their educational environment and to others in the school community. Building meaningful connections can occur in a variety of ways. Technology has advanced peoples' ability to connect with one another across a variety of virtual platforms, and when used appropriately, adds value to the learning environment. However, it is vital to the developmental health and growth of students that the district provides opportunities for students to connect with peers and other members of their school community in-person whenever possible. In-person learning and interactions teach vital life and social skills that students will need for their continued success in the community. 

For this reason, student use of personal electronic devices during instructional time is prohibited. The definition of personal electronic devices includes cell phones, headphones and other Bluetooth devices.  Students have access to district-owned electronic devices as appropriate for the instructional needs of the learning environment and authorized by the classroom teacher. Personal electronic devices means any device that is capable of electronically communicating, sending, receiving, storing, recording, reproducing and/or displaying information and data. Students may wear smart or electronic watches but may not use any communication applications or features that are prohibited from use on other electronic devices and all notifications must be turned off. 

Personal electronic devices that have been specifically authorized under a current individual education plan (IEP), a Section 504 plan, or an Individual Health Plan (IHP) are exempt from this policy. For purposes of this policy, instructional time is defined as the time from the beginning of class bell through the end of class bell.  It does not include passing, lunch and/or recess periods. 

Students who choose to use personal electronic devices outside instructional time but while on school property, at school-sponsored events, or in a manner that may impact the educational environment must use these devices in accordance with all applicable laws and board policies. Students who violate this policy may face disciplinary consequences. The Superintendent, in conjunction with building level administration, will develop administrative regulations in accordance with this policy. 


Legal References:

16 C.F.R. 312

34 C.F.R. pt. 99

47 C.F.R. 54.520

Iowa Code 279.8


Approved: October 28, 2024

Reviewed: October 20, 1997: March 15, 2010; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; October 28, 2024

Revised: October 28, 2024




dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:21

503.09 R1 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Regulation

503.09 R1 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Regulation

The district is committed to providing an inclusive educational environment for students and families. It is valuable for students' educational experience for families to engage in and support their students' educational experience. As part of this commitment, the district will take steps to create opportunities for students to engage in peer-to-peer activities, and ensure that student use of personal electronic devices does not occur during instructional time. 

Every district staff member is empowered to assist in the enforcement of this policy and regulation as appropriate. To avoid distraction during instructional time, personal electronic devices must be silenced or turned off and not visible.  Students may store their personal electronic devices in their backpacks, unless otherwise instructed. Staff members may establish classroom rules or protocols for placement of personal electronic devices during instructional times consistent with this regulation. If a student is observed using a personal electronic device during instructional time, the employee who observed the student behavior will notify building administration, who will require the student to turn in the device for safekeeping until the end of the school day. The device will be secured in the building's front office. The district, however, is not responsible for the loss, theft, or destruction of personal electronic devices brought onto school, or district property, or while the student is attending district or school-sponsored events. 

For a student's first violation of this policy, the student may pick up the device at the end of the school day and the student's parent/guardian will be notified. For subsequent violations of this policy, the device will be released to the student's parent/guardian following a meeting with the student and the student's parent/guardian to create a plan to avoid further violations. If a student in violation of this policy refuses to turn over their device, they may be sent home for the remainder of the school day. Repeated violations of this policy may result in additional disciplinary consequences for students in accordance with board policy. 


I.C. Iowa Code References Description

Iowa Code § 279.8


Approved: October 28, 2024

Reviewed: October 28, 2024

Revised: October 28, 2024


arobson@s-tama… Tue, 11/05/2024 - 15:16

504.00 - Student Activities

504.00 - Student Activities dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:48

504.01 - Student Organizations and Student Government

504.01 - Student Organizations and Student Government

Student organizations or student government may be formed within any building of the District by working with the building principal.  The purpose of such student groups is to enhance communication between the students and professional staff, enhance school spirit and expand opportunities for enrichment experiences for students.

The board shall approve any student organizations and student government.  The superintendent shall determine qualifications and regulations for student groups and make recommendations to the board for groups seeking approval.  Regulations and policies for student groups shall always remain the province of the board and administration.

Each student group shall be directed or guided by a certified school employee.  Funds collected by any student group shall be deposited in the student activity fund at the earliest opportunity, and shall be controlled similarly to other school funds. 



(April 6, 1981, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:48

504.02 - Student Publications

504.02 - Student Publications

Students may produce official school publications as part of the curriculum under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the principal.  Official school publications include material produced in the journalism, newspaper, yearbook, or writing classes and distributed to the student body either free or for a fee.

Any expression made by students, including student expression in official school publications, is not an expression of official school policy.  The school district, the board, and the employees or officials are not liable in any civil or criminal action for any student expression made or published by students unless the employees or officials have interfered with or altered the content of the student speech or expression.  The liability, if any, is only to the extent of the interference or alteration of the speech or expression.

Official school publications are free from prior restraint by employees or officials except as provided by law.  A faculty advisor will supervise student writers to maintain professional standards of English and journalism and to comply with the law including, but not limited to, the restrictions against unlawful speech.  The production of official school publications is guided by the law and by the ethical standards adopted by professional associations or societies of journalism.

Persons, other than students, who believe they have been aggrieved by student expression in a student-produced official school publication may follow the student complaint process.  Students who believe their freedom of expression in a student-produced official school publication has been restricted may follow the student complaint process.

The superintendent is responsible for developing a student publications code.  This code will include, but not be limited to, reasonable rules including time, place, and manner of restrictions.  The superintendent will also be responsible for distributing this policy and the student publications code to the students and their parents.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:49

504.02 R1 - Student Publications Code

504.02 R1 - Student Publications Code

Except as limited by law and by school policy and regulations, the students of the South Tama County School District are protected in their exercise of freedom of expression in official school publications.  “Official school publications” means material produced by students in the journalism, newspaper, yearbook, publications, or writing classes and distributed to the student body either free or for a fee.

It is the policy of the South Tama Community School District that all official school publications shall be free from prior restraint by school officials except that – students shall not express, publish, or distribute any of the following:

A.  Materials which are obscene.
B.  Materials which are libelous or slanderous under Chapter 659 of the Code of Iowa.
C.  Materials which encourage students to do any of the following:

  1. Commit unlawful acts.
  2. Violate lawful school regulations.
  3. Cause the materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.

Student editors of official school publications shall assign and edit the news, editorial, and feature contents of their publications subject to the limitation of this policy.  Faculty advisors of students producing official school publications shall supervise the production of the students to maintain professional standards of English and journalism, and to comply with Iowa law.  Students and faculty publication advisors shall be responsible for the content of official student publications.  They shall be guided in their judgment by the Iowa Code and by ethical standards adopted by professional associations or societies of journalism and education.  Attention should be paid to the standards of the community.

Student expression in official school publications is not an expression of school policy.  Public school districts and employees or officials are not liable in any civil or criminal action for any student expression made or published by students, unless the school employees or officials have interfered with or altered the content of the student’s speech or expression, and then only to the extent of the interference or alteration of that speech or expression.

It is the policy to encourage the resolution of complaints from anyone who feels aggrieved by student expression in official school publications by having individuals follow the student complaint process outlined in board policy.  The same route of appeal is provided for a student who feels aggrieved by the actions involved in writing or creating the school publication.

Official student publications may be distributed in a reasonable manner on or off school premises. Distribution in a reasonable manner will not encourage students to commit unlawful acts; violate school rules; cause the material and substantial disruption of the orderly and efficient operation of the school district or school activity; disrupt or interfere with the education program; interrupt the maintenance of a disciplined atmosphere; or infringe on the rights of others.



(February 17, 1992, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:50

504.03 - Freedom of Expression

504.03 - Freedom of Expression

Student expression, other than student expression in student-produced official school publications, made on the school district premises or under the jurisdiction of the school district or as part of a school-sponsored activity may be attributed to the school district; therefore, student expression must be responsible.  Student expression must be appropriate to assure that the students learn and meet the goals of the school activity and that the potential audience is not exposed to material that may be harmful or inappropriate for their level of maturity.

Students will be allowed to express their viewpoints and opinions as long as the expression is responsible.  The expression will not, in the judgment of the administration, encourage the breaking of laws, defame others, be obscene or indecent, or cause a material and substantial disruption to the educational program.  The administration, when making this judgment, will consider whether the activity in which the expression was made is school-sponsored and whether review or prohibition of the students’ speech furthers an educational purpose.  Further, the expression must be done in a reasonable time, place, and manner that is not disruptive to the orderly and efficient operation of the school district.

Students who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary measures.  Employees are responsible for insuring students’ expression is in keeping with this policy.



(April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:51

504.04 - Student Activities

504.04 - Student Activities

The Board believes school activities promote additional interests and abilities in the students during their school years and for their lifetime.  School activities may also contribute to the students’ mental and physical growth as well as provide interaction in group activities.  Participation in school activities is a privilege, and students should have an opportunity to participate in and reap the benefits of them.

All student activities affiliated with the school must be under the direction of school personnel.  Student activity events must be approved by the superintendent unless they involve unusual travel expense, in which case the board will take action.  The events must not disrupt the education program or other school district operations.

Every student shall be encouraged to participate in at least one school-sponsored activity or contest.  Any eligible student may elect to participate in the extra-curricular activities of the student’s choice.  No coercion shall be used to force a student to participate in an activity.  A student shall not be required to participate in one activity in order to be eligible to participate in another activity. 

Students will have an opportunity to participate in a school activity unless the activity is not offered or the student cannot participate for disciplinary reasons, including behavioral and academic ineligibility.  All students will have a comparable opportunity to participate in student activities.  However, comparable opportunity does not guarantee boys and girls will be allowed to play on each other’s athletic teams when there are athletic activities available that will allow both boys and girls to reap the benefits of school activities.

Students wanting to participate in school activities must meet the requirements set out by the school district for participation in the activity.  No student shall participate in an athletic practice or contest without filing a doctor’s certificate of good health.

A student participating in interscholastic athletics shall provide evidence of suitable accident insurance, with medical and hospital benefits, before he/she begins practice.  The school will make available to each student an insurance program via an insurance company licensed to provide insurance coverage in Iowa.  Student participation in this program is voluntary.  However, a student who participates in interscholastic athletics shall be adequately insured.  Failure of an athlete to carry school insurance will require a written statement signed by guardian or parent relieving the school district of any and all responsibility due to an injury or death as a direct consequence of interscholastic athletics.  Athlete, as defined here, means all students who participate in interscholastic athletics. 



(December 21, 1987, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:52

504.05 - Student Performances

504.05 - Student Performances

Students, as part of the education program, may participate in contests or other public and private events approved by the superintendent that will be of benefit to the student and the education program.  Performance at such events is a privilege.

Students, who perform at such events, serve as ambassadors of the school district and must conduct themselves in the same manner as required in the regular school day.  Students who fail to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures. 

Students will be allowed to perform in these events only with proper permission and supervision and when the events do not disrupt the education program or other school district operations.  The events must be approved by the superintendent, unless it involves unusual travel and expense, in which case the board must approve of the performance.

In determining whether to approve a student performance, the superintendent shall consider the following guidelines:

  • Performances by student groups below the high school level should be allowed on a very limited basis;
  • All groups of students should have an opportunity to participate; and,
  • Extensive travel by one group of students should be discouraged.

It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether the event will benefit the education program and the participating students.  Contests or other performances by students unapproved by the superintendent are the responsibility of the parent and the student.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:53

504.06 - Student Social Events

504.06 - Student Social Events

Students may participate in social events approved by the superintendent that will be of benefit to the student and the education program.  Attendance at such events is a privilege.

All social events shall be under the control and supervision of school personnel.  Approval for an event shall be secured from the principal of the building involved before making any public announcement.  Hours, behavior, and activities related to social events shall be reasonable and proper as determined by the administration.  Only those persons who can be expected to recognize the authority and responsibility of the school personnel shall be permitted to attend social functions.  The school retains the right to require anyone to leave for inappropriate or unacceptable behavior.



(April 6, 1981, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:54

504.07 - Family Night

504.07 - Family Night

The Board’s belief is that students need a night during the week that is set aside as family night.  During the school year, September 1st to June 1st, Wednesday night shall be set aside as family night. 

School district employees shall not plan, organize or sponsor activities that involve students after 6:00 P.M. on family night.  Exceptions to this practice are limited to the following:

  1. Varsity football practice will be extended to 6:30.  If any varsity football player needs to ride the bus, he will be excused by 6:00 p.m.
  2. Activities that are planned or organized by a control board such as the Girls or Boys Athletic Union are exempt from this restriction.  The policy is also waived when students are on an overnight activity approved by the Board of Education.



(March 20, 1989; December 16, 1991, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:54

504.08 - Student Travel - Excursions and Overnight Trip

504.08 - Student Travel - Excursions and Overnight Trip

While trips of an educational nature are desirable, it is suggested that trips involving the loss of school time be avoided, unless equal results cannot be achieved by scheduling the trip during vacation or summer.

Excursion trips should be defined as a trip by a school club, class or organization that is educationally justified.  Excursion trips that extend beyond the normal school day, but would not involve overnight lodging, shall be authorized at the discretion of the principal.  Overnight trips involving students of the South Tama County Community Schools are subject to the following procedures and guidelines:

  1. Except in unusual circumstances, each overnight trip must be approved through channels by the Board of Education in advance.  For routine (as defined below) overnight trips in cases where time is a factor approval may be granted by the Superintendent and must be presented to the Board at the next regular board meeting.  To assure timely approval, the approval process should be initiated well in advance so that all channels can be approached and the regular Board meeting pattern is observed.  Insufficient time to process requests may cause otherwise meritorious requests to be turned down.  Requests for approval are to be channeled as follows:
    • Complete a formal request and gain approval from the Building Principal (forms may be developed for trips that are not part of the perennial state series of competitions).  Requests should identify the grade, class, or club organization which must appropriately identify the group.  The number of students should be specified and the trip itinerary shall be completed.
    • Following Principal approval, submit the request to the Activity Director (reminder that fund raising activities for trips and other purposes are to have advanced Activity Director approval).
    • The Activity Director will submit formal request to the Board for approval or may authorize the sponsor/coach to submit the request.  Such requests are to be made through the Superintendent.
    • Board action on perennial requests such as state series competition will normally be acted upon in the meeting in which presented.  Other requests will usually be discussed at one Board meeting and voted for approval at the next regular meeting.
  1. All trips known or reasonably anticipated for the school year should be submitted to the Board during the September or October Board meetings.  This includes all the possible state competitions that might involve over-night stays during the year.
  1. Federal law requires that any trip involving school transportation out-of-state must have an identifiable educational purpose.
  1. Use of school vehicles requires an adult, non-student, driver subject to administrative approval.  Strong preference is that the driver(s) be regular school employees.
  1. A partial listing of criteria for approval of overnight trips includes:
  • Trips which are in-state have priority over out-of-state trips.
  • Routine Activities are Activities sanctioned by the state activities organizations or regents or mainstream collegiate organizations, and have a preference over other activities when part of the state series.
  • A Non-Routine Activities request should include a written statement of:
    • Educational purpose(s) or goals, benefits, an/or expectations.
    • School equipment or transportation requested (out of pocket expenses will be an activity cost).
    • Preparatory or follow-up activities that are planned.
    • Method of financing the trip.
    • Method of selecting participants.
    • Number and tentative identification of adult sponsors.
    • Itinerary.
  • Activities which significantly provide monetary or other rewards for the coach/sponsor(s) will be discouraged.
  • Trips which are inclusive for all members of an identifiable group (team, club, band, etc.) are favored over those which exclude members.
  • Equitable access based upon clearly publicized criteria for exclusion is desired.
  • High cost activities and activities for which lack of financing is a reason for exclusion are discouraged.
  • Regular trips in the “field trip” category are discouraged as overnight trips.
  • Normally Non-Routine trips are not to cause students to miss school for more than one day.



(June, 1986; November 17, 1997; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:55

504.09 - Student Honors and Awards

504.09 - Student Honors and Awards

The school district will provide a program that establishes honors and awards including, but not limited to, academic letters, scholarships and good citizenship awards for students to assist students in setting goals.  Students are made aware of honors and awards and the action necessary on the part of the student to achieve them.

Any regularly enrolled student may be considered for honors or awards awarded by the school.  Qualifications for such awards shall be established by professional school personnel who have been delegated the responsibility by the superintendent or the building principal.  The superintendent or the building principal shall publish the systems by which awards are determined.



(April 6, 1981, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:57

504.10 - Commencement

504.10 - Commencement

Students who have successfully completed high school shall be granted diplomas.  If a student desires to be excused from graduation activities, he/she may make application to the high school principal stating the reasons.  Students may be prohibited from attending graduation ceremonies as a matter of discipline or failure to comply with school rules. 



(April 6, 1981; June 15, 1992, March 15, 2010; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:58

504.11 - Student or Class Gifts

504.11 - Student or Class Gifts

Student groups may make expenditures for gifts to the district upon securing the recommendation of the building principal and the approval of the superintendent.  Gifts may be accepted and acknowledged by the superintendent or his designated representative acting for the board. 



(April 6, 1981; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 12:58

505.00 - Student Information

505.00 - Student Information dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:07

505.01 - Student Progress Reports and Conferences

505.01 - Student Progress Reports and Conferences

The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of in-service education for administrators.  The Board of Directors encourages administrators to attend professional meetings which will relate significantly to the general educational philosophy of the school system.

All requests to attend in-service programs must be approved by the Superintendent.  Attendance limitations may be established based on budget allocation and the relevance of the program agenda as it pertains to the local educational objectives.

The superintendent is encouraged to attend an average of one general national convention each year as well as state and regional meetings.  Other district administrators are encouraged to attend, with superintendent approval, state and regional meetings and approximately one general national convention every other year. 



(December 17, 1979; August 21, 1989; June 15, 1992; September 20, 2010; July 9, 2012, June 20, 2016; April 23, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Wed, 05/27/2020 - 12:49

505.01 E1 - Student Records Checklist

505.01 E1 - Student Records Checklist

Subpoena or Judicial Order                                                    (Lawfully Issued)

  • No Parent Signature Required
  • Parent Notify in Advance

Student Financial Aid                                                             (Written Request)

  • No Parent Signature Required

School or Staff in Same School System                                 (No Written Request Necessary)

  • No Parent Signature Required

Other School System Where Student Plans to Enroll             (506.01E2)

  • Copy to Parent Upon Request
  • User Must Submit Written Request*
  • No Parent Signature Required
  • Parent Notify of Release
  • Request Made Part of Student Records

United States Comptroller General                                         (506.01E2)

  • User Must Submit Written Request*
  • No Parent Signature Required
  • Request Made Part of Student Records

Department of Health Education & Welfare Secretary          (506.01E2)

  • User Must Submit Written Request*
  • No Parent Signature Required
  • Request Made Part of Student Records

National Institute of Education                                              (506.01E2)

  • User Must Submit Written Request*
  • No Parent Signature Required
  • Request Made Part of Student Records

Iowa Department of Education Official                                 (506.01E2)

  • User Must Submit Written Request*
  • No Parent Signature Required
  • Request Made Part of Student Records

Parent Inspection of Student Educational Records                (506.01E5)

  • Copy to Parent Upon Request
  • Parent Signature Required**

Parent Request for Hearing to Challenge Record                  (506.01E4)

  • Parent Signature Required**
  • Scheduled Hearing Followed By Written Decision to Parent

Parent Authorization for School to Release Information       (506.01E3)

  • Copy to Parent Upon Request
  • Parent Signature Required**

Notification of Transfer of Student Records                          (506.01E6)

  • Copy to Parent Upon Request
  • No Parent Signature Required


*Such written request is available for inspection by the parents or student and the school official responsible for record maintenance.

**When a student has attained the age of 18 years or is attending an institution of post-secondary education, the permission or consent required of the rights accorded the parent of the student will thereafter be required of and accorded only to the student.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:11

505.01 E2 - Request of Non-Parent for Examination or Copies of Student Records

505.01 E2 - Request of Non-Parent for Examination or Copies of Student Records

The undersigned hereby requests permission to examine the South Tama County Community School District’s official student records of



(Legal Name of Student)                                                        (Date of Birth)


The undersigned requests copies of the following official student records of the above student:



The undersigned certifies that they are (check one):

(a) An official of another school system in which the student intends to enroll.       (   )

(b) An authorized representative of the Comptroller General of the United States.  (   )

(c) An authorized representative of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of           (   )

      Education or U.S. Attorney General.

(d) An administrative head of an educational agency as defined in Section 408       (   )

     of the Education Amendments of 1974.

(e) An official of the Iowa Department of Education                                                (   )

(f) A person connected with the student’s application for, or receipt of, financial    (   )



The undersigned agrees that the information obtained will only be re-disclosed consistent with the state or federal law without the written permission of the parents of the student, or the student if the student is of majority age.













Signature:                                                        City:                                                               

Title:                                                                State:                           Zip:                             

Dated:                                                             Phone Number:                                              



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:13

505.01 E5 - Request of Parent for Examination or Copies of Student Records

505.01 E5 - Request of Parent for Examination or Copies of Student Records

To:                                                                   Address:                                                         
            Board Secretary (Custodian)


The undersigned desires to examine the following official education needs:




of                                                                                 ,                                                          
            (Full Legal Name of Student)                        (Date of Birth)            (Grade)


(Name of School)


My relationship to the student is:                                                                                          


(check one)

                                     I do

                                     I do not

desire a copy of such records.  I understand that a reasonable charge may be made for the



Signature                                                         Parent’s Signature


Title                                                                 Date


Date                                                                Address




                                                                        State                                        Zip Code


                                                                        Phone Number



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:17

505.01 E6 - Notification of Transfer of Student Records

505.01 E6 - Notification of Transfer of Student Records

To:                                                                                           Date:                                                   Parent/or Guardian


            Street Address:                                                                                                          


            City/State:                                                                               Zip:                             


            Please be notified that copies of the                                                                          


            Community School District’s official student records concerning                            


                                                            (full legal name of student) have been transferred to:





            School District Name                                     Address


            upon the written statement that the student intends to enroll in said school system.


            If you desire a copy of such records furnished, please check here ______ and return

            this form to the undersigned.  A reasonable charge will be made for the copies.


            If you believe such records transferred are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in

            violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, you have the right to a hearing

            to challenge the contents of such records.












(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:17

505.01 E7 - Letter to Parent Regarding Receipt of a Subpoena

505.01 E7 - Letter to Parent Regarding Receipt of a Subpoena



Dear    (Parent)           :


This letter is to notify you that the South Tama County Community School District has

received a                    subpoena or court order          requesting copies of your child’s

permanent records.  The specific records requested are:                                                        .


The school district has until                date on subpoena or court order         to deliver the

documents to               (requesting party on subpoena or court order)           .  If you have

any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at           (phone number)           .





(Principal or Superintendent)



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:21

505.01 E8 - Juvenile Justice Agency Information Sharing Agreement

505.01 E8 - Juvenile Justice Agency Information Sharing Agreement

Statement of Purpose:  The purpose of this Agreement is to allow for the sharing of information among the School District and the Agencies prior to a student’s adjudication in order to promote and collaborate to improve school safety, reduce alcohol and illegal drug use, reduce truancy, reduce in-school and out-of-school suspensions, and to support alternatives to in-school and out-of-school suspensions and expulsions which provide structured and well supervised educational programs supplemented by coordinated and appropriate services designed to correct behaviors that lead to truancy, suspension, and expulsion and to support students in successfully completing their education.

Identification of Agencies:  This agreement is between the South Tama Community School District (hereinafter “School District”) and      (agencies listed)        (hereinafter “Agencies).

Statutory Authority:  This agreement implements Iowa Code § 280.25 and is consistent with 34 C.F.R. 99.38 (2003).

Parameters of Information Exchange:

  1. The School District may share any information with the Agencies contained in a student’s permanent record which is directly related to the juvenile justice system’s ability to effectively serve the student.
  1. Prior to adjudication information contained in the permanent record may be disclosed by the school district to the Agencies without parental consent or court order.
  1. Information contained in a student’s permanent record may be disclosed by the School District to the Agencies after adjudication only with parental consent or a court order.
  1. Information shared pursuant to the agreement is used solely for determining the programs and services appropriate to the needs of the student or student’s family or coordinating the delivery of programs and services to the student or student’s family.
  1. Information shared under the agreement is not admissible in any court proceedings which take place prior to a disposition hearing, unless written consent is obtained from a student’s parent, guardian, or legal or actual custodian.
  1. Information obtained by the school from other juvenile justice agencies may not be used as the basis for disciplinary action of the student.
  1. This agreement only governs a school district’s ability to share information and the purposes for which that information can be used.  Other agencies are bound by their own respective confidentiality policies.

Records’ Transmission:  The individual requesting the information should contact the principal of the building in which the student is currently enrolled or was enrolled.  The principal will forward the records within 10 business days of the request.

Confidentiality:  Confidential information shared between the Agencies and the school district will remain confidential and will not be shared with any other person, unless otherwise provided by law.  Information shared under the agreement is not admissible in any court proceedings which take place prior to a disposition hearing, unless written consent is obtained from a student’s parent.  Agencies or individuals violating the terms of this agreement subject their entity represented and themselves personally to legal action pursuant to federal and state law.

Amendments:  This agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the agencies with respect to information sharing.  Agencies may be added to this agreement at the discretion of the school district.

Term:  This agreement is effective from (September 1, 2000 or other date).

Termination:  The School District may discontinue information sharing with an Agency if the School District determines that the Agency has violated the intent or letter of this Agreement.




Signature:                                                        Address:                                                        

Title:                                                                City:                                                              

Agency:                                                           State:                          Zip:                             

Dated:                                                             Phone Number:                                             


Signature:                                                        Address:                                                        

Title:                                                                City:                                                              

Agency:                                                           State:                          Zip:                             

Dated:                                                             Phone Number:                                             


Signature:                                                        Address:                                                        

Title:                                                                City:                                                              

Agency:                                                           State:                          Zip:                             

Dated:                                                             Phone Number:                                             


Signature:                                                        Address:                                                        

Title:                                                                City:                                                              

Agency:                                                           State:                          Zip:                             

Dated:                                                             Phone Number:                                             


This agreement is optional and can only be used if the board has adopted a policy approving of its use.



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:22

505.01 E9 - Annual Notice

505.01 E9 - Annual Notice

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.  They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 454 days of the day the district receives a request for access.

    Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate school official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect.  The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

  1. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading or in violation of the student’s privacy rights.

    Parents or eligible students may ask the school district to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading.  They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.

    If the district decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the district will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.  Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  1. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

    One exception, which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.  A school official is a person employed by the district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, AEA employees, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee or student assistance team, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

    A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

  1. The right to inform the school district that the parent does not want directory information, as defined below, to be released.  Directory information can be released without prior parental consent. 

    Any student over the age of eighteen or parent not wanting this information released to the public must make object in writing by the last Friday in September to the principal.  The objection needs to be renewed annually.

    The following is a list of directory information:


    As with all directory information, military recruiters and postsecondary educational institutions may legally access this information without prior parental consent.  Parents not wanting military recruiters or postsecondary institutions to access the information must ask the school district to withhold the information.  Also, school districts that provide postsecondary institutions and potential employers access to students must provide the same right of access to military recruiters.  Parents not wanting military recruiters to contact their children, have the right to deny permission for this activity.


  1. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA.  The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

                        Family Policy Compliance Office
                        U.S Department of Education,
                        400 Maryland Ave., SW
                        Washington, DC, 20202-4605



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:27

505.01 R1 - Student Records Regulation

505.01 R1 - Student Records Regulation

Student records are all official records, files, and data directly related to students, including all material incorporated into each student’s cumulative record folder and intended for school use or to be available to parties outside the school or school system specifically including, but not necessarily limited to:  dates of attendance; academic work completed; level of achievement (grades, standardized test scores); attendance data; scores on standardized intelligence, aptitude, and psychological tests; interest inventory results; health data; family background information; teacher or counselor ratings and observations; and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns.


The intent of this regulation is to establish procedures for granting requests from parents for access to their child’s records, use of the data, and procedures for its transmittal within forty-five calendar days.


A.    Access to Records

  1. The parent or legal guardian of a student will have access to these records upon written request to the board secretary.

    The parent or legal guardian will, upon written request to the board secretary, have the opportunity to receive an interpretation of the records, have the right to question the data, and, if a difference of opinion is noted, is permitted to file a letter in the cumulative folder stating the dissenting person’s position.  If further challenge is made to the record, the normal appeal procedures established by school policy will be followed.

    A student, eighteen years or older, has the right to determine who, outside the school system, has access to the records.  Parents of students who are 18 years or older but still dependents for income tax purposes may access the student’s records without prior permission of the student.

  1. School officials having access to student records are defined as having a legitimate educational interest.  A school official is a person employed by the school district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the school district has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, AEA employee, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as disciplinary or grievance committee or student assistance team, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. 

B.    Release of Information Outside the School

  1. To release student records to other school(s) in which the student intends to enroll, the parents, legal guardian, or eligible student must be notified of the transfer and the kinds of information being released unless the school district annually notifies parents that the records will be sent automatically.
  1. Student records may be released to official education and other government agencies only if allowed by state or federal law.
  1. To release student records to other persons or agencies, written consent is given by the parent, legal guardian, or a student of majority age.  This consent form will state which records are released, to whom they are released, and the reason for the release.  A copy of the specific records being released will be made available to the person signing the release form if requested.
  1. Before furnishing student records in compliance with judicial orders or pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena, the school district will make a reasonable attempt to notify the parents, legal guardian, or eligible student are notified in advance.
  1. Student records may be shared with juvenile justice agencies with which the school district has an interagency agreement.  This information is shared without prior parental consent.  The agreement is a public document available for inspection.

C.    Hearing Procedures

  1. Upon parental request, the school district will hold a hearing regarding the content of a student’s records which the parent believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the privacy rights of students.
  1. The hearing will be held within a reasonable time after receipt of the parent or eligible student’s request.  The parent or eligible student will receive reasonable advance notice of date, time and place of the hearing.
  1. The hearing officer may be an employee of the school district so long as the employee does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing.
  1. The parents or eligible student will be given a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues.  The parent or eligible student may be represented by an individual at their choice at their own expense.
  1. The hearing officer will render a written decision within a reasonable period after the hearing.  The decision will be based upon evidence presented at the hearing and must include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision.
  1. The parents may appeal the hearing officers decision to the superintendent within ten (10) working days if the superintendent does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing.
  1. The parents may appeal the superintendent’s decision, or the hearing officers decision if the superintendent was unable to hear the appeal, to the board within ten (10) working days.  It is within the discretion of the board to hear the appeal.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:09

505.02 - Student Directory Information

505.02 - Student Directory Information

Student directory information is designed to be used internally within the school district.  Directory information shall be defined in the annual notice.  It may include the student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, grade level, enrollment status, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, photograph and other likeness, and other similar information.

 Prior to developing a student directory or to giving general information to the public, parents will be given notice annually of the intent to develop a directory or to give out general information and have the opportunity to deny the inclusion of their child’s information in the directory or in the general information about the students.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to provide notice and to determine the method of notice that will inform parents.



(New Edition December 15, 1997; May, 2002; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:38

505.02 E1 - Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information

505.02 E1 - Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information

The South Tama County Community School District has adopted a policy designed to assure parents and students the full implementation, protection and enjoyment of their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).  A copy of the school district’s policy is available for review in the office of the principal of all of our schools.

This law requires the school district to designate as “directory information” any personally identifiable information taken from a student’s educational records prior to making such information available to the public.

The school district has designated the following information as directory information:  student’s name, address and telephone number; date and place of birth; email address, grade level, enrollment status, major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; degrees and awards received; and the most recent previous educational institution attended by the student; photograph and other likeness and other similar information. 

You have the right to refuse the designation of any or all of the categories of personally identifiable information as directory information with respect to your student provided that you notify the school district in writing not later than the first Friday of September of this school year.  If you desire to make such a refusal, please complete and return the slip attached to this notice.


If you have no objection to the use of student information, you do not need to take any action.


Return this Form if You Want to Refuse to Release Student Directory Information


South Tama County Community School District Parental Directions to Withhold
Student/Directory Information for Education Purposes, for 20_____ - 20_____ school year.


Student Name:                                                            Date of Birth:                                    


School:                                                                                                Grade:                        


(Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian/Custodian of Child)                             (Date)


This form must be returned to your child’s school no later than the first Friday of September.  Additional forms are available at your child’s school.



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:39

505.03 - Student Library Circulation Records

505.03 - Student Library Circulation Records

Student library circulation records are designed to be used internally to assist in the orderly administration of the school district libraries and media centers.  As a general rule, student library circulation records are considered confidential records and will not be released without parental consent.  Individuals who may access such records include a student’s parents, the student, authorized licensed employees, authorized government officials from the U.S. Comptroller General, the Secretary of Education, the Commissioner and Director of the National Institute of Education, and the Assistant Secretary for Education and State Education Department.  Appropriate authorities in a health or safety emergency may access the student’s library circulation records without the approval or the notification of the student’s parents.  Parents may not access records, without the student’s permission, of a student who has reached the age of majority or who is attending a post-secondary educational institution unless the student is considered a dependent for tax purposes.

It is the teacher-librarian’s responsibility, as the person maintaining the student library circulation records, to approve requests for access to student library circulation records.  Students’ library circulation records may be accessed during the regular business hours of the school district.  If copies of documents are requested, a fee for such copying may be charged.



 (March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:40

505.04 - Testing Program

505.04 - Testing Program

A comprehensive testing program is established and maintained to evaluate the education program of the school district and to assist in providing guidance or counseling services to students and their families.

No student is required, as part of any applicable program, funded by the United State Department of Education, to submit to a survey, analysis or evaluation that reveals information concerning:

  • political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent or guardian;

  • mental or psychological problems of the student or the student's family;

  • sex behavior or attitudes;

  • illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior;

  • critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;

  • legally recognized, privileged and analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians and ministers;

  • religious practices, affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent or guardian; or

  • income,(other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving

  • financial assistance under such program);

without the prior consent of the student (if the student is an adult or emancipated minor), or in the case of an unemancipated minor, without the prior written consent of the parent.

Prior to an employee or contractor of the district providing information on a student enrolled in the district on any survey related to the social or emotional abilities, competencies or characteristics of the student; the district will provide the parent/guardian of the student detailed information related to the survey and obtain written consent of the parent/guardian of the student. This includes the person who created the survey, the person who sponsors the survey, how the information generated by the survey is used and how information generated by the survey is stored. This requirement will not prohibit a district employee from answering questions related to a student enrolled in the district as part of developing or implementing an individualized education program for the student.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.

It is the responsibility of the board to review and approve the evaluation and testing program.


Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. § 1232h

Iowa Code §§ 280.3


Approved: September 18, 2023

Reviewed: April 20, 1981; June 20, 1994; December 19, 1994; July 7, 2003; July 9, 2012; January 19, 2015; October 21, 2019; September 18, 2023

Revised: September 18, 2023




dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 17:13

505.05 Graduation Requirements

505.05 Graduation Requirements

505.05: Graduation Requirements


Students must successfully complete the courses required by the board and Iowa Department of Education in order to graduate.


It is the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that students complete grades one through twelve and that high school students complete __48__ credits prior to graduation. The following credits will be required for graduation:


English/Language Arts __8__credits

Science __6__credits

Mathematics __6__credits

Social Studies _  3__credits

United States Government __1__credits

American History __2__credits

Physical Education __4__credits

Also included, but not listed here:

      Employability __1__credit

      Financial Literacy __1__credit

      Health __2__credits 


The required courses of study will be reviewed by the board annually. 


Prior to graduation, the district will advise students on how to successfully complete the free application for federal student aid. 


Graduation requirements for special education students include successful completion of four years of English, three years of math, three years of social studies and three years of science. 


Students who complete a regular session in the Legislative Page Program of the general assembly at the state capitol will be credited 1⁄2 credit of social studies. 


Students enrolled in a junior officers’ training corp will receive 1/8th physical education credit for each semester the student is enrolled in the program.


Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 256.7, 11, .41; 279.8; 279.61; 280.3, .14. 281 I.A.C. 12.3(5); 12.5


Approved: September 18, 2023

Reviewed: September 18, 2023

Revised: September 18, 2023


rdenham@s-tama… Tue, 03/08/2022 - 13:42

505.08 - Parent and Family Engagement District-Wide Policy (Formerly Parental Involvement)

505.08 - Parent and Family Engagement District-Wide Policy (Formerly Parental Involvement)

Parent and family engagement is an important component in a student’s success in school. The board encourages parents and families to become involved in their child’s education to ensure the child’s academic success. In order to facilitate parent and family involvement, it is the goal of the district to conduct outreach and implement programs, activities and procedures to further involve parents and families with the academic success of their students. The board will:

(In each of the following six items, the board must describe within this policy how it will accomplish each of the items. This mandatory policy is not complete without providing specific information for each of these six categories.)

(1) Involve parents and families in the development of the Title I plan, the process for school review of the plan and the process for improvement by:

  • Bi-annual Title I Parental Meeting

  • Grade Level Curriculum Nights

(2) Provide the coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of all participating schools in planning and implementing effective parent and family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance by:

  • Continue with parental workshops focusing on curriculum

  • Continue with open house events

  • Focus on a literacy night

  • Enhance volunteer efforts

  • Enhance newsletters with a focus on literacy

  • Enhance community involvement on committees, etc. that focus on learning

(3) To the extent feasible, coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies under Title I with parent and family engagement strategies outlined in other relevant Federal, State, and local laws and programs by:

  • Enhance communication

  • Offer parental workshops

  • Include parents on decision making committees

  • Schedule conferences and monitor attendance

  • Celebrate student achievement

  • Respect cultural diversity

  • Schedule family events

(4) Conduct with the involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of the school served including identifying: barriers to greater participation by parents in Title I activities (with particular attention to low-income parents, Limited English Proficient (LEP) parents, parents of any racial or ethnic minority, parents with disabilities and parents with limited literacy); needs of parents and family to assist their children’s learning; and strategies to support successful school and family interactions by:

  • Have parent group provide feedback on ESSA plans

  • Monitor student groups related to achievement

  • Monitor student group attendance data

  • Evaluate the fidelity of implementation of program through walkthroughs and monitoring use of staff as substitutes

(5) Use the findings of the annual evaluation to design strategies for more effective parent and family involvement and to revise, as necessary, the parent and family involvement policies by:

  • Hold annual data review and evaluation with parent group representing our school population to set goals for the following school year

(6) Involve parents and families in Title I activities by:

  • On-going communication

  • Parent Workshops each semester

  • Enhance volunteer opportunities

  • Emphasis on home school compact

  • Provide materials in multiple languages

The district shall involve parents in determining how to allocate reserved Title I funds in accordance with applicable laws. 

The board will review this policy annually. The superintendent is responsible for notifying parents and families of this policy annually or within a reasonable time after it has been amended during the school year. The superintendent may develop an administrative process or procedures to implement this policy. 


Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. §6318


Approved: February 5, 2024; October 14, 2024

Reviewed: February 5, 2024

Revised: February 5, 2024


arobson@s-tama… Mon, 03/25/2024 - 11:15

505.08 R1 - Parent and Family Engagement Building-Level Regulation

505.08 R1 - Parent and Family Engagement Building-Level Regulation

To further the interests of student achievement, the superintendent will create necessary rules to engage parents and family members within the district in the following ways on a building-level basis:

1. Policy Involvement: The district will host an annual meeting and invite all parents to attend; and inform parents of their rights and the district’s requirements under Title I. This meeting will also invite parents to become involved in the planning, review and improvement of a building policy and in developing the district plan. The district will inform parents of:

  • programs under this policy, 

  • curriculum and assessment used for students, 

  • the opportunity to meet with administration to participate in decisions related to their children’s education, 

  • a description and explanation of curriculum used in the school forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and

  • achievement levels of the challenging State academic standards. 


2. Accessibility: Provide opportunities for informed participation of parents and family members in understandable formats and languages. This includes participation by parents and family members who may have disabilities, limited English proficiency, and migratory children. Offer a flexible number of meetings during the day, evening and weekends to facilitate parent involvement. The superintendent has discretion to allow schools to provide childcare for families of students during these meetings through Title I funds. 


3. High Student Academic Achievement: Each school in the district will jointly develop with parents and family members a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, staff and students share responsibility for improving student academic achievement; and how a partnership will be built to achieve this. The compact will describe the responsibility of the school to provide high quality curriculum and instruction, and the parents’ responsibility to support their children’s learning. This will also address the importance of communication

between schools and parents through parent teacher conferences, regular reports to parents on their children’s progress, and ensuring regular meaningful communication between family and school staff. 


4. Building Capacity for Involvement: Each school within the district will include in their plan ways to achieve the following:

  • Assist parents and families to understand topics including academic standards and assessments and how to monitor student progress;

  • Provide materials and training to help parents work with students to improve achievement;

  • Educate teachers and staff in how to communicate with parents and build ties to foster academic success;

  • Coordinate and integrate other federal, state and local programs to support parents in more fully participating in students’ education;

  • Ensure information related to programs is sent to parents and families in understandable formats; and

  • Provide other reasonable support to encourage parental involvement


5. Schools Operating a Schoolwide Program: Each school operating a schoolwide program under this policy shall:

  • Involve parents on a timely and ongoing basis in the planning, review and improvement of programs, including the parent and family engagement school policy drafting and review, and the joint development of the schoolwide program. 

  • If the schoolwide program plan is not satisfactory to the parents of the participating children, parent comments will be requested and submitted with the plan to the district.


Approved: October 14, 2024

Reviewed: October 14, 2024

Revised: October 14, 2024


rdenham@s-tama… Thu, 03/24/2022 - 12:59

506.01 - Education Records Access

506.01 - Education Records Access

The board recognizes the importance of maintaining education records and preserving their confidentiality as provided by law. Education records are kept confidential at collection, storage, disclosure and destruction stages. The board secretary is the custodian of education records. Education records may be maintained in the administrative office of the student's attendance center. 



For the purposes of this policy, the defined words have the following meaning:

  • “Education Record” means those records that contain information directly related to a student and which are maintained by an education agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution. 

  • “Eligible Student” means a student who has reached eighteen years or attends a postsecondary institution. Parents of an eligible student are provided access to education records only with the written permission of the eligible student unless the eligible student is defined as a dependent by the Internal Revenue Code. In that case, the parents may be provided access without the written permission of the student. 


An education record may contain information on more than one student. Parents will have the right to access the information relating to their student or to be informed of the information. Eligible students will also have the right to access the information relating to themselves, or be informed of the information. 

Parents, eligible students, and other individuals authorized in accordance with law will have a right to access the student's education records upon request without unnecessary delay and in no instance more than forty-five calendar days after the request is made. Parents, other than parents of an eligible student, may be denied access to a student's records if the school district has a court order stating such or when the district has been advised under the appropriate laws that the parents may not access the student records. Parents, an eligible student or an authorized representative of the parents will have the right to access the student's education records prior to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting or hearing. 

Copies of education records will be provided if failure to do so would effectively prevent the parents or student from exercising the right to access the education records. Fees for copies of the records are waived if it would prevent the parents or student from accessing the records. A fee may not be charged to search or retrieve information from education records. 

Upon the request of parents or an eligible student, the school district will provide an explanation and interpretation of the education records and a list of the types and locations of education records collected, maintained or used by the school district.

If the parents or an eligible student believes the information in the education records is inaccurate, misleading or violates the privacy of the student, the parents or an eligible student may request that the school district amend the education records. 

Education records may be disclosed in limited circumstances without parental or eligible student's written permission. This disclosure is made on the condition that the education record will not be disclosed to a third party without the written permission of the parents or the eligible student. This disclosure may be:


  • To school officials within the school district and AEA personnel whom the superintendent has determined to have a legitimate educational interest, including, but not limited to, board members, employees, school attorney, auditor, health professionals, and individuals serving on official school committees;

  • To officials of another school district in which the student wishes to enroll, provided the other school district notifies the parents the education records are being sent and the parents have an opportunity to receive a copy of the records and challenge the contents of the records unless the annual notification includes a provision that records will automatically be transferred to new school districts;

  • To the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education or state and local educational authorities;

  • In connection with a student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid;

  • To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction, if such studies are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents by persons other than representatives of such organizations and such information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which it was conducted;

  • To accrediting organizations;

  • To parents of a dependent student as defined in the Internal Revenue Code;

  • To comply with a court order or judicially issued subpoena;

  • [Consistent with an interagency agreement between the school district and juvenile justice agencies]

  • In connection with a health or safety emergency;

  • As directory information; or

  • In additional instances as provided by law. 


The superintendent will keep a list of the individuals and their positions who are authorized to view a special education student's education records without the permission of the parents or the eligible student. Individuals not listed are not allowed access without parental or an eligible student's written permission. This list must be current and available for public inspection and updated as changes occur. 

The superintendent will also keep a list of individuals, agencies and organizations which have requested or obtained access to a student's education records, the date access was given and their legitimate educational interest or purpose for which they were authorized to view the records. The superintendent, however, does not need to keep a list of the parents, authorized educational employees, officers and agencies of the school district who have accessedmmthe student’s education records. This list for an education record may be accessed by the parents, the eligible student and the custodian of education records. 

Permanent education records, including a student's name, address, phone number, grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed and year completed may be maintained without time limitation. Permanent education records will be kept in a fire-safe vault or they may be maintained electronically with a secure backup file. 

When personally identifiable information, other than permanent education records, is no longer needed to provide educational services to a special education student, the parents or eligible student are notified. This notice is normally given after a student graduates or otherwise leaves the school district. If the parents or eligible student request that the personally identifiable information be destroyed, the school district will destroy the records, except for permanent records. Prior to the destruction of the records, the school district must inform the parents or eligible student the records may be needed by the parents or eligible student for social security benefits or other purposes. For purposes of policy, “no longer needed to provide educational services” means that a record is no longer relevant to the provision of instruction, support, or related services and it is no longer needed for accountability and audit purposes. At a minimum, a record needed for accountability and audit purposes must be retained for five years after completion of the activity for which funds were used.

The school district will cooperate with the juvenile justice system in sharing information contained in permanent student records regarding students who have become involved with the juvenile justice system. 

The school district may share any information with the agencies contained in a student's permanent record, which is directly related to the juvenile justice system's ability to effectively serve the student. Prior to adjudication information contained in the permanent record may be disclosed by the school district to the parties without parental consent or court order. Information contained in a student's permanent record may be disclosed by the school district to the agencies after adjudication only with parental consent or a court order. Information shared pursuant to the agreement is used solely for determining the programs and services appropriate to the needs of the student or student's family or coordinating the delivery of programs and services to the student or student's family.

Agencies will contact the principal of the attendance center where the student is currently or was enrolled. The principal will then forward copies of the records within a reasonable time following receipt of the request. 

The school district will provide training or instruction to employees about parents' and eligible students' rights under this policy. Employees will also be informed about the procedures for carrying out this policy. It is the responsibility of the superintendent to annually notify parents and eligible students that they have the right to:


1. Inspect and review the student's education records;

2. Seek amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights;

3. Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that the law authorizes disclosure without consent; and

4. File a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the law. 

The notice is given in a parents' or eligible student's native language. Should the school district collect personal information from students for the purposes of marketing or selling that information, the school district will annually notify parents of such activity. 

The notice will include a statement that the parents have a right to file a complaint alleging the school district failed to comply with this policy. Complaints are forwarded to the Student Privacy Policy Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, Washington, DC. 20202-8520. 


Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, 1415. 34 C.F.R. Pt. 99, 300, .610 et seq. Iowa Code §§ 22; 279.9B, 280.24, .25, 622.10.


Approved: October 14, 2024

Reviewed: January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; October 14, 2024

Revised: October 14, 2024



dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:07

506.01 E2 - Education Records Access - Authorization for Release of Education Records

506.01 E2 - Education Records Access - Authorization for Release of Education Records



The undersigned hereby authorizes ____________________________________________


School District to release copies of the following official education records:




_____________________________________   ____________________

              (Full Legal Name of Student)                        (Date of Birth)


____________________________________________________       from 20__ to 20___

                            (Name of Last School Attended)                              (Year(s) of Attendance)


The reason for this request is: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



My relationship to the child is: ____________________________________________________


Copies of the records to be released are to be furnished to:


( ) the undersigned

( ) the student

( ) other (please specify) _______________________________________________-







State:______ ZIP____________

Phone Number: _________________________


Approved: October 14, 2024

Reviewed: January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; October 14, 2024

Revised: October 14, 2024




dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:15

506.01 E3 - Education Records Access - Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records

506.01 E3 - Education Records Access - Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records



To:____________________________________ Address: _______________________

             Board Secretary (Custodian)


I believe certain official education records of my child, ______________________, (full legal name of student), ___________________(school name), are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of privacy rights of my child.


The official education records which I believe are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the privacy or other rights of my child are:



The reason I believe such records are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the privacy or other rights of my child is:



My relationship to the child is: _____________________________________


I understand that I will be notified in writing of the time and place of the hearing; that I will be notified in writing of the decision; and I have the right to appeal the decision by so notifying the hearing officer in writing within ten days after my receipt of the decision or a right to place a statement in my child's record stating I disagree with the decision and why.






City: ____________________________________

State: ______ ZIP:_______________

Phone Number: ______________________


Approved: October 14, 2024

Reviewed: January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; October 14, 2024

Revised: October 14, 2024





dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:16

506.01 R1 - Student Fees Waiver and Reduction Procedures

506.01 R1 - Student Fees Waiver and Reduction Procedures

The board recognizes that while certain fees charged students are appropriate and authorized, certain students and their families are not financially able to pay the fees.  The school district will grant either full waivers, partial waivers or temporary waivers depending upon the circumstances and the student or student’s parents’ ability to meet the financial criteria.

A.      Waivers -

  1. Full Waivers - a student will be granted a full waiver of fees charged by the school district if the student or student’s parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for free meals under the Child Nutrition program, Family Investment Program, or transportation assistance under open enrollment.  Students in foster care are also eligible for full waivers.
  1. Partial Waivers - a student will be granted a partial waiver of fees charged by the school district if the student or the student’s parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for reduced price meals offered under the Child Nutrition program.  The reduction percentage will be 50 percent.
  1. Temporary Waivers - a student may be eligible for a temporary waiver of fees charged by the district in the event the student’s parents are facing financial difficulty.  Temporary waivers may be applied for at any time throughout the school year and will not extend beyond the end of the school year.  Temporary waivers will not be applied to fees retroactively.

B.      Application - Parents or students eligible for a fee waiver will make an application on the form provided by the school district.  Applications may be made at any time but must
         be renewed annually.

C.      Confidentiality - The school district will treat the application and application process as any other student record and student confidentiality and access provisions will be

D.      Appeals - Denials of a waiver may be appealed to the superintendent of schools.

E.       Fines or charges assessed for damage or loss to school property are not fees and will not be waived.

F.       Notice - the school district will annually notify parents and students of the waiver.  The following information will be included in registration materials.

Students whose families meet the income guidelines for free and reduced price lunch, the Family Investment Program (FIP), or transportation assistance under open enrollment, or who are in foster care are eligible to have their student fees waived or partially waived.  Students whose families are experiencing a temporary financial difficulty may be eligible for a temporary waiver of student fees.  Parents or students who believe they may qualify for temporary financial hardship should contact the district central office for a waiver form.  This waiver does not carry over from year to year and must be completed annually.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:41

507.00 - Student Health and Well-Being

507.00 - Student Health and Well-Being dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:46

507.02 - Special Health Services

507.02 - Special Health Services

The Board recognizes that some special education students need special health services during the school day.  These students shall receive special health services in conjunction with their individualized education program (IEP).



(November 15, 1993; October 16, 2000; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:48

507.03 - Health and Immunization Certificates

507.03 - Health and Immunization Certificates

Students desiring to participate in athletic activities or enrolling in kindergarten or first grade in the school district will have a physical examination by a licensed physician and provide proof of such an examination to the school district.  A physical examination and proof of such an examination may be required by the administration for students in other grades enrolling for the first time in the school district.

A certificate of health stating the results of a physical examination and signed by the physician is on file at the attendance center.  Each student will submit an up-to-date certificate of health upon the request of the superintendent.  Failure to provide this information may be grounds for disciplinary action.

Students enrolling for the first time in the school district will also submit a certificate of immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubeola, rubella, and other immunizations required by law.  The student may be admitted conditionally to the attendance center if the student has not yet completed the immunization process but is in the process of doing so.  Failure to meet the immunization requirement will be grounds for suspension, expulsion or denial of admission.  Upon recommendation of the Iowa Department of Education and Iowa Department of Public Health, students entering the district for the first time may be required to pass a TB test prior to admission.  The district may conduct TB tests of current students.

Students enrolling in kindergarten or any grade in elementary school in the district will have, at a minimum, a dental screening performed by a licensed medical professional (physician, nurse, physician assistant, dentist, dental hygienist) sometime between the student turning three (3) years of age and four (4) months following the student’s enrollment in the district, and will provide proof of such a screening to the district.  Students enrolling in any grade in high school in the district will have, at a minimum, a dental screening performed by a licensed dentist or dental hygienist sometime between one (1) year prior to the student’s enrollment in the district and four (4) months following the student’s enrollment in the district, and will provide proof of such a screening to the district.

Exemptions from the immunization requirement in this policy will be allowed only for medical or religious reasons recognized under the law.  The student must provide a valid Iowa State Department of Health Certificate of Immunization Exemption to be exempt from this policy.



(June 15, 1992; November 17, 1997; April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:54

507.04 - Administration of Medication to Students

507.04 - Administration of Medication to Students

Some students may need prescription and nonprescription medication to participate in their educational program.  These students shall receive medication concomitant with their educational program.  When administration of the medication requires ongoing professional health judgment, an individual health plan shall be developed by the licensed health personnel with the student and the student’s parent.

Medication, including over-the-counter medication, shall be administered only when the student’s parent or guardian (hereinafter “parent”) provides a signed and dated written statement requesting medication administration and the medication is in the original container which is labeled by the pharmacy or the manufacturer with the name of the child, name of the medication, the time of the day which it is to be given, the dosage, and the duration.  Written authorization will also be secured when the parent requests student co-administration of medication when competency is demonstrated.  It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the medication is current; that all information regarding the medication is current; and that the information provided to the district, including, but not limited to the written authorization, is current.

Students who have demonstrated competence in administering their own medications may self-administer their medication as long as all other relevant portions of this policy have been complied with by the student and the student’s parent or guardian.  A written statement by the student’s parent shall be on file requesting co-administration of medication, when competence has been demonstrated.  By law, students with asthma or other airway constricting diseases may self-administer their medication upon approval of their parents and prescribing physician regardless of competency.

Persons administering medication shall include a parent, the physician, the licensed registered nurse (school nurse), and persons who have successfully completed a medication administration course.  A medication administration course and periodic update shall be conducted by a registered nurse or licensed pharmacist, and a record of course completion kept on file at the school district.

A written medication administration record shall be on file including:

  • date;
  • student’s name;
  • prescriber or person authorizing administration;
  • medication;
  • medication dosage;
  • administration time;
  • administration method;
  • signature and title of the person administering medication; and
  • any unusual circumstances, actions, or omissions.

Medication shall be stored in a secured area unless an alternate provision is documented.  The school nurse, or in the nurse’s absence, the nurse’s designee shall have access to the medication which will be kept in a secure area.  Students may carry medication only with the approval of the parents and building principal of the student’s attendance center.  By law, students with asthma or other airway constricting diseases may self-administer their medication upon written approval of their parents and prescribing physician regardless of competency. Students do not have to prove competency to the school district.  Emergency protocols for medication-related reactions shall be posted.  Medication information shall be confidential information.



 (January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:54

507.04 - Student Injury or Illness at School

507.04 - Student Injury or Illness at School

Policy 507.04: Student Illness or Injury at School 


When a student becomes ill or is injured at school, the school district will attempt to notify the student's parents, guardian or emergency contact as soon as possible. 

The school district, while not responsible for medical treatment of an ill or injured student, will have employees present administer emergency or minor first aid if possible. An ill or injured child will be turned over to the care of the parents or qualified medical employees as quickly as possible.

It is the responsibility of the school nurse to inform the building principal and file the accident report with the superintendent within twenty-four hours after the student is injured. 

Annually, parents are required to complete a medical emergency authorization form indicating the procedures to be followed, if possible, in an emergency involving their child. The authorization form will also include the phone numbers of the parents and alternative numbers to call in case of an injury or illness. 

The superintendent is responsible, in conjunction with the school nurse, to develop rules and regulations governing the procedure in the event a student should become ill or be injured at school. 


Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 613.17


Approved: April 6, 1981; December 21, 1987; June 15, 1992; April 18, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019, December 9, 2024

Reviewed: December 9, 2024

Revised: December 9, 2024





dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:01

507.04 E1 - Asthma or Airway Constricting Medication Self- Administration Consent and Authorization Form

507.04 E1 - Asthma or Airway Constricting Medication Self- Administration Consent and Authorization Form

________________________________    __________   _______________   ____/____/____
Student’s Name (Last), (First), (Middle)       Birthday              School                     Date

In order for a student to self-administer medication for asthma or any airway constricting disease:

  • Parent/guardian provides signed, dated authorization for student medication self-administration.
  • Physician (person licensed under chapter 148, 150, or 150A, physician, physician’s assistant, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or other person licensed or registered to distribute or dispense a prescription drug or device in the course of professional practice in Iowa in accordance with section 147.107, or a person licensed by another state in a health field in which, under Iowa law, licensees in this state may legally prescribe drugs) provides written authorization containing:
    • purpose of the medication,
    • prescribed dosage,
    • times, or;
    • special circumstances under which the medication is to be administered.
  • The medication is in the original, labeled container as dispensed or the manufacturer’s labeled container containing the student name, name of the medication, directions for use, and date.
  • Authorization is renewed annually.  If any changes occur in the medication, dosage or time of administration, the parent is to notify school officials immediately.  The authorization shall be reviewed as soon as practical.

Provided the above requirements are fulfilled, a student with asthma or other airway constricting disease may possess and use the student’s medication while in school, at school-sponsored activities, under the supervision of school personnel, and before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school operated property.  If the student abuses the self-administration policy, the ability to self-administer may be withdrawn by the school or discipline may be imposed.

Pursuant to state law, the school district or accredited nonpublic school and its employees are to incur no liability, except for gross negligence, as a result of any injury arising from self-administration of medication by the student.  The parent or guardian of the student shall sign a statement acknowledging that the school district or nonpublic school is to incur no liability, except for gross negligence, as a result of self-administration of medication by the student as established by Iowa law.


____________________        ______________        ________________    ________________

Medication                              Dosage                                    Route                          Time


Purpose of Medication & Administration/Instructions: __________________________________




___________________________________              __________________________________
Special Circumstances                                                Discontinue/Re-Evaluate/Follow-up Date


___________________________________              _____/_____/_____
Prescriber’s Signature                                                 Date


___________________________________              __________________________________
Prescriber’s Address                                                  Emergency Phone


I request the above-named student possess and self-administer asthma or other airway constricting disease medication(s) at school and activities according to the authorization and instructions.

I understand the school district and its employees acting reasonably and in good faith shall incur no liability for any improper use of medication or for supervising, monitoring, or interfering with a student’s self-administration of medicine.

I agree to coordinate and work with school personnel and notify them when questions arise or relevant conditions change.

I agree to provide safe delivery of medication and equipment to and from school and to pick up remaining medication and equipment.

I agree the information is shared with school personnel in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA).

I agree to provide the school with back-up medication approved in this form.

(Student maintains self-administration record).)


_________________________________      _____/_____/_____
Parent/Guardian Signature                              Date                            (agreed to above statement)


_________________________________      ________________
Parent/Guardian Address

Home Phone _________________________

Cell/Work Phone______________________




Self-Administration Authorization Additional Information                           



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:55

507.04 E2 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Prescription Medication to Student

507.04 E2 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Prescription Medication to Student


________________________________        ___/___/____  _________________  ___/___/___

Student’s Name (Last), (First), (Middle)        Birthday          School                         Date


School medications and health services are administered following these guidelines:

  • Parent has provided a signed, dated authorization to administer medication and/or provide the health service.
  • The medication is in the original, labeled container as dispensed or the manufacturer’s labeled container.
  • The medication label contains the student’s name, name of medication, directions for use, and date.
  • Authorization is renewed annually and immediately when the parent notifies the school that changes are necessary.


______________________    __________    ______________________    ________________

Medication/Health Care          Dosage                        Route                                      Time at School






Administration instructions.






Special Directives Signs to observe and Side Effects



Discontinue/Re-Evaluate/Follow-up Date


_________________________________      _____/_____/_____

Prescriber’s Signature                                     Date

_________________________________      ________________

Prescriber’s Address                                      Emergency Phone


I request the above-named student carry medication at school and school activities, according to the prescription, instructions, and written record kept.  Special considerations are noted above.  The information is confidential except as provided to the Family Education Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA).  I agree to coordinate and work with school personnel and prescriber when questions arise.  I agree to provide safe delivery of medication and equipment to and from school and to pick up remaining medication and equipment.


____________________________________            _____/_____/_____
Parent’s Signature                                                       Date


____________________________________            _______________________
Parent’s Address                                                        Home Phone


____________________________________            _______________________
Additional Information                                               Business Phone



Authorization Form



(January 17, 2005; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:58

507.05 - Communicable Diseases

507.05 - Communicable Diseases

General Communicable Diseases Procedures

Students with a communicable disease will be allowed to attend school as long as they are physically able to perform the tasks assigned to them and as long as their attendance does not create a substantial risk of transmission of the illness or other harm to the students or the employees.  The term “communicable disease” shall mean an infectious or contagious disease spread from person or animal to person or as defined by law.

A student will be excluded from school when the student’s condition has been determined to be injurious to the health of others or when the student is too ill to attend school.  The health risk to an immuno-depressed student attending school shall be determined by their personal physician.  The health risk to others in the school environment from the presence of a student with a communicable disease shall be determined on a case by case basis by the superintendent working with advice of public health officials.

Since there may be greater risks of transmission of a communicable disease for some persons with certain conditions than for other persons infected with the same disease, these special conditions, the risk of transmission of the disease, the effect upon the educational program the effect upon the student and other factors deemed relevant by public officials or the superintendent shall be considered in assessing the student’s continued attendance at school.  The superintendent may require medical evidence that students with a communicable disease are able to attend school.

Prevention and control of communicable diseases is included in the school district’s bloodborne pathogens exposure control plan.  The procedures will include scope and application, definitions, exposure control, methods of compliance, universal precautions, vaccination, post-exposure evaluation, follow-up, communication of hazards to employees and record keeping.  This plan is reviewed annually by the superintendent and school nurse.

A student who is at school and who has a communicable disease which may create a substantial risk of harm to other students, employees, or others at school shall report the condition to the superintendent any time the student is aware that the disease actively creates such risk.  It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or school nurse when the superintendent or school nurse has knowledge that a communicable disease is present, to notify the State Department of Health.  Rumor and hearsay shall be insufficient evidence for the superintendent to act.

Health data of a student is confidential, and it shall not be disseminated.  The superintendent may request that the Iowa Department of Health provide a review of the case and recommend regarding the permissibility of continued attendance of the student in the regular classroom, with or without restrictions.  If the student is to be excluded from school, it is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the parents, to make arrangements for the student’s alternate educational program.

The Board realizes it is important for others to know which students in the district have a communicable disease. However, this must be weighed against the privacy and confidentiality rights of the student.  Health data is regarded as private data, and it is not to be disseminated to the public, to students, or to employees without strict observance of data privacy rights.  Knowledge of a communicable disease will be limited to the Board, superintendent, school nurse, and whomever else the superintendent determines has a need to know in order to properly and safely discharge their duties.

Bloodborne Pathogens Precautions

With or without the known presence of communicable disease, prudent precautions should become routine.  Blood or any other body fluids, including vomit and fecal or urinary incontinence, in ANY child should be treated appropriately.

It is recommended that gloves be used when cleaning up any body fluids.  Spills should be cleaned and the effected area washed with soap and water and disinfected with bleach (one part bleach to ten parts water) or other disinfectant and the mop or other cleaning material should be treated with the same bleach or disinfectant.  All disposable materials including gloves and diapers, should be discarded into a plastic bag before placing in a conventional trash system.  Hypodermic needles require special disposal procedures.  Toys and other personal non-disposable items should be cleaned with soap and water and disinfected before passing to another person.  A normal laundry cycle is adequate for other non-disposable items.  All persons involved in the clean-up should wash their hands thoroughly afterward.

School personnel shall have the responsibility to periodically monitor and check students for head lice.



(April 6, 1981; April 17, 1989; June 15, 1992; May 17, 1999; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:00

507.05 R1 - Testing for Tuberculosis

507.05 R1 - Testing for Tuberculosis

All students applying for enrollment in the South Tama County Schools who have lived for at least three months of the past year in one of the following countries must provide proof of TB testing prior to attending school:  Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, or Zaire.  Tine test is not acceptable, Mantoux test is required.

If a student’s test result is positive, the student will be referred to public health officials, and if the student desires to continue enrollment he/she (and their parents) must provide evidence that the student is receiving timely treatment.

In cases where a student visits one of the above countries for more than three months in a year, repeat TB testing may not be required as long as the negative TB test has been given while attending STC Schools and the student exhibits negative symptoms.  Repeat testing will be based upon signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis such as:  fatigue, persistent cough, weight loss, fever, bloody sputum, and/or chest pain.



 (September 15, 1997; December 17, 2001; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:00

507.06 - Student Insurance

507.06 - Student Insurance

Students will have the opportunity to participate in the health and accident insurance plan selected by the school district. The cost of the health and accident insurance program is borne by the student. Participation in the insurance health and accident plan is not a contract with the school district, but rather, a contract between the insurance company and the student.

Students participating in intramural or extracurricular athletics are recommended, but not required, to have health and accident insurance. 

Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 279.8

Approved: April 6, 1981; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019; December 9, 2024

Reviewed: December 9, 2024

Revised: December 9, 2024


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:05

507.07 - Student Exposure to Irritants and Allergens

507.07 - Student Exposure to Irritants and Allergens

Students may be exposed to irritants that pose a risk to the student’s health and safety during the school day.  Parents and students shall take all precautions to ensure that they are not exposed to such irritants and/or allergens.

If the parent(s) requests a meeting, the district will meet with the parent(s) and/or student to discuss the student’s exposure to irritant(s) and/or allergen(s), and, if appropriate, develop a plan to limit the above student’s exposure to irritant(s) and/or allergen(s).  Every such plan to avoid exposure shall include a completed Parental Identification of Student Irritant and/or Allergen Form and a completed Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Medication to Student.

The district cannot guarantee that the student will never be exposed to such irritants and/or allergens.  If a student is exposed to such an irritant and/or allergen and/or suffers from an allergic reaction, the district may administer medication to the student as necessary according to its policies and procedures.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:02

507.07 E1 - Student Exposure to Irritants and Allergens Form

507.07 E1 - Student Exposure to Irritants and Allergens Form

The undersigned(s) are the parent(s), guardian(s), or person(s) in charge of ____________________________________ (student’s full legal name), who is in the ______ grade at the _________________________ building in the South Tama County Community School District.

I am requesting that the above student should not be exposed to or should be minimally exposed to the following irritant(s) and/or allergen(s) because such irritant(s) and/or allergen(s) pose a risk to the student’s health and safety during the school day:  (Attach additional sheets if necessary):

(a) Irritant and/or Allergen: _______________________________________________________

      Why Requesting Limited Exposure (i.e., identified allergy, doctor’s request, other reason):  



      Possible Exposure Symptom(s):_______________________________________________


      Proposed Plan for Limiting Exposure: ___________________________________________


Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Medication to Student:

_____ I have completed a Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Medication to Student so that the South Tama County Community School District, or its authorized representative, may administer medicine to the above-named student in the case of exposure to an irritant or an allergic reaction.


_____ I have NOT completed a Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Medication to Student, and do not intend to do such.


Meeting with District Regarding Limiting Student Exposure to Irritant(s) and/or Allergen(s):

_____ I wish to request a meeting with the District to discuss the above student’s exposure to irritant(s) and/or allergen(s), and, if appropriate, develop a plan to limit the above student’s exposure to irritant(s) and/or allergen(s).


_____ I DO NOT wish to request a meeting with the District to discuss the above student’s exposure to irritant(s) and/or allergen(s).


___________________________________                                                  _________________
(Signature of Parent/Guardian)                                                                       (Date)


___________________________________                                                  _________________
(Printed Name of Parent/Guardian)                                                                (Phone Number)



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:03

507.08 - Student Emergency and Safety Plans and Drills

507.08 - Student Emergency and Safety Plans and Drills

Students will be informed of the appropriate action to take in an emergency.  Emergency drills for fire, weather, other disasters, and school safety issues are conducted each school year.  At least one of each type of drill should be held as early in the school year as possible so that all children will be thoroughly familiar with emergency procedures.

Each attendance center will develop and maintain a written plan containing emergency, disaster, and school safety procedures.  The plan will be communicated to and reviewed with employees.  Employees will participate in emergency and school safety drills.  Licensed employees are responsible for instructing the proper techniques to be followed in the drill.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:04

507.09 - Wellness Policy

507.09 - Wellness Policy

507.09: Wellness

The Board of Education is committed to the optimal development of every student. The board believes for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, there needs to be a positive, safe, and health-promoting learning environment at every level, in every setting. 

The school district provides a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors. The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school district goals to positively influence a student's understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity. In accordance with law and this belief, the board commits to the following:


The school district will identify at least one goal in each of the following areas:

  • Nutrition Education and Promotion: Schools will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that helps students develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors. 

  • Physical Activity: Schools will provide students with age and grade appropriate opportunities to engage in physical activity that meet the Iowa Healthy Kids Act. 

  • Other School Based Activities that Promote Wellness: As appropriate, schools will support students, staff, and parents’ efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 


The following nutritional guidelines for food available on school campuses will be adhered t

  • Meals served through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program will be appealing and meet, at a minimum, nutrition requirements established by state and federal law;

  • Schools providing access to healthy foods outside the reimbursable meal programs before school, during school and thirty minutes after school shall meet the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) Smart Snacks in Schools nutrition standards, at a minimum. This includes such items as those sold through a la carte lines, vending machines, student run stores, and fundraising activities;

  • Snacks provided to students during the school day without charge (e.g., class parties) will meet standards set by the district in accordance with law. The district will provide parents a list of foods and beverages that meet nutrition standards for classroom snacks and celebrations; and

  • Schools will only allow marketing and advertising of foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in school nutrition standards on campus during the school day. 


The superintendent or superintendent’s designee shall implement and ensure compliance with the policy by:

  • Reviewing the policy at least every three years and recommending updates as appropriate for board approval;

  • Implementing a process for permitting parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, teachers of physical education, school health professionals, the school board, administrators and the public to participate in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the policy;

  • Making the policy and updated assessment of the implementation available to the public (e.g., posting on the website, newsletters, etc). This information shall include the extent to which the schools are in compliance with policy and a description of the progress being made in attaining the goals of the policy; and

  • Developing administrative regulations, which shall include specific wellness goals and indicators for measurement of progress consistent with law and district policy.


Legal Reference: 42 U.S.C. §§ 1751 et seq. 42 U.S.C. §§ 1771 et seq. Iowa Code §§ 256.7(29); 256.11(6).


Approved: November 20, 2023

Reviewed: November 20, 2023

Revised: November 20, 2023

dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 17:30

508.00 - Student Transportation

508.00 - Student Transportation dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:07

508.02 - Student Use of Bicycles

508.02 - Student Use of Bicycles

Students within easy walking distance of school are encouraged to walk to school rather than ride bicycles to school.  Compliance will eliminate hazards around the school grounds during very congested times.

Although the Board recommends students walk to school, those students who desire to ride bicycles may do so unless there is concern regarding student safety and welfare.  Bicycle parking racks are provided for bicycle parking.  Students may lock or chain their bicycles to the parking racks if they so desire.  The school is not responsible for lost or damaged bicycles.

The principal of each building shall make regulations concerning the riding of bicycles to and from school.  The privilege of riding a bicycle to school may be withdrawn from a student for failure to observe these regulations.



 (April 6, 1981; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:10

509.02 - Student Complaints

509.02 - Student Complaints

Student complaints and grievances regarding board policy or administrative regulations and other matters should be addressed to the student’s teacher or another licensed employee, other than the administration, for resolution of the complaint.  It is the goal of the board to resolve student complaints at the lowest organizational level.

If the complaint cannot be resolved by a licensed employee, the student may discuss the matter with the principal within five calendar days of the employee’s decision.  If the matter cannot be resolved by the principal, the student may discuss it with the superintendent within five calendar days after speaking with the principal.

If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved by the superintendent, the student may ask to have the matter placed on the board agenda of a regularly scheduled board meeting in compliance with board policy.



(August 19, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 15:13

505.01 E10 - (Spanish Version) Annual Notice

505.01 E10 - (Spanish Version) Annual Notice

La Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia (FERPA) otorga a los padres y estudiantes mayores de 18 años ("estudiantes elegibles") ciertos derechos con respecto a los registros de educación del estudiante. Son:

  1. El derecho a inspeccionar y revisar los registros educativos del estudiante dentro de los 454 días a partir del día en que el distrito recibe una solicitud de acceso.

    Los padres o los estudiantes elegibles deben presentar al director de la escuela (o al funcionario escolar apropiado) una solicitud por escrito que identifique el registro (s) que desean inspeccionar. El director hará los arreglos para el acceso y notificará a los padres o al estudiante elegible de la hora y el lugar donde se pueden inspeccionar dichos registros.

  1. El derecho a solicitar la modificación de los registros educativos del estudiante que el padre o el estudiante elegible creen que son inexactos o engañosos o que violan los derechos de privacidad del estudiante.

    Los padres o los estudiantes elegibles pueden pedirle al distrito escolar que enmiende un registro que ellos creen que es inexacto o engañoso. Deben escribir al director de la escuela, identificar claramente la parte del registro que desean cambiar y especificar por qué es inexacto o engañoso.

    Si el distrito decide no enmendar el registro como lo solicitan los padres o el estudiante elegible, el distrito notificará a los padres o al estudiante elegible de la decisión y les informará sobre su derecho a una audiencia con respecto a la solicitud de enmienda. Se proporcionará información adicional sobre los procedimientos de audiencia al padre o al estudiante elegible cuando se le notifique el derecho a una audiencia.

  1. El derecho a consentir la divulgación de información de identificación personal contenida en los registros educativos del estudiante, excepto en la medida en que FERPA autorice la divulgación sin consentimiento.

    Una excepción, que permite la divulgación sin consentimiento, es la divulgación a funcionarios escolares con intereses educativos legítimos. Un funcionario escolar es una persona empleada por el distrito como administrador, supervisor, instructor o miembro del personal de apoyo (incluido el personal médico o de salud y el personal de la unidad de cumplimiento de la ley); una persona que sirve en la junta escolar; una persona o compañía con la que el distrito ha contratado para realizar una tarea especial (como un abogado, auditor, empleado de AEA, consultor médico o terapeuta); o un padre o estudiante que preste servicios en un comité oficial, como un comité disciplinario o de quejas o un equipo de asistencia al estudiante, o que ayude a otro funcionario escolar a realizar sus tareas.

    Un funcionario escolar tiene un interés educativo legítimo si el funcionario necesita revisar un registro educativo para cumplir con su responsabilidad profesional.

  1. El derecho a informar al distrito escolar que los padres no desean que se divulgue la información del directorio, tal como se define a continuación. La información del directorio se puede divulgar sin el consentimiento previo de los padres.

    Cualquier estudiante mayor de dieciocho años o un padre que no quiera que esta información se divulgue al público debe presentar un escrito por escrito antes del director del último viernes de septiembre. La objeción debe ser renovada anualmente.

    La siguiente es una lista de información de directorio:


    Al igual que con toda la información del directorio, los reclutadores militares y las instituciones educativas postsecundarias pueden acceder legalmente a esta información sin el consentimiento previo de los padres. Los padres que no desean que los reclutadores militares o las instituciones postsecundarias accedan a la información deben solicitar al distrito escolar que retenga la información. Además, los distritos escolares que proporcionan instituciones postsecundarias y posibles empleadores de acceso a los estudiantes deben proporcionar el mismo derecho de acceso a los reclutadores militares. Los padres que no quieran que los reclutadores militares se pongan en contacto con sus hijos, tienen derecho a denegar el permiso para esta actividad.

  1. El derecho a presentar una queja ante el Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos sobre presuntas fallas del distrito para cumplir con los requisitos de FERPA. El nombre y la dirección de la oficina que administra FERPA es:


                        Family Policy Compliance Office
                        U.S Department of Education,
                        400 Maryland Ave., SW
                        Washington, DC, 20202-4605



(Enero 17, 2005; Marzo 21, 2011; Enero 19, 2015;  ____, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 05/29/2020 - 14:30