1002.00 - Public Participation in the School District

1002.00 - Public Participation in the School District dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 05/12/2020 - 18:31

1002.01 - School Community Groups

1002.01 - School Community Groups

The Board values the participation and the support of school district community groups, including, but not limited to, the booster club and parent-teacher organizations, which strive for the betterment of the school district and the education program.  The Board will work closely with these groups.

Parent-teacher organizations may be established for each attendance unit in the school district.  The building administrator for each attendance unit shall serve as the liaison officer representing the school system.

Membership and rules governing school-community groups/organizations shall be determined by each individual organization and/or organization at teach attendance unit.  Activities of individual organizations and/or units, when related to school purposes, shall be evaluated by the administrator assigned to that attendance unit.

Funds raised by these organizations for the school district may be kept as part of the accounts of the school district or may be separately maintained by the organization, as mutually agreed upon by the organization and the Superintendent acting on behalf of the school district.

Prior to any purchase of, or fund raising for the purchase of goods or services for the school district, the organization will confer with the Superintendent to assist the organization in purchasing goods or services to meet the school district’s needs.



(April 18, 1983; May 15, 2000, July 7, 2003; July 18, 2011; June 23, 2014; April 6, 2020)


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 05/12/2020 - 18:31

1002.02 - Community Volunteers

1002.02 - Community Volunteers

The Board recognizes the valuable resource it has in the members of the school district community.  When possible and in concert with the education program, members of the school district community may be asked to make presentations to the students or to assist employees in duties other than teaching when the volunteering would be appropriate considering the needs of the educational program.

The volunteer may be asked to agree to a criminal background check and/or a sexual abuse check prior to volunteering.

Whether an individual will be permitted to volunteer for the school district will be the sole discretion of the Superintendent, and the Superintendent may inform an individual he/she is no longer permitted to volunteer for the school district at any time for any lawful reason. 

Recruitment, training, utilization, and the maintenance of records for the purposes of insurance coverage and/or recognition of school district volunteers is the responsibility of the Superintendent.



(April 6, 2020)


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 05/12/2020 - 18:32