204.02 - Gifts to Board Members

204.02 - Gifts to Board Members

Board members may receive a gift on behalf of the school district.  Board members shall not, either directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or receive any gift, series of gifts or an honorarium unless the giver does not meet the definition of a “restricted donor” as outlined in Iowa law or the gift does not meet the definition of “gift” or “honorarium” as outlined in Iowa law.

Board members may receive nonmonetary gifts of a value less than $3.00 if the donor does not intend to influence the board member’s professional judgment.

It is the responsibility of each board member to know when it is appropriate to accept or reject gifts or honorariums.



(November 16, 1992; September 19, 1994; September 20, 2010; June 18, 2012, June 20, 2016, March 4, 2019)


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 05/19/2020 - 19:29