210.08 E2 - Board Meeting Agenda - Example with Closed Session

Exhibit 210.08-E(2): Board Meeting Agenda - Example (with closed session) 


BOARD MEETING AGENDA EXAMPLE (with closed session)

South Tama County Community School District

[Regular Board Meeting] or [Special Board Meeting]

[Insert Meeting Location]

[Insert Date (Day, Month Date, Year)]

[Insert Time (ex. 6:00 p.m.)]


A. Call to Order, Board President


B. Opening Activities [Pledge of Allegiance, Mission Statement]


C. Roll Call, Board Secretary


D. Public Forum

[Insert reference to policy or procedure title and number and a brief description of the limitations

of public forum (Ex. IASB Sample Policy 213 – Public Participation in Meetings)]


E. Agenda Approval


F. Consent Agenda Approval

F1. Consent Agenda Items [Ex. Minutes, Bill Listing, Contract Approvals]

[Insert reference to relevant district policies and procedures (Ex. IASB Sample Policy 210.9 –Consent Agenda)]

F2. Consent Agenda Items Continued…


G. Presentations [Ex. District goals and priorities update; student learning updates and achievements] [Insert presentation topic, presenter organization (if outside the district), and presenter name]

[Insert reference to relevant district policies, priorities, and goals]


H. Public Hearings [Ex. School calendar adoption, upcoming district budget, and other items for which a public hearing may be embedded into a regular meeting]


J. Discussion Items [Informational, no action required]


K. Action Items [Ex. Resolutions, Approvals, Adoptions]

K.1 Action Items. Consideration of approval of [Insert action item description].

[Insert Superintendent recommendation]

[Insert district staff member name to present on this topic (If different than Superintendent)]

[Insert reference to relevant district policies, priorities, and goals]

K.2 Action Items Continued…


L. Policy Reviews

[Insert policy title and number]

[Insert Introduction, Second Reading, or Third (and Final) Reading]

[Insert district staff member name to present on this topic]


M. Upcoming Events and Community Updates

1. Superintendent

2. Board President and Board Members

3. Other District Staff, as appropriate


N.Closed Session [Motion and vote to enter, no action taken]

[Insert legal authority to enter closed session pursuant to Iowa Code § 21 (Ex., “I move that we

hold a closed session as authorized by section 21.5 of the open meetings law to...]

[Insert reference to relevant district policies and procedures (Ex. IASB Sample Policy 212 –

Closed Sessions)]


*Board decision to leave closed session*


O. Board Action (if needed) on Topic Discussed in Closed Session




Upcoming Meetings: [Insert dates for upcoming board meetings]



Approved: June 3, 2024

Reviewed: June 3, 2024

Revised: June 3, 2024