504.08 - Student Travel - Excursions and Overnight Trip

While trips of an educational nature are desirable, it is suggested that trips involving the loss of school time be avoided, unless equal results cannot be achieved by scheduling the trip during vacation or summer.

Excursion trips should be defined as a trip by a school club, class or organization that is educationally justified.  Excursion trips that extend beyond the normal school day, but would not involve overnight lodging, shall be authorized at the discretion of the principal.  Overnight trips involving students of the South Tama County Community Schools are subject to the following procedures and guidelines:

  1. Except in unusual circumstances, each overnight trip must be approved through channels by the Board of Education in advance.  For routine (as defined below) overnight trips in cases where time is a factor approval may be granted by the Superintendent and must be presented to the Board at the next regular board meeting.  To assure timely approval, the approval process should be initiated well in advance so that all channels can be approached and the regular Board meeting pattern is observed.  Insufficient time to process requests may cause otherwise meritorious requests to be turned down.  Requests for approval are to be channeled as follows:
    • Complete a formal request and gain approval from the Building Principal (forms may be developed for trips that are not part of the perennial state series of competitions).  Requests should identify the grade, class, or club organization which must appropriately identify the group.  The number of students should be specified and the trip itinerary shall be completed.
    • Following Principal approval, submit the request to the Activity Director (reminder that fund raising activities for trips and other purposes are to have advanced Activity Director approval).
    • The Activity Director will submit formal request to the Board for approval or may authorize the sponsor/coach to submit the request.  Such requests are to be made through the Superintendent.
    • Board action on perennial requests such as state series competition will normally be acted upon in the meeting in which presented.  Other requests will usually be discussed at one Board meeting and voted for approval at the next regular meeting.
  1. All trips known or reasonably anticipated for the school year should be submitted to the Board during the September or October Board meetings.  This includes all the possible state competitions that might involve over-night stays during the year.
  1. Federal law requires that any trip involving school transportation out-of-state must have an identifiable educational purpose.
  1. Use of school vehicles requires an adult, non-student, driver subject to administrative approval.  Strong preference is that the driver(s) be regular school employees.
  1. A partial listing of criteria for approval of overnight trips includes:
  • Trips which are in-state have priority over out-of-state trips.
  • Routine Activities are Activities sanctioned by the state activities organizations or regents or mainstream collegiate organizations, and have a preference over other activities when part of the state series.
  • A Non-Routine Activities request should include a written statement of:
    • Educational purpose(s) or goals, benefits, an/or expectations.
    • School equipment or transportation requested (out of pocket expenses will be an activity cost).
    • Preparatory or follow-up activities that are planned.
    • Method of financing the trip.
    • Method of selecting participants.
    • Number and tentative identification of adult sponsors.
    • Itinerary.
  • Activities which significantly provide monetary or other rewards for the coach/sponsor(s) will be discouraged.
  • Trips which are inclusive for all members of an identifiable group (team, club, band, etc.) are favored over those which exclude members.
  • Equitable access based upon clearly publicized criteria for exclusion is desired.
  • High cost activities and activities for which lack of financing is a reason for exclusion are discouraged.
  • Regular trips in the “field trip” category are discouraged as overnight trips.
  • Normally Non-Routine trips are not to cause students to miss school for more than one day.



(June, 1986; November 17, 1997; March 21, 2011; January 19, 2015; August 19, 2019)