2024.01.03 Regular and Closed Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on January 3, 2024 for a Regular Session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts. 

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, Jackie Ellenbecker, Rick Hopper, and Megan Thiessen.  Absent:  None.  Quorum Present.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Jasmine Kimrey, Sawyer Hudson, Sam Peska, Heather Gould with the Central Rivers Area Education Agency, Travis Squires with Piper Sandler, Laurie Baack, Joy Schirmer, Kathy Wilkerson, Seth Koch, Mike Carnahan, Jon Huebner, Jeff & Michelle Schroeder, Christine McFate, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the agenda with moving Reports #3.  Sam Peska to #1 in reports and adding George Kuhter, Chris McFate, and Kris Collins to action item H.  Early Retirement Applicants.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from the December 18, 2023 regular meeting, minutes from the December 21, 2023 special session, and bills for payment.  The motion carried. 

Public Comment - None

Sam Peska, along with 4th grade student Sawyer Hudson, presented to the Board on the Trojan Academy. 

Heather Gould, Assigned Administrator with the Central Rivers AEA to STC, presented to the Board on what programs and services they offer to ensure all Iowa children have equal opportunity for an exceptional education. 

Travis Squires, Managing Director with Piper Sandler, reviewed the capital financing plan with the Board.

The STC Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) team presented on STC’s current TLC program and what it looks like at all levels.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Skyler Steveson - Agricultural Education Teacher and Amanda Husak - ELL Teacher

Volunteers:  Dan Quigley - HS Large Group Speech Assistant and Curtis Keahna - HS,MS, & Elementary variety of volunteering

Officials:  HS Basketball  - Mark Janssen, Allan Drees, Dewayne Johnson, and James Crozier

Motion by Wiese, second by Ellenbecker to approve Superintendent Cain to write a letter of advocacy to support the AEA.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Ellenbecker, second by Hopper to approve obtaining a gambling license through the school for the February 3rd archery competition.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Ahlers & Cooney Invoice, in the amount of $45,437.34, for professional service expenses in relation to the sale of the revenue bonds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Ellenbecker to approve the Garling Change Order Request 020, in the amount of $89,123.26, to bring the existing building sprinkler system up to code at the new middle school.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the application to the School Budget Review Committee for the At Risk/Dropout Prevention modified supplemental amount of $267,320.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Dorsey invoice, in the amount of $15,000.00, for current legal fees in regards to the sale of the revenue bonds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to accept the Early Retirement Requests meeting Board Policy 401.07R1 for Stan Avery - Custodial/Maintenance, Laurie Baack - Instructional Coach, Melody Cole - 1st Grade Teacher, Calvin Johnson - Custodian, Marsha Keahna - High School PE Teacher, Alice Koch - 1st Grade Teacher, Debra Lenhart - Elementary Kitchen Manager, Thomas Mathes - Maintenance, Patricia McCoy - Technology Assistant, Shelly Seth - Elementary Food Service, Jorena Vavra - Elementary Paraeducator, Patricia Vincent - High School Spanish & Health Teacher, Donald Weiermann - Bus Driver, George Kuhter - Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies, Chris McFate - K-1 Music, 5-6 Music, & HS Vocal, and Kris Collins - Elementary Assistant Principal.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the first reading of the following policies:  102 E1 - Equal Educational Opportunity - Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination (Revised) and 402.03 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees (Formerly Known As (FKA) 403.02).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the second reading of the following policies (these will need a third reading):  407.05 - Licensed Employee Reduction in Force; 413.05 - Classified Employee Reduction in Force, 501.03 - Compulsory Attendance; 503.08 R1 - Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence - Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence; 505.08 - Parent and Family Engagement District - Wide Policy (Formerly Parental Involvement); 705.01-R1 - Purchasing-Bidding-Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contracts Procedure (New); 705.04-R1 - Expenditures for a Public Purpose - Use of Public Fund Regulation (New); and 707.05-R1 - Internal Controls - Procedures (New).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the final reading of the following policies:   404-R1 - Employee Conduct and Appearance - Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation (New); 404-R2 - Employee Conduct and Appearance - Code of Rights and Responsibilities Regulation (New); 405.01 - Licensed Employee Defined; 405.02 - Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection; 405.08 - Licensed Employee Evaluation,  505.08 R1 - Parent and Family Engagement District-Wide Policy (Formerly Parental Involvement) - Building-Level Regulation; 704.07 - Sale of Bonds (Formerly Known As 804.05); 704.03 - Investments (New) (Third Reading); and 707.04 - Audit (Formerly Known As 804.04).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

The Board discussed the possibilities of a Voted PPEL election and weighed pros and cons. 

The Board decided to table the Better Boardsmanship Activity for a later date.

Mr. Cain has updated his superintendent goals and will clarify during his evaluation.  Internally, the administrative team and staff will continue to process the district’s identified items for projected savings list.  Eventually, it will come back to Board work sessions as we process it and ultimately, it will lead to the District’s finalized plan.  The collection of change orders for the middle school will be accessible to the Board to view.  There is no need to do anything with this collection, other than be aware that it summarizes recently approved change order requests.

Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to enter into Closed Session at 8:30 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  All Ayes.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to come out of closed session at 9:23 p.m.  All Ayes.   

Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 9:24 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                      Katie Mathern, Board Secretary