2024.11.25 Regular and Closed Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on November 25, 2024 for a regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, Joe Hanus, and Rick Hopper.  Megan Thiessen was absent.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Seth Koch, Scott Bolen, Sam Peska, and  members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.  The motion carried

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the following consent agenda items:  minutes from the November 11, 2024 regular session, bills for payment as presented, financials, and the Midwest Alarm Services Basic Agreement.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m.

Ms. Mathern called the Organizational Meeting to order at 5:06 p.m.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Elizabeth Dolezal, Beth Wiese, Joe Hanus, and Rick Hopper.  Megan Thiessen was absent.  Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Seth Koch, Scott Bolen, Sam Peska, and  members of the community through Google Hangouts.

Ms. Mathern accepted nominations for Board President.  Board member Beth Wiese nominated Elizabeth Dolezal, which was seconded by Joe Hanus.  Receiving no other nominations, the motion passed to unanimously elect Elizabeth Dolezal as Board President for the next year. 

Ms. Mathern administered the Oath of Office to Elizabeth Dolezal as Board President.

President Dolezal accepted nominations for Board Vice President.  Board member Beth Wiese nominated Rick Hopper, which was seconded by Joe Hanus.  Receiving no other nominations, the motion passed to unanimously elect Rick Hopper as Board Vice President for the next year.

President Dolezal administered the Oath of Office to Rick Hopper as Board Vice President. 

Public Comment - Seth Koch presented benefits of offering Early Retirement this year.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the agenda, with the addition of personnel as the first action item (list was included in agenda but not as an individual item for approval).  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Sam Peska presented on the Partnership Center and District Student Services. 

The Board discussed the new middle school gymnasium projection system.  The current plans include a sound system. 

Katie Mathern discussed the tentative timeline associated with the certified budget. 

The Education Support Personnel Salary Supplement (classified staff only) was discussed.  The District qualified for just over $38,000 (net). 

The Board discussed offering a CDL reimbursement similar to other reimbursement packages the District offers.  This will align with similar District reimbursement packages. 

The Board discussed the possibility of a 2024-2025 Early Retirement Package.  The Board had a lengthy discussion relating to Board Policy 407.06 and options related to an early retirement package.

The middle school update included a discussion related to Board members taking a tour of the current middle school and new middle school.  This is scheduled to begin at 4:45 p.m. on Monday, December 9th. 

A couple of Board members and Superintendent Cain attended the IASB conference last week.  They participated in a cell phone panel discussion, as well as attended numerous sessions. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Hires:  Todd Anderson - High School Special Education Paraeducator and David Reisner - High School Special Education Paraeducator

Resignations:  Cort Ahrens - High School Assistant Football Coach, David Nitz - Middle School Baseball Coach, and Stacy Leach - Transportation

Transfers:  Jenniffer Gross from PHS Special Education Paraeducator to High School Special Education Paraeducator, Ellen Moran from Musical Technical Director to Musical Director, and John Loos from Musical Director to Musical Technical Director

Officials:  High School Basketball - Jay Freese, Tim Zaputil, Cody Boozell, Paul Elser, and Kyle Clark and High School Wrestling - Fabian Brandenburg and Travis Smith

Volunteers:  Taylor Moran and Tyler Moran

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $9,050.75, for construction administration/close-out, furniture, and commissioning-construction.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP Quote, in the amount of $8,540.00, for the additional wrestling room upgrade to software and adding microphone and switches, with off-site monitoring.  All Ayes.  The motion carried. 

Motion by Hopper, second by Hanus to table the Middle School Gym Projection System until an updated quote is received.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve application to the SBRC for Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2023, in the amount of $133,800.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Hopper, second by Hanus to approve the application to the SBRC for ELL Beyond 5 Years, in the amount of $120,285.00.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve FY 2024 Treasurer’s Annual Settlement.   All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the RC Systems invoice, in the amount of $50,000.00, for equipment and installation of cameras at the middle school.  This will be paid for with the Safety Grant funds.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper  to approve the first reading of the following policies:  103 R1 - Long-Range Needs Assessment - Regulation, 105 - Assistance Animals, 106.01 E1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Notice of Discrimination, 106.01 R1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Education on Title IX Purpose and Requirements, 106.01 R2 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Nondiscrimination in Pregnancy and Related Conditions, 106.01 R3 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Responding to Complaints of Sex Discrimination, 106.01 R4 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Grievance Procedure, 106.01 R5 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Informal Resolution Procedure, 501.13 - Students of Legal Age, 503.06 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students, 503.06 E1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Documentation Form, 503.06 E2 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Debriefing Letter to Guardian of Student Involved in and Occurrence Where Physical Restraint was Used, and 503.06 R1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Regulation.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the second reading of the following policies:  210.08 E1 - Board Meeting Agenda (Public Hearing), 507.03 - Communicable Diseases - Students (FKA 507.05), 507.04 - Student Illness or Injury at School (FKA 507.06), 507.05 - Emergency Plans and Drills (FKA 507.08), 507.07 - Custody and Parental Rights (new), 507.08 - Student Special Health Services (FKA 507.02), 507.08 R1 - Student Special Health Services - Regulation (new), 508.01 - Class or Student Group Gifts (FKA 504.11), 508.02 - Open Night (new), 605.03 E3 - Objection to Instructional and Library Materials - Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional Materials (new), and 705.02 - Credit Card and Procurement Cards (FKA 803.02 R1).  Also, to bring back policy 407.06 - Employee Early Retirement and 507.06 - Student Insurance (FKA 507.09) for a third reading.  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the fourth reading of the following policies:  503.09 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices and 503.09 R1 - Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices - Regulation (new).  All Ayes.  The motion carried.

Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA. 

The Board took a recess from 8:05 p.m. to 8:12 p.m., before going into the Closed Session.

Motion by Hanus, second by Wiese to enter into Closed session at 8:13 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code subsection 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to come out of Closed Session at 8:54 p.m.

Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.


Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President                   Katie Mathern, Board Secretary