The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on January 13, 2025 for regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.
The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.
On call of the roll the following were present: Elizabeth Dolezal, Rick Hopper, Joe Hanus, Megan Thiessen, and Beth Wiese. Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Sam Peska, Steve Chyma, Dorothy Zmolek, Shelly Riley, Karen Mixdorf, Lori Baier, Denise Fletcher, Jeff Shaw, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.
Public Comment - None
Motion by Hopper, second by Wiese to approve the agenda. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes of the December 9, 2025 work session and regular session; bills for payment; Field Placement Affiliation Agreement Between Grand Canyon University and South Tama County Community School District; Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement Amendment; Indoor Hitting Facility Agreement; Midwest Beef Systems donation in the amount of $1,000.00 for the drumline equipment; Vincit Company donation in the amount of $5,000.00 for the drumline equipment; K&M Sanitation donation in the amount of $1,000.00 for drumline equipment; STC Activity Boosters donation in the amount of $665.00 for Winter sports posters; and early graduation request for the following: Luis Castanon (December 2024), Yonnys Nunez (December 2024), Inez Davenport (December 2024), Dane Mellies (December 2024), Brooklyn Mitchell (May 2026 - one year early), and Seth Payn (January 2026). All Ayes. The motion carried.
Superintendent Cain gave the Board an update on the new middle school. Playground materials are on site and the gym floor is being installed.
Mr. Cain reviewed the Work-based Learning Services Report with the Board, which reflects the work the AEA has done at the Partnership Center.
Jane Miller, with ISG, presented the proposed new middle school furniture online to the Board. The furniture package is ready for bid and will be released in the near future.
Karen Mixdorf and Hometown Action Team presented on their community-based group and announced the Safe Routes to School Grant has been approved to enhance community pathways/sidewalks.
Steve Chyma answered a few questions and reviewed topics related to transportation technology.
Superintendent Cain informed the Board about Safe and Sound Iowa, an anonymous school violence reporting tool. He reviewed the attendance reports and data shows there has been improvements Districtwide. The Board discussed current open positions in the District, and Mr. Cain shared the recommendation of the transfer of Ben Adams and Scott Bolen from the middle school administrative team to the high school administrative team at the end of this current school year. The District is preparing to advertise the current middle school, Partnership Center, “old” junior high football area, and tennis courts and area by the current middle school for sale. Two members of the STC Board and three members of the North Tama Community School District Board held a meeting in December to review our operational sharing agreements.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Hires: Justin Gates - Head Middle School Baseball Coach, Ashley Raue - Head 8th Grade Girls Track, Tommy Mathes - PM Bus Route, Tracy Everts - Elementary Special Education Paraeducator, and Elizabeth Serrano Mercado - Elementary Special Education Paraeducator
Resignations: Amy Karg - High School Assistant Principal, Robert Tyynismaa - Middle School & High School Cross Country, and Seth Koch - Assistant Varsity Football Coach
Officials: High School Wrestling - Andrew May and Middle School Girls Wrestling - Brandon Defoe, Patrick Kopsa, Curt Hilmer, Joe Fontenot, Travis Smith, and John Bartello
Mentor Contract - Sarah Klopping
Speech Contest Judges (1/25/2025): Sheila Benson, Chris McFate, Lois Long, Debbie Iverson, Stacey Ward, Steve Ryan, Morgan McFate, Annika Wall, Katie Konkler, Missy Jesina, Mary Fasse-Shaw, Liz Hansen, Micki Stonewall, and Jon Huebner
Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to accept the Early Retirement Requests meeting Board Policy 407.06 for Seth Koch - Instructional Coach, Lon Wilkerson - K-4 PE Teacher, Micki Stonewall - Elementary Title I Teacher, and Robert Tyynismaa - High School Math Teacher. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the Push-Pedal-Pull purchase recommendation, in the amount of $58,836.56, for the new middle school fitness equipment. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the Central Rivers Area Education Agency invoice, in the amount of $12,805.50, for Multi-Occupations Coordinator (MOC) - First Semester and Networking Support Services - Monthly Billing. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to appoint Rick Hopper as the Poweshiek County Conference Board Representative. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction COR #0115, in the amount of $9,441.07, to add amplifiers to the paging system per Owners request. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction COR #0104R, in the amount of $54,887.75, for the South side retaining wall. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Garling Construction pay application #16, in the amount of $948,251.29, for contractor services. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to table the SU Insurance Company 2025 Renewal Proposal, in the amount of $148,745.00. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the West Music bid/quotation, in the amount of $19,215.53, for drumline equipment. This will be paid for with donations. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to grant permission to Andy Moran to use the STC Trojan logo. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the ISG invoice, in the amount of $12,534.47, for furniture, commissioning - construction, and additional services - retaining wall. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the application to the School Budget Review Committee for the AtRisk/Dropout Prevention modified supplemental amount of $208,165.00. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve updating the handbooks to reflect allowing reimbursement of payment for S Endorsement (CDL). All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Hopper, second by Hanus to approve the first reading of the following policies: 102 - Educational Opportunity, 401.01 - Equal Employment Opportunity, 501.09 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy, 603.08 - Teaching about Religion, 603.08 R1 - Teaching About Religion - Regulation - Religious Holidays, 710.01 - School Food Program, 710.01 E1 - School Food Program - Child Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaint Form, 710.01 R1 - School Food Program - School Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaints Procedure. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the second reading of the following policies and bring back all of the “new” policies for a third reading: 401.03 - Nepotism (FKA 402.10), 401.05 - Employee Records (FKA 404.01), 401.05 R1 - Employee Records - Regulation ( FKA 404.01 R1), 401.06 - Limitations to Employment References (New), 401.07 - Employee Travel Compensation (FKA 404.03), 401.08 - Recognition for Service of Employees (FKA 404.05), 401.09 - Employee Political Activity (FKA 402.08), 401.11 - Employee Orientation (New), 401.12 - Employee Use of Cell Phones (New), 401.12 R1 - Employee Use of Cell Phones - Regulation (New), 402.01 - Release of Credit Information (FKA 404.02), 402.03 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees, 402.04 - Gifts to Employees (FKA 402.11), 402.06 - Employee Outside Employment (FKA 402.05), 403.01 - Employee Physical Examinations (FKA 405.01), 4036.05 - Substance-Free Workplace (FKA 405.05), 403.05 R1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Regulation (New), 403.05 E1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Notice to Employees (FKA 405.05 E1), and 403.06 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (FKA 405.06). All Ayes. The motion carried.
Mr. Cain reviewed upcoming events with the Board.
Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.
The next Board meeting will be on Monday, January 27, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President Katie Mathern, Board Secretary