The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on December 9, 2024 for a work session starting at the STC Middle School, Toledo, Iowa at 4:45 p.m.
On call of the roll the following were present: Elizabeth Dolezal, Rick Hopper, Joe Hanus, Megan Thiessen, and Beth Wiese. Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Steve McAdoo, and Ben Adams.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the agenda. All Ayes. The motion carried
The Board toured the old middle school to explore the potential future uses of the space. The Board then moved on to the new middle school to review the construction progress made so far. Afterward, they toured the Partnership Center gymnasium.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 p.m.
The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on December 9, 2024 for regular session at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 6:00 p.m. with some members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.
The Board and guests stated the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the District’s mission statement.
On call of the roll the following were present: Elizabeth Dolezal, Rick Hopper, Joe Hanus, Megan Thiessen, and Beth Wiese. Also present were: Superintendent John Cain, Board Secretary Katie Mathern, Mary Mixdorf, Seth Koch, Lon Wilkerson, Kevin Nelson, Steve McAdoo, Janelle Pirkl, and members of the community through Google Hangouts.
Public Comment - Seth Koch and Kevin Nelson addressed the Board regarding early retirement and shared their views.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the agenda. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes of the November 25, 2024 regular meeting, minutes of the December 3, 2024 special meeting, bills for payment, financials, CEC Proactive Maintenance Inspection Proposal, Scharnweber donation in the amount of $2,500.00 for the high school drumline equipment, Iowa Premium Beef donation in the amount of $2,500.00 for the high school drumline, and multiple free-will donations totaling $1,100.89 from the intersquad wrestling meet for the wrestling program. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Janelle Pirkl presented to the Board on the Iowa School Performance Profile.
Superintendent Cain gave the Board a School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) update.
The Board discussed current open positions in the District.
The Board provided feedback on the new middle school based upon the tour taken during the work session.
Mr. Cain and the Board recognized and congratulated the STC high school band director, Mike Carnahan, for receiving the Post 6607 National Citizenship Education Teacher Award for 2024. This award is given to outstanding teachers who go above and beyond in instilling the values of patriotism, citizenship, and service in our youth.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Hires: Dave Cantonwine - Assistant Varsity Softball Coach, Kodi Hillman - Head 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, Andrew Walton - Assistant 7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, Estrella Fonseca - K-4 ELL Paraeducator, Brianna Morrison - 7th Grade Writing Teacher, and Sue Kaloupek - Lied Center Driver
Resignations: Robert Boley - High School Principal (effective 6/30/2025) and Tracy Glockl - Elementary Special Education Paraeducator
Transfers: Carly Bolhuis from Trojan Academy Teacher to Elementary ELL Teacher
Officials: Wayne Ritscher - High School Basketball, Brandon Dufoe - Middle School Wrestling, and Travis Smith - Middle School Wrestling
Volunteers: Taylor Moran and Tyler Moran
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Education Support Personnel Salary Supplement to be distributed as presented. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to table the middle school gym projection system quote until an updated quote is received. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Hopper to approve TFD Photo & Film’s contract for elementary, middle, and high school portraits, along with sports and activities portraits. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Vikin Inspection Agreement, in the amount of $8,600.00 over 5 years, for annual fire sprinkler inspections. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the Garling Construction COR #0112, in the amount of $8,729.16, to change locks on doors per the owner’s request. Ayes: Hanus, Thiessen, and Wiese. Nays: Hopper The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Thiessen to approve the Garling Construction COR #0108R, in the amount of $7,699.12, for changes to engineered breakers, which resulted from discrepancies between the shop drawings. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the Garling Construction pay application #15, in the amount of $1,640,640.14, for contractor services. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Hanus to approve the Kay L. Chapman invoice, in the amount of $6,691.39, for the fieldwork portion of the fiscal year 2024 audit. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to authorize the business office to pay additional vendor payments during December 2024, as are due and payable prior to the January 13, 2025 Board meeting. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to approve the first reading of the following policies: 401.03 - Nepotism (FKA 402.10), 401.05 - Employee Records (FKA 404.01), 401.05 R1 - Employee Records - Regulation ( FKA 404.01 R1), 401.06 - Limitations to Employment References (New), 401.07 - Employee Travel Compensation (FKA 404.03), 401.08 - Recognition for Service of Employees (FKA 404.05), 401.09 - Employee Political Activity (FKA 402.08), 401.11 - Employee Orientation (New), 401.12 - Employee Use of Cell Phones (New), 401.12 R1 - Employee Use of Cell Phones - Regulation (New), 402.01 - Release of Credit Information (FKA 404.02), 402.03 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees, 402.04 - Gifts to Employees (FKA 402.11), 402.06 - Employee Outside Employment (FKA 402.05), 403.01 - Employee Physical Examinations (FKA 405.01), 4036.05 - Substance-Free Workplace (FKA 405.05), 403.05 R1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Regulation (New), 403.05 E1 - Substance-Free Workplace - Notice to Employees (FKA 405.05 E1), and 403.06 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (FKA 405.06). All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Hopper, second by Thiessen to approve the second reading of the following policies: 103 R1 - Long-Range Needs Assessment - Regulation, 105 - Assistance Animals, 106.01 E1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Notice of Discrimination, 106.01 R1 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Education on Title IX Purpose and Requirements, 106.01 R2 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Nondiscrimination in Pregnancy and Related Conditions, 106.01 R3 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Responding to Complaints of Sex Discrimination, 106.01 R4 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Grievance Procedure, 106.01 R5 - Title IX - Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited - Informal Resolution Procedure, 501.13 - Students of Legal Age, 503.06 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students, 503.06 E1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Documentation Form, 503.06 E2 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Debriefing Letter to Guardian of Student Involved in and Occurrence Where Physical Restraint was Used, and 503.06 R1 - Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students - Regulation. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hopper to approve the third reading of the following policies: 407.06 - Employee Early Retirement (FKA 407.06) and 507.06 - Student Insurance (FKA 507.09). All Ayes. The motion carried.
Mr. Cain reviewed upcoming events with the Board.
Each Board member presented a “positive” they have witnessed in the District or their role as a Board member.
The next Board meeting will be on Monday, January 13, at 5:00 p.m., at the Partnership Center, Tama IA.
Motion by Thiessen, second by Hanus to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m.
Elizabeth Dolezal, Board President Katie Mathern, Board Secretary