401.08 - Employee Suspension

Employees will perform their assigned job, respect and follow board policy, and obey the law.  The superintendent may discipline an employee for violation of the policies, regulations and rules of the school district; for violation of state and/or federal law; and/or for other conduct that impacts job performance.

Warnings, reprimands, or other disciplinary action may be in writing, should be communicated to the teacher or other employee, and may be included in the teacher’s or other employee’s personnel file.

The superintendent is authorized to suspend an employee pending board action on a discharge, for investigation of charges against the employee, for reasons related to staff and student safety, and for disciplinary purposes.  In the event of a suspension, appropriate due process will be followed.  It is within the discretion of the superintendent to suspend an employee with or without pay.

In case of suspension without pay, the superintendent shall give written notice of the reasons for the suspension without pay, and the employee shall have an opportunity to respond to the reasons before action is taken to suspend without pay.  The superintendent shall review the reasons for the suspension and any response by the employee, and make a determination whether there are reasonable grounds to believe the reasons are true and support the suspension without pay.  The superintendent’s determination shall be in writing, should be given to the teacher or other employee, and should be placed in the employee’s personnel file.



(September 19, 1988; June 15, 1992; June 18, 2012; January 19, 2015; June 10, 2019)