2020.09.08 Board Minutes

                                                    PUBLIC HEARING AND SPECIAL SESSION

                                                     OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE

                                          COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SOUTH TAMA COUNTY


The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on September 8, 2020 for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Use of SAVE Revenue for an Athletic Facility Infrastructure Project at the Partnership Center, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with some members of the board and community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Ron Houghton, Mandy Lekin, Penny Tyynismaa and Clint Werner.  Absent:  Alan Kline.  Quorum Present.

Also present were: Jared Smith, Mary Boege and several members of the community.

Motion by Houghton second by Lekin to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.

Public Hearing

President Tyynismaa opened the Public Hearing for the proposed use of SAVE Revenue for an Athletic Facility Infrastructure Project at 5:00 p.m. and asked for public comments. 

Deb Backen voiced concerns that the SAVE Funds would be better used for the Middle School or Partnership Center instead of the tennis courts at this time.

President Tyynismaa asked for a motion to close the Public Hearing.

Motion by Houghton, second by Lekin to close the Public Hearing at 5:03 p.m.  All Ayes.

The Special Session was called to order at 5:04 p.m.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Ron Houghton, Mandy Lekin, Penny Tyynismaa and Clint Werner.  Absent:  Alan Kline  Quorum Present. 

Also present were: Jared Smith and  Mary Boege and several members of the community.

Motion by Houghton, second by Lekin to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.

Public Comments - None

Motion by Lekin, second by Houghton to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.

Contracts - Tiffany Bridgewater - Assistant 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, Lon Wilkerson - Assistant 7th Grade Volleyball Coach

Motion by Houghton, second by Lekin to adopt the Resolution Supporting The Proposed Use of SAVE Revenue For an Athletic Facility Infrastructure Project.  All Ayes

Motion by Lekin, second by Werner to approve the Street Smarts Contract for Driver's Education as presented for the 2021 to 2023 school years.  All Ayes.

Brad Beck from Beck Engineering presented the three bids that were received for the Tennis Court Project.  Midwest Tennis and Track - $571,590.64, Minturn - $624,863.00 and Vieth Construction - $573,362.00.  The Board will act on the bids at the September 23, 2020 board meeting.

Motion by Lekin, second by Werner to approve the COVID-19 Supplemental Policy Provisions as updated  All Ayes.

Superintendent Smith presented the IASB Legislative Priorities for the Board to review.  It will be brought back to the next meeting. 

The Board was updated on the Return to Learn plan and how the first day of school went by the building principals and directors. 

Motion by Houghton, second by Lekin to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 p.m.

Penny Tyynismaa, Board President                               Mary Boege, Board Secretary