2021.11.01 Regular Session






The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met in Regular Session on November 1, 2021 at the Elementary School, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Penny Tyynismaa, Mandy Lekin, Clint Werner, and Ronald Houghton. Absent: Alan Kline. Quorum Present. Also present were: Jared Smith, Randy Denham, Samantha Peska, building principals, and several members of the community.

Motion by Lekin, second by Houghton to approve the agenda.  All Ayes.

Motion by Houghton, second by Lekin to approve the following consent agenda items: Minutes from the October 18, 2021 regular meeting; Bills for payment as presented; and a three-year agreement with The Shredder for document disposal services. All Ayes.

Public Comments – Jim Roan addressed the Board about the proposed Middle School project. Mr. Roan shared his experiences on the various projects he has assisted the School District and the community with over the years. Mr. Roan asked the Board to consider all factors involved when looking at building a brand-new Middle School versus using an existing facility such as the Juvenile Home. Mr. Roan thanked the Board for all of their hard work and service.

Motion by Lekin, second by Werner to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes.

New Hires:  Lon Wilkerson – HS Head Varsity Softball Coach; Jeff Niedermann – HS Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach.  

Transfers: Katie Schuett – From full time District-wide Substitute to Elementary Special Education Teacher

Resignations: Rick Hopper – MS 7th/8th Boys Basketball Coach; Lon Wilkerson – HS Assistant Varsity Softball Coach

Volunteers: Baron Davis – Wrestling; Mike Wedmore – HS Boys Basketball; Jason Arp – MS/HS Wrestling; Mike Carnahan – Esports Team DEC; Daniel Kass – Esports Team Coach

Officials: Seth Koch – HS 9th Boys Basketball; Eugene Ubben – 7th Grade Girls Basketball, 8th Grade Boys Basketball; David Lee – MS Girls & Boys Track & Field; David Nitz – 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball; Robert Averill – 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball; Jeremy Weiermann  - 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball

Anthony Jahr and Mike Carnahan presented a proposed large Music trip for High School students from May 25, 2022-May 30, 2022. Discussion occurred regarding the timing of the trip and potential scheduling conflicts with semester tests, potential snow days, and summer sports seasons.

Motion by Houghton, second by Werner to approve the 2022 Large Band Trip to Los Angeles, CA from May 25, 2022-May 30, 2022. Ayes: Lekin, Hougton, Werner. Nays: Tyynismaa. The motion carried.

Mr. Jahr asked the Board if they would like to open up the use of facilities to outside organizations again as the District has started to receive requests. Motion by Houghton, second by Lekin to approve allowing outside groups to start renting STC facilities again.  All Ayes.

Mr. Jahr and Mr. Carnahan presented a request to approve the addition of an ESports Team to South Tama. Mr. Jahr reviewed the State sanctioned governing requirements for the program. Mr. Jahr explained how the program would be set up and run in the District. Motion by Lekin, second by Houghton to approve the addition of an Esports Team for students. All Ayes.

Motion by Houghton, second by Lekin to approve the Impact Aid Indian Policies and Procedures as presented for the 2022-2023 school year. All Ayes.

Motion by Lekin, second by Werner to approve the application to the School Budget Review Committee in the amount of $2,079.98 for special education administrative costs associated with the River Hills Consortium program for the 2022-2023 school year. All Ayes.

Dr. Smith provided the Board an update from the most recent Middle School Task Force meeting. Dr. Smith stated that there would be community input meetings during the month of November for the Middle School Project. At the last Middle School Task Force meeting it had been discussed and decided to move forward with a communications firm.

The Board discussed concerns around the process and whether now was the right time to move forward with a communications firm for the Middle School Project. The Board discussed potentially having work sessions with the Task Force in the near future to discuss the project and options in more detail.  

Motion by Houghton, second by Werner to table the decision for the use of Donovan Group as the Communications Firm to assist with the Middle School Project to a future meeting. Ayes: Lekin, Houghton, Werner. Nays: Tyynismaa. The motion carried.  

Samantha Peska shared the 2020-2021 ISASP results with the Board. Mrs. Peska reviewed the steps the District is taking to address learning loss. Each of the building principals briefly shared the various programs being done in each of their buildings to help students.

Dr. Smith provided a COVID update to the Board. Dr. Smith shared the most recent COVID Dashboard numbers and shared custodial staff cleaning expectations with the Board.

Dr. Smith gave an updated timeline from the Middle School Task Force. Dr. Smith proposed moving the December Board meeting to December 13th. Dr. Smith also proposed changing the dates for the January and February Board meetings due to regularly scheduled Board meetings falling on holidays. Dr. Smith provided the following dates for the January and February Board Meetings: January 10, 2022, January 24, 2022, February 7, 2022, and February 22, 2022. Dr. Smith stated that Board meetings could resume back to the first and third Monday of each month starting in March. The Board stated that these dates would work for them.

Motion by Lekin, second by Werner to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m.  All Ayes.

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Penny Tyynismaa, Board President                     Randy Denham, Board Secretary