2022.06.21 Regular Session




The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on June 21, 2022 for a Regular Session at the Elementary School, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.

On call of the roll the following were present:  Mandy Lekin, Penny Tyynismaa, and Elizabeth Dolezal. Absent: Clint Werner, Beth Wiese. Quorum Present. Also present were: Superintendent Dr. Jared Smith, Board Secretary Randy Denham, Director of Curriculum Samantha Peska, John Cain, and several members of the community.

Dr. Smith stated that High School Principal Mark Groteluschen had submitted his resignation over the weekend and asked to have it added to the Personnel portion of the agenda. Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to approve the agenda with the addition to Personnel presented. All Ayes. The motion carried.

Motion by Dolezal, second by Tyynismaa to approve the following consent agenda items: Minutes from the June 6, 2022 regular session; bills for payment and monthly financial statements as presented; agreement with Viking Sprinkler for annual fire safety inspections; agreement with Buena Vista University for field experience, student teaching, practicum, and internships. All Ayes. The motion carried.

Public Comments – None

Board member Wiese arrived at 5:05 p.m.

Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests.  All Ayes. The motion carried.

Resignations: Mark Groteluschen – High School Principal (Resignation approved once suitable replacement has been found)

New Hires: Haley Mengler – 2nd Grade Teacher; Riley Barrett – District Wide Sub Teacher (MS Focus); Kodi Hillman – 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach; Leah Founa – Assistant MS Volleyball Coach; Steve Chyma – Head MS Girls Wrestling Coach; Lon Wilkerson – Assistant MS Boys Basketball Coach; Cassie Sokol – District Wide Sub Teacher (Elem Focus); Callie Hulst – MS Special Ed and PE Para; Amber Robson – Superintendent Administrative Assistant

Transfers: Brintley Elsbury – From Elementary Para to Behavior Interventionist

Dr. Smith, Director of Curriculum Samantha Peska, and the Building Principals (attending virtually through Google Hangouts) presented the following 2022-2023 handbooks to the Board: Elementary preschool, student, and staff handbooks; Middle School student and staff handbooks; High School student, activities, and staff handbooks; TICU/Trojan Academy handbook, and the TLC handbook. Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to accept the 2022-2023 handbooks as presented. All Ayes. The motion carried.

The Board discussed that per the District Certified Staff Handbook new staff can be given up to seven years of experience on the salary schedule upon hire. The Board discussed the difficulty of filling positions and discussed possibly removing the seven-year cap. The Board asked Administration to gather data on how current staff would be impacted if the cap were to be removed. Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Wiese to table the action on the years of service cap outlined in the Certified Staff Handbook until more information can be gathered by Administration. All Ayes. The motion carried.

Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Wiese to remove current Superintendent, Dr. Jared Smith from all District bank accounts at Lincoln Savings Bank and State Bank of Toledo and to add incoming Superintendent John Cain to District bank accounts at Lincoln Savings Bank and State Bank of Toledo effective July 1, 2022. All Ayes. The motion carried.

Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to approve the first reading of the following Board Policies: 507.09 Wellness; and 507.09R1 Wellness Regulation. All Ayes. The motion carried.

Motion by Dolezal, second by Wiese to approve the second and final reading of the following Board Policies: 100 Legal Status of the School District; and 101 Educational Philosophy of the District. All Ayes. The motion carried.

Dr. Smith shared that he recently received a call from Adam Steen at the State regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement for the transfer of the Iowa Juvenile Home property to the District. Dr. Smith stated that the State is still working on getting the MOU put together as they are having to work with the Attorney General’s Office to complete. Dr. Smith will be reaching out to Mr. Steen to get another update in the near future.

The Board discussed upcoming Board Meeting dates. The Board set the following dates for summer Board meetings: July 11, 2022 – regular session; August 1 – regular session, with work session on the District’s Insurance Plans to follow; August 9, 2022 – work session Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) for a better boardsmanship workshop; August 15, 2022 – regular session; September 6, 2022 – regular session; September 19, 2022 – regular session. The Board stated that all future meetings would move back to the Partnership Center. President Lekin stated that she would like to have an additional work session prior to the August 9 work session with IASB to have some discussions to prepare for that meeting. No date was set for that work session.

John Cain provided an update to the Board regarding the State Apprenticeship program for educators. Mr. Cain stated that the District will be joining the Rural School Advocates of Iowa (RSAI) so that the District could be part of the cohort to allow paraeducators the opportunity to become teachers. Mr. Cain and the Principals will be communicating with paraeducators in the near future to provide more information as there will be a limited number of slots available. Mr. Cain stated that there will be opportunities for students as well and that he will be working with Administrators and staff to look into opportunities for students

Motion by Dolezal, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting at 6:09 p.m.  All Ayes.


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Mandy Lekin, Board President                             Randy Denham, Board Secretary