The Board of Directors of the Community School District of South Tama County met on May 2, 2022 for a Regular Session at the Elementary School, Tama, Iowa at 5:00 p.m. with members of the community attending electronically through Google Hangouts.
On call of the roll the following were present: Mandy Lekin, Penny Tyynismaa, Clint Werner, Elizabeth Dolezal, and Beth Wiese. Absent: None. Quorum Present. Also present were: Superintendent Dr. Jared Smith, Board Secretary Randy Denham, Curriculum Director Samantha Peska, Buildings and Grounds Director Steve McAdoo, John Cain, Tim Verheyen and Nathan Compton from ISG Architects, and several members of the community.
Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Wiese to approve the agenda. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Wiese to approve the following consent agenda items: Minutes from the April 19, 2022 regular meeting and April 27, 2022 special meeting; Bills for payment as presented; and an early graduation request for Oscelor Tyon. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Public Comments – Dixie Forcht thanked the Board for their service to the District.
Craig Knock expressed his support of utilizing a General Contractor delivery method for the upcoming Middle School project as felt it allow the District to better utilize local contractors.
Motion by Dolezal, second by Wiese to approve the following personnel requests. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Resignations: Brittany Hammes – Preschool Teacher; Betty Garcia Bonilla – Elementary ELL Teacher
New Hires: Javier Brockschink – High School Science Teacher
Transfers: Jerrod Bridgewater – From Head 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach to Head 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach; Todd Dale – From Alternative High School Teacher at the Partnership Center to High School Health Teacher
Officials – Daniel Tuuri – Middle School Girls Soccer
Carrie Woerdman from Kading Homes presented to the Board about potential interest in purchasing 8-12 acres just to the west of the Elementary building to potentially put in 100-120 rental housing units.
Director of Curriculum Samantha Peska presented a proposed plan for new Elementary Literacy Curriculum. Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to approve adoption of the Elementary Literacy Curriculum as presented. All Ayes. The motion carried.
The Board reviewed and discussed the following delivery method option for the Middle School Project: Design-Bid-Build; Construction Manager-Agency; and Construction Manager – At Risk. Tim Verheyen from ISG Archtects explained the advantages and disadvantages of each delivery option. Motion by Werner, second by Wiese to approve the Design-Bid-Build utilizing a General Contract as the delivery method for the Middle School Project. Ayes: Tyynismaa, Werner, Wiese. Nays: Dolezal. President Lekin abstained. The motion carried.
Motion by Dolezal, second by Tyynismaa to set a public hearing for the 2021-2022 Certified Budget Amendment for May 16, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at the Elementary. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Director of Finance Randy Denham presented job descriptions and a proposed realignment of duties within the Business Office. Motion by Wiese, second by Werner to approve the Business Office job descriptions and realignment of duties as presented. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to approve the first reading of the following Board Policies: 711.3 Student Transportation; 711.4 Summer School Program Transportation Services; and 711.5 Transportation of Non-Resident and Non-Public School Students. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Motion by Wiese, second by Tyynismaa to approve the second and final reading of the following Board Policies: 707.05 Internal Controls and 710.1 School Nutrition Program. All Ayes. The motion carried.
Mr. Denham informed the Board that Dr. Smith and himself would be meeting with Travis Squires from Piper Sandler on Friday, May 6th to discuss next steps of bond financing for the Middle School Project and invited Board members to attend if able. Dr. Smith updated the Board that ISG would be meeting with Middle School Staff on Thursday, May 13th to discuss next steps of design for the project. President Lekin and Board member Dolezal expressed that they would have liked more time to digest the information received on the delivery method for the middle school project but believe the District is going to deliver a great project.
Dr. Smith thanked the Board for their service in observance of School Board Recognition Month. Dr. Smith presented each of the Board members with a certificate and a plant.
The Board took a ten-minute break prior to entering closed session.
Board member Wiese left the meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Werner to go into closed session at 6:58 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(j) of the open meeting law to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the school district would have to pay or lower the price the board would receive for that property. Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to come out of closed session at 7:24 p.m.
Motion by Tyynismaa, second by Dolezal to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. All Ayes.
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Mandy Lekin, Board President Randy Denham, Board Secretary